The Breakup

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It was nearly a week after Penelope's hasty flight from Aubrey Hall when the Bridgerton family carriage finally clattered back through the streets of Mayfair. As the footmen scrambled to unload their mountain of trunks and cases, Anthony Bridgerton wasted no time in striding across the square towards the Featherington residence.

His family's cries of protest went entirely unheeded as the Viscount took the front steps two at a time before pounding insistently on the door. He needed to lay eyes on Penelope, reassure himself of her well being after her disappearance. Nothing else mattered until then.

The door finally creaked open to reveal Briarly, the Featheringtons' loyal butler. "Lord Bridgerton." He greeted, raising an eyebrow at Anthony's appearance. "We were not expecting you to call so soon after returning to town."

"I must insist on seeing Miss Featherington immediately." Anthony said brusquely, making to push past the butler.

Briarly held up a hand. "I'm afraid Miss Penelope is out at the modiste presently. Shall I inform her you called when she returns?"

Anthony deflated somewhat at the news, though his shoulders remained taut with tension. "Yes, do ensure she knows I wish to call on her again this evening if at all possible."

"Very good, my lord." Briarly inclined his head deferentially before closing the door once more.

With a frustrated grunt, Anthony pivoted on his heel and started back towards his own family's household. There was nothing for it but to wait, though the thought grated on his very last nerve.

Across town, Penelope Featherington sat in the back workroom of Madame Genevieve Delacroix' modiste shop, listening raptly as her friend recounted the events of the past year and a half regarding Lady Whistledown's gossip empire. She had been piecing together the events that transpired during her incapacitation, and Genevieve had been instrumental in filling in the gaps. The elegant modiste had recounted how Lady Whistledown's issues continued to be published despite Penelope's absence, detailing Eloise Bridgerton's desperate intervention.

Genevieve had described how Eloise, with resolute conviction, had approached her, insisting she knew the modiste was involved in the publications. Eloise had revealed her discovery of Penelope's secret identity as Lady Whistledown and explained the gravity of Penelope's accident and condition. Convinced of the necessity to maintain the ruse, Eloise had persuaded Genevieve to show her how Penelope managed her business. Eloise had taken over the publishing temporarily, ensuring that the ton and, more crucially, the Queen, would not grow suspicious of Whistledown's sudden silence.

Penelope listened intently, a mixture of gratitude and astonishment washing over her.

"I cannot believe Eloise did all this for me.." Penelope breathed utterly gobsmacked. For the span of several heartbeats, she could only gape silently at her modiste friend.

Genevieve nodded. "She was relentless. She feared that any disruption in Whistledown's publications would raise questions, especially about your absence."

Penelope sighed, her thoughts swirling. "Eloise always had a keen sense for the truth. I owe her so much."

The modiste smiled warmly. "We both did what we could to protect you and your secret. Now that you are back, how do you wish to proceed?"

Penelope took a deep breath, the weight of her responsibilities settling on her shoulders. "I need to take back control of Whistledown. The ton is expecting nothing less than my usual sharp wit and insight. But I must also navigate my personal relations, especially with the Viscount.."

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