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As I walk out of the front doors I catch up with the boys to see them emptying their notes into the garbage can. I roll my eyes and run down to join them. "Best feeling ever." Stan says as the last clump falls out. "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time."

Richie says. I elbow him again and then look at Eddie. "What do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" He says. "Start my training." Richie tells the group as he adjusts his glasses. "What training?" I say sarcastically. "Street fighter." Richie replies.

I glance at Eddie and we both roll our eyes. "Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside an arcade." Eddie asks a clueless Richie. "Beats spending it inside of your mother." Richie says and then sticks his hand up to high five Stan, who shoves it right back down.

"What if we go to the quarry tomorrow?" Stan suggests. "Guys we have to B-Barrens." Bill interrupts. He wants to go looking for his brother Georgie, who disappeared last October. "Right." Stanley says supportively. But we give eachother a look.

It's been six months. Georgie's not coming home. "Betty Ribsons mom." Eddie says quietly and then looks over at a scared looking woman alongside three police officers. Betty had gone missing a few weeks ago. 

"Does she really expect her to come out of the school?" Stan asks. "I don't know. As if she's been hiding in home Ec the past few weeks." Eddie says. "Right?" I agree. "If they're going to find her she's not going to be alive." I say. 

"Do you think they'll find her?" Stan asks me. I open my mouth but I'm cut off by Richie. "Yeah sure. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddies mom's underwear." Eddie gives him a disgusted look. "Shut up. It's disgusting." He mumbles.

"Agreed." I say loudly. "She's not dead she's m-missing." Bill says to Richie. Then it goes really awkward. People go missing so much in this town that it's almost normal, so we forget to be sensitive about it around Bill sometimes.

"Right. Sorry she's missing." Richie says. He can be an asshole, but he knows when to stop a joke. Bill starts to walk away and Richie follows him. "You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water."

"Shut up asshole." I say to him. Just then Henry Bowers walks by and grabs Richie by the hook on his backpack. Of. Fucking. Course. Henry shoves Richie into Stanley and they both fall over. "Nice frisbee flamer." Patrick says and he picks up Stanley's kippah.

He then throws it through the passing buses window. Now it's long gone. I turn to look at Henry. Just then Belch Huggins burps right in Eddies ear, who starts gagging. Henry walks in between Bill and me, shoving us both. 

"Losers." He mutters as he walks past, the rest of his asshole friends are now standing behind him. "You s-suck Bowers." Bill screams just as they started to walk away. We got off easy, and now we were definitely dead.

"Shut up Bill." Eddie says through gritted teeth, he says exactly what I'm thinking. Henry pauses for a moment and then turns around. "You s-s -s-say something b-b-Billy?" Henry asks, mimicking Bills stutter. 

"You got a free ride this year, cuz of your little brother." Henry tells Bill. I scoff quietly, I would hardly call two nosebleeds and a sprained ankle a free ride. "Rides over Denbrough." He continues. Then I look over at the police near Betty's mom.

On of them is Henry's dad. I glance at Henry. "Leave us alone Henry." I say loud enough for his dad to hear. He then looks at his son and takes off his sunglasses. Henry looks at me, annoyed that he couldn't do anything with his dad watching.

"Summers gonna be a hurt train. For you, and your faggot friend." He looked at me while saying that last part. He licks his hand and rubs it on Bills face. Then he turns around and walks away, his friends laughing.

The five of us watch as they get in Henry's car. He gives me final look at me as they drive down the street. I flip him off and then turn to my friends. "Wish he'd go missing." Richie says sarcastically. "He's probably the one doing it." Eddie says.

Hours later I lay in bed smiling to myself. Todays the first day of summer vacation. Then a frown fills my face. It's the first day of summer vacation and I have to spend it playing in shitty water.

Then I remember my encounter with Beverly and a cheesy grin fills my face. "Hope you have a good summer Cindi." I whisper to myself, her words repeating in my mind. Then another thought appears.

A less pleasant one. My mom has told me a million times that faggots go to hell. And if I admit to myself that I kinda sorta maybe like this girl. I'll go there too. So I've decided I definitely don't like Beverly Marsh.

 So I've decided I definitely don't like Beverly Marsh

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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now