Back in London

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Anthony, Benedict and Violet Bridgerton exited the dining hall, anxiety weighing heavily on them after the confrontation with Colin. As they reached the foyer, they spotted Eloise ascending the grand staircase, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Eloise!" Anthony immediately zeroes in on his younger sister. "Where is Penelope?"

Eloise froze, panic flitting across her features as she took in the intense gazes of her mother and brothers. How could she begin to explain what had transpired – Penelope regaining her memories only to flee Aubrey Hall in haste?

"Eloise, answer your brother." Violet prompted gently when the young lady remained mute.

Eloise's mouth worked soundlessly for a moment before the words finally tumbled out in a rush. "Penelope received an urgent missive from Lady Featherington requiring her to return to London straightaway. She... Pen had to leave immediately."

The lie felt like ash on Eloise's tongue, bitter and wretched. But she could not bear to ruin her mother's upcoming birthday celebrations with the real reason for Penelope's abrupt departure.

"She wished to convey her deepest regrets for not bidding you all farewell in person." Eloise went on, hating herself a little more with each fabrication. "But she was in such a hurry to depart..."

Anthony's expression crumbled into one of dismay and confusion. "That cannot be the entire truth." He searched Eloise's averted gaze intently. "Did Penelope leave because of what transpired with Colin earlier?"

Eloise's heart stuttered in her chest. So he knew of Colin's foolish actions then. But she could never reveal that Penelope's memories were fully restored - the shock and devastation would be too much for Anthony to bear, especially if he is to learn that his betrothed does not have any idea of their engagement and the love they share.

"She did receive a letter requiring her immediate presence in London." Eloise maintained, sticking to her story with grim resolution. "That is why she left in such haste."

Anthony shook his head slowly, lines of strain etched deep in his forehead. He did not believe his sister, not fully, but neither could he discount that Penelope might had indeed taken her leave of Aubrey Hall. His instincts screamed to take his horse and chase after her carriage immediately. But with Violet's birthday only two days hence, he could not so easily abandon his family.

"I want the truth." He bit out, pinning Eloise with an intense look. "There is more you are not telling me."

Eloise matched his stare, her jaw set mulishly. As much as it pained her to be less than fully candid, she could not bring herself to shatter Anthony's hopes. Not yet.

"The letter from Lady Featherington was most urgent." She repeated, willing her voice not to shake. "That is all you need know for now."

Anthony's fists clenched at his sides, but he gave a terse nod, clearly recognizing the futility of pressing his sister further in that moment. The anguish in his eyes near broke Eloise's heart.

Benedict, sensing the brooding tension in their brother's physique, placed a hand on Anthony's shoulder. "Perhaps we should trust Eloise for now. If Pen had to leave urgently, we can reach out to her once things settle."

Violet nodded, though worry creased her features. "Yes, Portia might have brought up news about Philippa's pregnancy. It should be a pressing matter for the Featheringtons."

Anthony's jaw tightened, but he nodded reluctantly. "Very well. But we will discuss this again. I want to know exactly what happened."

Eloise felt another pang of guilt but continued to maintain her resolve. "Of course, brother. We'll see and speak with Penelope once we're back in London."

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