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The newly formed eight of us walk through the field full of tall grass, we're on our way out of the Barrens and into the town

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The newly formed eight of us walk through the field full of tall grass, we're on our way out of the Barrens and into the town. "Thanks guys." Mike says suddenly. "But you shouldn't are done that. They'll be after you guys, too, now."

I scoff quietly. "Oh no no no. Bowers? He's always after us." Eddie says, and I nod silently. "And I mean always." I add on and think back to my arms the other day. "I guess that's one thing we all have in common." Bill says, in his usual stutter.

"Yeah homeschool, welcome to the Losers Club." Richie says sarcastically, as we farther decent down the fielded hill and into town. The Fourth of July celebrations are today, so Main Street was full with parades, and bands, and all that other shit for basic people.

The six of us all stand in the mouth of an alley, admiring the newly put up missing poster. Eddie is off somewhere getting ice cream, and Richie is off being Richie somewhere, "They say they found part of his hand all chewed up near the standpipe." 

Stanley mumbles quietly, looking at the new poster. "He asked to borrow a pencil once." Ben says quietly. Bill walks over to the poster and lifts it slowly, Betty Ripsons poster is directly underneath. Forgotten in the endless heaps of missing posters.

"It's like she's been forgotten because Corcoran missing." Bill says quietly, voicing my exact thought. "Is it ever gonna end?" Stanley whispers in a scared tone. I look at Richie and roll my eyes. He's stolen a marching band members tuba.

The guy finally manages to get it back from Richie. "What the fuck, dude?" Richie yells at the tuba player and starts to walk back over to us. "Oh my god, grow up." I tell Richie as he walks away from the tuba player. He sticks his tongue out at me and rejoins the group.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asks, walking over to us, and struggling to hold three ice creams. Richie and I both storm Eddie and grab the cones we ordered. "Thanks Ed's." I say as I lick the ice cream, and then walk back to stand next to Beverly again.

"What they always talk about." Richie says sarcastically, answering Eddies question. "Well I'm sorry that the fucking child murderer isn't important enough for you." I say sarcastically. "I actually think it will end." Ben says quietly, cutting off our argument.

"For a little while at least." Ben continues. "What do you mean?" Beverly asks quietly. Her hands in the back pockets of her jean shorts. She's also wearing a black striped tank top. I look at her clean, unscarred arms. Something I admire.

Then I look down at my own arms, coming out of my teeshirt. The word 'dyke' is barely visible in the mess of slashes. "So I was going over all my Derry research, and I charted out all the big events, the iron works explosion in 1908." Ben tells his story.

I watch him, paying careful attention. "The Bradley gang in thirty five. And the black spot in sixty two. And now kids being..." Ben continues listing Derrys tragedies and then cuts off. I nod slowly. We all know what he meant. 

"I realized this stuff seems to happen... every twenty seven years." Ben and Bill say at the same time. We all sit down by the fountain a few minutes later. "Okay so let me get this straight." Eddie starts for the third time.

"It comes out from... wherever to eat kids for like, a year? And then what? It just goes into hibernation?" Eddie rambles. "Maybe it's like... what do you call it." Stanley says, pausing to find the right words. "Cicadas. You know, the bugs that com3 out once every seventeen years?"

Mike talks next, after being silent for minutes. "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that, all the bad things in this town are because of one thing. An evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry."

"But it can't be one thing." Stanley says, cutting Mike off. "We all saw something different." Beverly looks aimlessly into the distance. "Maybe." Mike whispers. "Or maybe it knows what scares us most and that's what we see." I say quietly.

"I saw a leper. He was like, a walking infection." Eddie says quickly, in a nervous voice. "But you didn't. Because it isn't real." Stanley says quietly, trying to rationalize this mess. We all look at eachother quietly. "None of this is. Not Eddies leper. Or the clown Cindi saw. Or Bill seeing Georgie.

Or the woman I keep seeing." Stanley rambles. "Is she hot?" Richie asks with a smile. "Not the time." I mumble to him through gritted teeth. "No Richie. She's not hot. Her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense. They're all like bad dreams."

Stanley says, finally finishing his ramble. "I don't think so." Mike says angrily. "I know the difference between a bad dream and real life okay?" Mike finishes. "What'd you see?" Eddie asks Mike. "You saw something too?" Eddie adds. "Yes." Mike whispers.

He explains the story of how his parents died and the fire in his old house. I listen quietly. "We're all afraid of something." Mike whispers a moment after finishing the story. "Got that right." Richie says and looks behind him.

"Why Richie? What are you afraid of." Eddie asks Richie. "Clowns." He says after a moment. 


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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now