Wedding Preparations

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The Bridgerton household was a flurry of activity, humming with anticipation and excitement as preparations for Penelope and Anthony's impending nuptials were set into motion. Violet had insisted on taking her daughters, along with her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, to the esteemed House of Delacroix for their fittings.

As they stepped into the modiste's salon, Madame Genevieve Delacroix herself swept forward, her face alight with a warm smile. "Lady Bridgerton, Miss Featherington, what an honor to receive you all." She gushed, dipping into an elegant curtsy.

Violet returned the gesture with practiced grace. "Madame, we are most grateful for your expertise on this most auspicious occasion." She turned to Penelope, her expression one of unbridled joy. "My dear, it is time for you to select the fabrics for your wedding gown."

Penelope's cheeks flushed crimson as she perused the array of exquisite white silks and delicate laces, her fingers trailing over the luxuriant materials. With Violet's guidance, she carefully chose the pieces that would comprise her bridal attire, her heart fluttering with excitement and a touch of trepidation.

Penelope stood in the center, her red hair glowing under the soft light as Madame Delacroix fussed over her measurements and the selection of materials for her wedding gown.

Genevieve, a master of her craft, circled Penelope, her eyes alight with excitement. " Mademoiselle Featherington, you will be the most stunning bride the ton will ever see. I promise you, your gown will be the talk of the season."

Penelope blushed, her heart warming at the modiste's words. "Thank you, Madame Delacroix. I have every confidence in your skill."

As the fittings commenced, Violet drew Penelope into a tender embrace, her eyes shining with unshed tears of pure happiness. "Oh, Penelope, how I have longed for this day." She murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "There is no finer woman to become the next Viscountess Bridgerton."

Eloise, ever the exuberant one, could not contain her enthusiasm. "Indeed, Pen." She exclaimed, looping an arm around her dearest friend. "I am simply delighted beyond measure that we shall finally be sisters in truth!"

Hyacinth chimed in, her youthful enthusiasm infectious. "Yes, Penelope! Now you shall have ample opportunity to join Gregory and I in our games and adventures!"

Violet's brow arched in gentle reproach. "Now, now, my dears, let us not forget that Penelope's primary role shall be that of Anthony's wife and being the Viscountess. She will have duties and responsibilities that must take precedence."

Twin pouts adorned Eloise and Hyacinth's faces, their expression comically petulant. "But that is hardly fair!" Eloise protested. "Surely Anthony cannot monopolize Penelope's time entirely!"

Francesca, ever the voice of reason, chuckled softly. "Perhaps we ought to wish Anthony buried beneath an avalanche of paperwork, confined to his study from dawn until dusk. Then we may enjoy Penelope's company uninterrupted."

The room erupted with peals of laughter, the jovial banter a soothing balm for Penelope's frayed nerves. As she gazed upon the smiling faces of her dearest Bridgertons - her soon-to-be sisters, in every way that mattered - she felt a profound sense of belonging wash over her.

Madame Delacroix returned with a selection of exquisite fabrics. "Now, Mademoiselle Featherington, let us decide on the final touches for your gown. White silk with a touch of lace, perhaps?"

Penelope's eyes sparkled as she looked at the beautiful fabrics. "That sounds perfect. I trust your judgment completely."

Violet squeezed Penelope's hand. "You will be a vision, my dear. And remember, you are already perfect in our eyes."

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