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The next morning the six of us are riding our bikes over to Beverly's house

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The next morning the six of us are riding our bikes over to Beverly's house. She called us frantically in the morning. I couldn't understand her but she said something about bathroom and blood. So I had a pretty good idea as of what was happening. 

I get around the corner way ahead of everyone else and see Beverly, smoking a cigarette on the patio of what must be her floor of the shitty apartment. "Bev!" I call the second I see her. She starts running down the rickety stairs, still holding the blunt.

She throws it other the railing and runs the rest of the way down. "Cindi!" She calls and hugs me. "You made it!" She says out of breath as the oyu turn the corner and skid to a stop. "I need to show you something."

"What is it?" Ben asks. "More than we saw at the quarry?" This time I elbow Richie. Hard. "Shut up! Just shut up Richie." Eddie yells. "My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly says, contemplating if she should let us in. 

"Then we'll leave a lookout." Bill suggests. "Richie? S-s-stay here." He says as everyone drops their bikes and starts running towards the stairs. "Woah woah woah." What do I do if her dad comes back?" He asks Stan.

"Do what you always do. Start talking." Stan says and then I grab his arm and start dragging him up the stairs, trying to keep up with Beverly. "It is a gift..." Richie says as we all start to run up. "Then use it!" I yell sarcastically.

A minute later we are all standing in the hallway leading to a room in Beverly's house. I'm standing beside her, Bill on her right. "In there." She says quietly. "What is it?" Stan asks. "You'll see." Beverly says and glances at me. 

"Are you taking us to your bathroom..." Eddie says scared. "I just want you to know that eighty nine percent of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. And-and-and that's where all the bacteria and fungi are. And it's not really a sanitary place."

He whimpers. "Shut up Eddie." I say clenching my hands into tight fists, out of the anxiety I feel going into this room. "O-ok." He says quickly. Then suddenly we're at the end of the hallway. Bill slides the door open slowly. "What the fuck..." I mumble.

The bathroom is revealed. Full of blood, coated in the stuff. "I knew it." Eddie says and then gags aggressively. "I swear to god Eddie if you vomit on this floor right now it helps no one." I say quietly. Beverly looks around at all of us. "You see it?"

I nod, trying to keep my breakfast in. "Yes." Eddie says, starring at the red coated room. "What... what happened in here?" Stanley asks, and I'm thinking the same thing. "My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might be crazy." Beverly says, astonished that we can see the mess.

"Well if you're crazy." Ben starts from the back of the line. "Then we're all crazy." Bill breaks out of his almost trance and finally moves his eyes carefully around the room . "We c-c-can't leave it like t-this." Bill stutters. And we all walk into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, after we'd dragged out all the cleaning supplies, everyone was stationed somewhere in the bathroom, wiping away gallons of blood. Soon the last tub of blood gets poured into the bathtub.

And everyone except Beverly and I leave the room to put the stuff away. "Alright so you've never been to Derry summer fair?" I ask her. "No I don't think so." She says with a small giggle. "Not that I know of." She says. "Well, i go there every year. There was this one time with Richie, I technically won cuz I hit the target,

But there were so many prizes I didn't know which one to pick." I ramble quietly and then Bev walks over, standing beside me and looks me in the eyes. "It's not true, you know." She says, looking out the small blurred window.

"What they say about me." Then I remember the rumours I'd heard around school, and even from the rest of my friends. "I was never even kissed by any guy." She said, slightly turning her head towards mine.

"Sometimes i wished I was though." She says quietly. "Trust me, you don't." I say, thinking back to my father the previous year. "Oh i was just..." She starts. There was rumours about me too, ones everyone had heard.

"Umm... just so you know I... I never believed any of the rumours." I tell her. "And none of us losers do." I say reassuringly. Not sure if that's true though. "And we, we like hanging out with you." She smiles at me. "Thanks."

"You shouldn't thank us too much." I sigh. "Hanging out with us makes you a loser too." I say with a grin. She laughs. "I can take that." She says, and then it goes quiet, we make eye contact for a moment and then Eddie bursts in. "Time to go." He says.

"Right." Beverly says, stepping back a foot from me. I smile an awkward smile. "We should probably go make sure Richie didn't burn down a building or something." I say quietly, and we walk out of the now clean bathroom.

" I say quietly, and we walk out of the now clean bathroom

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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now