A Walk in the Park

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The silence between Penelope Featherington and Anthony Bridgerton hung heavily as they strolled the meandering paths of Hyde Park, Penelope's maid trailing at a respectful distance behind. It was a pleasant spring morning, the gentle breeze carrying the sweet scents of fresh blooms and newly unfurled leaves. They exchanged polite smiles and nods with the other promenaders they passed, two figures intimately familiar with the intricate dances of high society.

After several minutes, Anthony broke the quiet between them. "I must admit, your invitation for a stroll took me by surprise." He said, a hint of curiosity coloring his tone. "Though a welcome one. If I may inquire as to the occasion?"

Penelope felt her cheeks warm slightly at his questioning gaze. She had resolved to speak openly with Anthony, and yet the words stuck in her throat. With a small, reserved smile, she replied. "I wished to discuss.. Certain events from last night, if you'll indulge me."

A fleeting shadow dimmed Anthony's eyes before his expression smoothed into one cautious nonchalance. "Last night? And what events might those be?"

Penelope Featherington halted on the path then, turning to face him fully. Holding his storm-brown gaze unwaveringly with her own cerulean one, she said seriously. "I could not help but notice a hint of worry, perhaps even pain, in your expression. It did not escape my notice."

The mask slipped from Anthony's features then, surprise and a glimmer of something more - vulnerability? Fear? - flickering across his countenance as she refused to look away.

"I desire to know what troubles you." Penelope said, her voice gentling. "Please.. Be honest with me, my lord. Share your thoughts."

He was silent for a long moment, jaw tensing as he seemed to wrestle with some internal struggle. When he finally spoke, his voice was strained.

"Truthfully? It... it pained me, to witness Colin's words affect you so deeply last night." Anthony's gaze bored into hers with an intensity that made her breath catch. "You have already suffered such anguish, Penelope. To see you experience more, at the hands of someone who claimed friendship.." He broke off, raking a harsh hand through his chestnut hair.

"It was difficult in ways I cannot describe." Anthony continued roughly. "Because despite everything.. I fear that in the face of Colin's presence, your feelings for him may have been stirred anew." His expression was pained, almost pleading as he reached out to grasp her hands tightly in his own.

"I am terrified that you may still harbor affections for my brother, Penelope. Affections that could supersede any regard you might have for me." The Viscount's voice lowered to just above a whisper. "I am afraid I have lost my chance to win back your heart before you ever realizing I held part of it."

Penelope's heart tightened as the anguish flickered across Anthony's features when he bared his fears of losing her to lingering feelings for Colin. The pain in his eyes tore at her soul. She swore in that moment that she would never again allow such devastation to cloud his countenance.

Raising her hand, she tenderly cupped his cheek, holding his turbulent gaze, damning all propriety. "Oh Anthony.. You have no need to fear such a thing." Her voice ever so gentle, not realizing that she had already dropped addressing him using his title.

Penelope's mind drifted back to the painful events at the night of Featherington ball and the lingering hurt Colin's callous words had inflicted. She knew she owed Anthony an honest reckoning about the affections she had harbored for his brother over the years.

Taking a fortifying breath, she began carefully. "I will not deny that I once held Colin in rather.. Elevated regard." She risked a glance at her betrothed, but his expression remained open and impassive, allowing her to continue uninterrupted.

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