The Storm after the Calm

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The ballroom was a whirlwind of colors and music, the laughter of the ton mingling with the strains of the orchestra. Penelope Bridgerton had just finished a lively dance with her husband Anthony, who was now ensnared in an animated discussion with several lords. She was enjoying a brief respite when Eloise appeared at her side, her expression one of barely concealed urgency.

"Pen, thank goodness!" Eloise looped their arms together conspiratorially. "We simply must take a turn about the room this instant."

Penelope raised an eyebrow in confusion, but a quick scan of the room revealed the source of Eloise's distress. Violet was deep in conversation with a promising bachelor and his mother, clearly setting her sights on matchmaking for Eloise. Understanding dawned on Penelope, and she nodded slightly.

"Of course, El. Give me just a moment." She replied, her eyes darting towards the dance floor.

Francesca was in the midst of a graceful dance with John Stirling, her suitor, and Penelope needed to ensure her chaperoning duties were covered. Her gaze found Benedict on the opposite side of the room. Catching his eye, she gave a subtle nod and inclined her head towards Francesca, silently communicating her need for him to take over.

Benedict, ever the perceptive brother, returned her nod with a smile and mouthed "I've got it."

Satisfied, Penelope turned back to Eloise with a reassuring smile. "Shall we?"

Eloise let out a relieved breath, linking her arm with Penelope's. "Thank you, Pen. I don't think I could endure another minute of mama's matchmaking antics."

They began a leisurely stroll around the banquet hall, the grandeur of the Cowper estate on full display. The chandeliers sparkled overhead, casting a warm glow over the elegantly dressed guests. Penelope and Eloise stopped briefly at the refreshments table, each taking a glass of champagne. The bubbles tickled Penelope's nose, and she smiled at Eloise over the rim of her glass.

"Violet means well." Penelope said gently. "But I understand, it can be quite overwhelming."

Eloise rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Overwhelming is an understatement. It's a relentless barrage of eligible bachelors and insistent mothers."

Penelope chuckled, her gaze softening with affection for her sister-in-law. "Perhaps she's just eager to see you as happy as Daphne."

Eloise smiled wryly. "And how is married life with my grumpy brother treating you, Pen? You seem positively radiant, despite him a boor." The brunette snorted as she spoke about her Viscount brother.

Penelope's smile grew wistful. "It's been a dream, really. Anthony is... everything I never knew I wanted. But it's also a great responsibility, managing the household and upholding the Bridgerton name."

They continued their turn around the room. Moving closer to the performing troupe. The musicians played a lively tune, and Eloise's eyes sparkled with appreciation for the music.

"I'm happy for you, Penelope. Truly." Eloise said, her tone sincere. "You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Penelope squeezed Eloise's arm. "Thank you, Eloise. That means a lot."

They stood for a moment near the musicians, enjoying the performance and the rare chance to talk without interruption. The music swelled, filling the room with its joyous notes, and for a brief moment, it was just the two of them, best friends sharing a quiet conversation amid the chaos of the ball.

After the first set of the musicians had completed their performance, Penelope leaned in close to murmur. "I dare say young Miss Carlos has attracted quite the unsavory reputation this season."

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