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I arrive to see three other bikes in the yard

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I arrive to see three other bikes in the yard. They are all scattered in the front yard. I drop mine and run up, through the front door of Eddies home and can instantly hear the boys in the kitchen.

Once they see me they instantly stop talking. "Hi Cindi." Eddie says, flushing red. "Are we bringing food?" I ask. "Because I got pop tarts." I say awkwardly. "Aww yes." Richie says excited about the pop tarts, for some reason.

"We'll n-need more than t-t-that." Bill says and Eddie opens the cupboard. We all pile around it and Richie reaches for the Delicious Deals. "Take everything but the Delicious Deals guys." Eddie says and Richie puts them back.

"My mom loves them." He adds. "Yeah no shit." I whisper and roll my eyes. As we rummage through the cupboard Eddie turns to Bill. "Hey... first you said the Barrens, and now you're saying the sewer. I mean, what if we get caught?"

I scoff. "Fuck that." I say and Richie nods in agreement. "We w-won't man." Bill starts. The sewers are p-p-public works. Were the public aren't we?" Bill adds as Richie moves over to the medicine cabinet. He laughs. "Hey Eddie?" Richie calls out.

Eddie turns around nervously. "These are birth control pills?" Richie adds. I stifle a laugh. "Yeah and I'm saving it for Cindi, this is priva..." Eddie starts and then stops. He turns red. Richie smirks at him and then me.

I flip him off and then Bill quickly says we should go now. We all are about to walk out the door when we're stopped by Eddies mom. "Eddie bear?" She asks from her recliner. "Where are you boys..." She makes eye contact with me.

"Where are you boys and girl heading off to in such a rush?" Bill glances at me. "J-j-just my backyard Mrs. K." He stutters out. "I got a new..." He adds and then pauses. Sometimes he does that when he's about to stutter.

"A new croquet set!" Richie adds in enthusiastically. If Eddies mother knew where we were really going he wouldn't be allowed outside for the rest of the summer. "Jeez spit it out 𝘉-𝘣-𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘭." He adds playfully. Eddies mom buys it.

"Okay." She says. "Oh and sweetie." She adds, looking at Eddie. "Don't go rolling around on the grass. Especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get." She finishes after an eternity. Eddie nods.

"Yes, mom. Let's go." He whispers. Just then Eddies mom speaks up again. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asks. Eddie sighs and walks over to her quietly and kisses her on the cheek. Richie looks and me and we cover our mouths so we don't laugh. 

He fails and ends up snorting loudly. Before i can stop him he starts talking. "Do you want one from me too, Mrs. K?" He asks as Eddie starts ushering us out the door. More like shoving. "I was kidding!" Richie protests. "Sorry mommy." Eddie yells inside before he closes the door.

As we run out the front door we get on ours bikes and start riding down to the Barrens. "Thanks for that Richie." I say and roll my eyes.  "Can't handle my charm?" He asks cockily as Stan rides up behind and joins us.

We ride past the public library and I see a boy staring at us through the window. Wonder who he is. A few minutes later were standing outside of the sewer entrance near the Barrens. "That's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy." Stanley says, pointing at random plants.

"And that's poison ivy." He adds at another plant. "Where. Where's the poison ivy." Eddie yells annoyed. "Nowhere. Richie cuts in. Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley." I look at Eddie. "For once I agree with Richie." 

"Awww thanks Cindi." Richie says teasingly. "Beep beep Richie." I say though gritted teeth. As we all stand at the entrance of the deep tunnel Eddie scratch's his arm. "Okay, I'm starting to get itchy now." He says in a whiny voice.

"What are you seeing Stan's imaginary poison ivy too now?" I ask sarcastically. Eddie ignores me and continues on. "And I'm pretty sure this is not good for my asthma." Richie cuts in. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" 

He asks randomly. "Yeah sometimes." Eddie says as Me, Richie and Bill step into the shin deep water and I wrinkle my nose. "That is so not funny." Eddie defends quickly. And he was kind of right. Everyone was too nervous to laugh right now.

Stan and Eddie stay at the entrance of the giant tunnel. "Aren't you guys coming in." Richie and I ask at the same time. "Jink! You owe me a soda." Richie yells happily. Eddie shrugs his head. "Uh uh. That's grey water." He says and shrugs some more. 

"What the hell is grey water." Richie asks in an annoyed tone. "It's basically piss and shit. So I'm just telling you. You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee." He concludes. Richie picks up a stick and sniffs it. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask disgusted. "What are you really..." Then he says in a weird voice. "Doesn't smell like caca to me senior." "Actually I can smell that from here." Eddie yells. "It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." Richie says.

"You guys are disgusting." I say, I throw my hands up and then walk over to Bill. "Holy shit." I mumble as Bill picks up a shoe. "Shit." Stanley starts. "Don't tell me that's..." We thought the same thing. Was that Georgie's shoe.

"No." Bill says. "It's Betty Ripsoms." Eddie starts ranting about how he doesn't like this until Richie cuts in. "Yeah, how do you think Betty feels, running around down here with only one fricking shoe. The hops on one foot laughing.

Bill turns to keep walking. "Are you coming?" I ask Stan. "It's summer." He says. "We're supposed to be having fun. This is not fun, this is scary." Just then we he4 a loud sound from the river and see a kid covered in blood fall into the water. "Oh my god." I say.

" I say

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