The Emerald's Revenge

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A palpable tension hung in the air within the confines of the Featherington carriage. Anthony's insistence on joining the ladies had clearly taken Eloise by surprise, leaving an awkward silence in the wake of Penelope's little ploy.

Eloise Bridgerton shot her friend a questioning look, one brow arched expectantly. "Well? Are you going to remind me whose calls we are to make today?"

There was an unmistakable lilt of amusement in her tone, letting Penelope know she was more than willing to play along with whatever scheme she had devised.

Penelope's lips curved into a secretive little smile as she met Anthony's inquisitive stare head-on, not even bothering to hide the playfulness dancing in her eyes. She could not resist allowing her gaze to flit over his frame in a slow, appreciative perusal.

Let the esteemed Viscount Anthony Bridgerton squirm a little under her scrutiny for once.

The carriage rolled to a stop, the footman swiftly moving to open the door. But Anthony had already gained his feet in one fluid motion, determined to be the one to hand the ladies down to the street.

Ever the gentleman – though Penelope intended to test the limits of his polished manners before the day was through.

Eloise's soft gasp drew her attention, those expressive eyes widening as she clearly recognized their location. "Pen? Is this.. Are we meant to be calling on the Smythe-Smiths?"

She sounded almost pained by the prospect, giving Penelope Featherington's arm a subtle pinch as if urging her to reconsider this torturous path.

But Penelope was undeterred, returning the playful gesture with a secretive wink. "Indeed, the Smythe-Smith estate is precisely where I intend to take our party for the afternoon."

Now it was Anthony's turn to appear bemused, his brow furrowing in a most delectable manner. "The Smythe-Smith ladies? But what business could you possibly have with that family?"

His skepticism was evident, clearly underestimating the depth of society Penelope and Eloise had entree into. Penelope Featherington could have kissed his cheek for playing directly into her trap.

Looping her arm through Eloise's, Penelope began ascending the front steps with practice grace, all too aware of Anthony's presence dogging their path as etiquette demanded.

When they reached the imposing front door, she threw one last, impish smile over her shoulder. "Why, to attend to their practices, of course! I simply cannot resist the.. Musical talents of the Smythe-Smith quartet."

The utter bafflement contorting Anthony Bridgerton's handsome face was almost too delicious for words. But Penelope stayed resolutely composed, granting the butler admittance with a serene smile and quiet murmur of thanks.

Behind her, Eloise poorly smothered a burst of laughter, shaking her head in grudging admiration. Her friend was an absolute hellion beneath that sweet facade – Anthony wouldn't know what hit him!

For Penelope knew all too well just how torturous an experience sitting through the screeching vocals and cacophonous musicality of Lady Smythe-Smith's daughters could be. Especially for one with as refined an ear as the Viscount.

If Anthony believed he could insert himself into her company uninvited and unwanted, then he had best be prepared to face the consequences. A slow, wicked grin curved Penelope's mouth as she anticipated those consequences unfolding before the day was done.

This time, it was the Viscount's turn to be utterly and delightfully miserable.


The drawing room of the Smythe-Smith residence was a flurry of excited chatter as Lady Virginia herself ushered Penelope, Anthony and Eloise inside with warm embraces.

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