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As the final bell rings, signalling the start of summer my three friends and I burst out of the math classroom and start walking down the hall. "So it's this church  full of jews right?" Eddie starts, he's talking about the bar mitzvah that

the other member of our friend group is preparing for, Stanley Uris. "And Stan has to take like this super Jewy test." He continues on before Bill interrupts him. "Wait. How's it work?" Bill asks. Eddie takes a deep breath and raises his hands.

"They slice the tip of his dick off." He practically announces to the whole hallway. I make an eye motion telling him to shut the fuck up now. "But then Stan will have nothing left!" Richie exclaims even louder. "Beep beep Richie."

I roll my eyes and give him the same look I'd just given Eddie. Just then Stanley runs up behind us. "Hey Stan?" Bill starts. "What happens at the bar mitzvah anyways? Ed's says they slice the tip of your d-d-d-d-dick off." I should probably mention that Bill has a really bad stutter.

Then Richie opens his mouth and I get my hand ready to slap him in case he says anything to weird for a school hallway. "Yeah I think the Rabi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say where's the beef."

I elbow him. "Real mature Richie." I exclaim as Stanley starts talking about what actually happens at his Bar Mitzvah. Out of the four of them, Richie is probably my best friend. But that doesn't mean I find his stupid jokes any less annoying.

"—And suddenly I become a man." Stan concludes as I zone back in. "I can think of funner ways to become a man." Richie says. "More fun what do you mean?" Stan mumbles cluelessness as we pass the Bowers gang. I try not

to look at the assholes that made all of our lives, especially mine, living hell this year. They all turn to look at us and we all turn to look at them. "Think they'll sign my yearbook?" Richie asks once were a good ten feet away from them.

Even he knows not to crack a stupid joke around them. As they start to walk down the stairs I walk around to the other side of the group so I'm beside Eddie and I point to the bathroom. "I'll meet you guys outside." I say.

Eddie and Stanley nod as I walk into the bathroom and sit in the last stall. I quietly roll up my sleeve and wince at the chopped up mess that is my arm. I try not to do it. I try as hard as I can, but ninety percent of the time I do it anyways.

As I roll down my sleeve I'm  about to stand up when the bathroom door bangs open loudly and whoever just walked in kicks the first stall door as hard as possible. "Are you in there by yourself Beaverly, or do you have half the guys in the school in there with you? Huh Slut."

The voice of Greta echos through the bathroom and I roll my eyes from inside my stall. She's such a bitch. "I know you're in there little shit, I can smell you. No wonder you don't have any friends." She yells, trying to taunt the girl inside the stall.

Then the girl inside the stall speaks. "What is it Greta? Am I a slut or a little shit. Make up your mind." The girl in the stall says, I'm guessing her names Beverly based upon the nickname Greta had been calling her.

"Your trash." Greta says. We just just wanted to remind you." The sink turns on and I can hear water pouring into a bag. Then it's dragged into the stall beside me by one of Greta's friends. I can hear the rest of her group in a chorus of 'ewww' and 'gross'

Then the girl holding the bag dumps its contents into Beverly's stall. And from the context I'm willing to bet it's wet trash. No one has noticed me in the stall yet and I plan to keep it that way. If I can wait for them to leave and then slip out, I'm home free.

"Well at least now you'll smell better. Let's go girls." Greta laughs as I can hear her and her bitch friends walking towards the bathroom door. "Have a nice summer Beaverly." Greta calls in a fit of giggles as the door closes.

Once they're gone I leave the stall. And the second I do the girl, Beverly, steps out of the stall. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She nods slowly and then smiles. The light from the bathroom window reflects on her auburn hair and I notice that she is drop dead gorgeous.

But I shake the thought out of my head. I'm straight. "Yeah." She says motioning to her green backpack which is drenched in trash water. "This thing took most of the damage." She says to me. Then she walks towards the door.

"Have a nice summer..." She says and then pauses. "Cindi." I say. "Cindi. Have a nice summer Cindi." She calls as she walks out and the door starts to close. "You too Beverly." I say and she smiles as the door shuts.

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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now