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I wake up the next morning and instantly bolt up, the phone was blaring loudly downstairs

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I wake up the next morning and instantly bolt up, the phone was blaring loudly downstairs. My mom won't answer it. She's probably hung over as hell. What else is knew? I wake up and get out of bed. My oversized sweater clinging itself to my small body.

I walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes and answer the phone. "Hello. Harrison residence." I say tiredly into the phone. The voice of Stanley fills my ears. "It's me Cindi." He says into the phones speaker. "We're meeting at the quarry in twenty minutes."

"Good to know." I say. "See you then." I hang up the phone and run upstairs. On the way I pass my mom, who is laying on the couch surrounded by seven beer cans. I quickly run it to my room and close the door.

It's been a habit of mine to close and lock the door. Especially when I'm sleeping or changing, After what happened with my dad. I sigh and slip on my brown corduroy shorts, a striped tank top, and my usual long sleeved flannel plaid shirt.

It takes ten minutes to walk over there so I have five minutes to finish getting ready. I walk into the moldy bathroom no quickly brush my teeth, wash my face, and decide last minute to put my hair up in a ponytail. 

Then I run backdown stairs, slip on my old red converse and run out the front door. My bike is laying on the front steps of my house. I frown at the dented frame before walking down the steps and starting the walk to the quarry.

Once I get there I put my bag near the rocks to see all five boys standing in a line. "That's fucking disgusting." I yell to them as I sit down on the rocks and watch them take turns spitting off the cliff. "Oh my god that was terrible. I win!" Richie says to Eddie and The others.

I take off my shorts and tank top. Leaving myself in my underwear. No one actually wore bathing suits in this town. I rub my arms up and down, these four people were the only ones who knew about the razor blade in my sock drawer.

Well, I guess five people know now because Ben's here. I try to cover myself anyways because they definitely do not know about the encounter I had with Henry yesterday. Those cuts are still fresh, so I have bandages around my arms.

"You won? What." Eddie asks confused. "Did you see my lougie?" He asks Richie and I almost throw up. "Some of us are trying to enjoy themselves." I say to Eddie, who scowls at me. "Mine went the farthest." They argue back and forth.

"Alright." Bill says ending the argument, I get up and walk to the cliff. Standing in the middle of the group between Stan and Bill. "Holy shit." I say, looking over the edge. It's at least a fifty foot drop. "I'll go!" A voice tells from behind us. 

We all turn around to see Beverly taking off her dress. I blush, her usual long hair is gone. Instead it's replaced by a short messy pixie cut. She looks beautiful. "Sissy's." She says and rolls her eyes at us. She starts running towards the edge of the cliff. 

The boys all part and move out of her way but I'm too awestruck by her new look. Since I'm still sanding there, Beverly takes my hand and jumps. "Hey that's not fair!" I yell as we start to fall. Her hand in mine.

"What the fuck!" Richie yells after being shown up by not one, but two girls. I smile and she shrugs, also grinning. Then we hit the water, we resurface quickly to watch the boys. "Oh holy shot!" Richie yells. The rest of the boys stare at us in awe.

"We just got shown up by girls!" Richie adds. "Do we have to do that now." Stan asks nervously from the top of the cliff. "Yup!" I scream at him, I go to cup my hands and then realize I'm still holding Beverly's. 

"Sorry." She says quickly, and drops it quickly. "It's okay." I start quickly. As we tread the water, waiting for the boys to hurry up. "Thanks for making me jump otherwise I totally wouldn't have." I laugh. "Anytime." She says with a smile.

"Come on!" Beverly screams up at them. "Oh shit." Stan mumbles, and then one by one they all jump. Once everyone's in the water we all swim out to to middle. The boys all are doing some kind of game where they try to drown each other.

Beverly and I watch the, from ten feet away. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back and we turn towards the boys and keep watching. And then i realized, I've never been friends with a girl before. Is this what it's like?

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LOVE ME BACK - Beverly Marsh x fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now