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As we step towards him, Bills mouth slightly drops open

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As we step towards him, Bills mouth slightly drops open. "Close your mouth, you're going to get flies idiot." I say and roll my eyes. "Umm." He says to Beverly. "T-t-thanks." Bill says and tires to hand Bev the crumpled money.

"Even Steven." She says with a wink and pulls out the small box of cigarettes. I look at Bill. "How's the kid doing?" I ask. He shrug's. Then I her a chorus of "He's bleeding." From the boys. "Well they've got it under control. 

"Ben from socials?" She asks and then turns to walk down the alley. "You have to the suck the wound before you apply the bandaids." Richie exclaims as we get to the end of the alley. "Are you okay?" Beverly asks. "That looks like it hurts." 

"No, I'm good." Ben says happily. "I just...fell." Ben adds and then Richie opens his fat mouth. "Yeah. Right into Henry Bowers." He concludes and I give him a look. "Shut it Richie." Bill says. "Why? It's the truth." Richie argues and Ben rolls his eyes.

"You k-k-know, we'll take care of him." Bill stutters out. "Thanks again Beverly." I say to her. "Sure. Maybe I'll see you around." She says to the whole group but she looks at me as she says it.  "Yeah. We were thinking we might go to the Quarry tomorrow.

If... if you wanna..." I start but then close my mouth before I say something stupid. Richie scrunch's up his nose. "Come." I whisper the last word. "Good to know. Thanks." Beverly says and she smiles at me as she turns and walks away.

The second she walks away she gives a little wave and Eddie stands up. "Nice going bring up Bowers in front of her." Stan says once she's out of earshot. I give questioning look. "Yeah." Eddie starts. "Yeah dude. Did you hear what she did." Eddie asks.

"No, what?" I ask. "What'd she do." Ben asks with the same look. "More like who'd she do?" Richie asks laughing. "Her list is longer than my wang." He says and then laughs at Eddie. I look at him disgusted "That's not saying much." Stan says annoyed. "First of all. You're disgusting."

I say. "And second of all I don't think she did anything." I say lightly but on the inside I wonder. I mean, I just met this girl? Could she have done it? Bill seems to answer my thoughts. "T-they're just r-r-rumours." He says.

Richie and Eddie glance at each other. "Anyway." Richie says. "Bill had her back in third grade. They kissed in the school play! The teacher even said you can't fake that sort of passion." Richie informs Ben. I feel a pang of jealousy.

Even though I know it's stupid, it was fucking third grade. But then a second later Richie starts screaming in a British accent. "Get in there Doctor. K. Why don't you fix him right up!" Richie yells in his painfully bad British accent. 

"Why don't you shut the fuck up." I say. "Well Jeez, you're just a bundle of joy." He says sarcastically. "I know." I say with a grin. "I don't want you doing the British guy while I'm doing this." Eddie rants. "Get in there suck the wound!" He yells in the same voice.

After Ben was fixed up we sent him home with an invite to the Quarry tomorrow and me and Richie walk down the road to my house, wheeling our bikes beside us. He picks a daisy and hands it to me. 

"For you my fair lady." He says in the bad accent again and I roll my eyes. Richie then passes his house and calls goodbye as I take the crumpled flower. "See you tomorrow!" I call as I turn the corner. The second I do I'm met with the face of Henry Bowers.

For some weird reason his friends aren't there. "That from your trash mouth boyfriend." He asks and glances down at the flower I'm holding. "He's not my boyfriend." I mutter and start to walk away. "Yeah, I forgot your a stupid dyke."

I open my mouth to make a snarky comeback but decide against it. I really don't want to get beat up right now. "Make sure to tell the rest of your friends I said hi." He adds. I turn around confused. "Will do." I say sarcastically.

"And in case you forget before then." He says and then sticks his hand forward. Henry presses the clasp on his pocket knife and it pops open gleaming in the setting Sun. "Oh shit." I mumble and try to back away, still wheeling my bike. 

Just then his two friends just out of the bushes behind me and grab my arms. I drop my bike to the ground and Henry kicks it out of the way as he steps closer. He rolls up my sleeve with the same hand holding the knife.

The scars on my arm showing, I feel so vulnerable. "Fuck." He says, and I can sense surprise in his voice from the state of my arm. "Guess you hate yourself as much as everyone else does." He says in his usual voice and his friends chuckle.

He brings the blade down and rests it on my arm. "Please..." I say and struggle in my bonds with no success. "You must be used to this." He says with a smirk and then brings the knife down, a tear trickles down my face as the cold blade pierces my skin.

" He says with a smirk and then brings the knife down, a tear trickles down my face as the cold blade pierces my skin

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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now