The Treehouse.

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You had learned quite a few things about your new blue haired interest within the past week; Sal was the same age as you, twenty-one and Larry was a year older than you both. Sal studied Psychology at the college and lived with his friend Todd, who attended the same college, and Todds boyfriend Neil. Sal had a big ginger cat named Gizmo who was a trained emotional support animal Sal mentioned he had since he was young, you didn't ask why but you made him promise to introduce you to the little guy at some point. Their little group had a fourth member, a girl named Ashley, she went to an art college somewhere that wasn't Nockfell but occasionally returned to visit her friends.

Something about learning new information about Sal Fishers life was addicting, you only wanted to know more him. But you didn't press him about anything, simply allowed him to tell you things at his own pace.

You brought out of your thoughts by a familar deep, calming voice. "Hey, you good?" You lift your gaze to the source of the voice and smile, meeting Sals azure gaze.
"Yeah- Was just thinking." You reply, pushing yourself off the wall you were leaning against.
"Thinking about what?" He asks, tilting his head slightly which causes his pigtails to lean to one side.
"Thinkin' about how cute you are, Sally." You grin, poking the nose of his prosthetic playfully. It wasn't fully a lie, besides you wanted to see his flustured reaction.
Sal didn't disappoint, the tips of his ears turning red as he glanced away shyly. "Uh- R-Really?" He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Weren't you supposed to be showing me this treehouse Larry wanted to meet up at?" I tease, pretending not to hear his question.
"R-Right, it's really not far- Follow me." The blue haired male said after quickly gathering himself and led the way, you followed close behind.

You glanced around the old wooden treehouse, noting how surprisingly tidy the place was for somewhere owned by Larry. There were fairy lights hanging around the top of the walls, lighting up the room along with a few beanbag chairs scattered on the ground, giving it a cozy feel.

Slumping down onto one of the beanbags, you watch as Sal does the same- sitting down on a blue one across from you. His body language seemed slightly nervous as his eyes darted from you to nowhere in particular. "Are you always this nervous around women?" You teased.

He seems surprised at the sound of your voice, his eyes widening. Sal thought for a moment before finally meeting your gaze, slight sadness in his eyes. "S-Sorry. Women or, um,people in general don't usually flirt with me. Given the quote 'creepy mask'." He immitates air quotes around the last words.
"If it makes you uncomfortable I'll of course stop." You say with concern before tilting your head and adding, "I'm a get to the point kind of girl so- I like you Sal. You and your 'creepy mask'." You giggle.
"You... Like me?" Sal seems in shock for a few seconds before being broken out of it by a crackling noise and the sound of a familiar voice.

"Larry Face to Sally Face, come in Sally Face- Over."

Sal quickly shifts to grab a large walkie talkie from the box behind him and presses a button on it before replying. "Sally Face recieving you loud and clear, Larry Face- Over."

You can't help but smile to yourself at their nicknames for eachother and their dorky language.

"I'm making a quick trip to Todds folks real quick, running low on weed. Just wanted to remind you not to evaporate when you bring your little crush to the treehouse, she's hot- I get it but you need to chillax dude."

Sal freezes up at Larrys words, the tips of his ears once again flushing red. You quickly grab the walkie from the bluenette and press the same button you saw Sal press before speaking with a smirk. "Aw you think I'm hot, Larry? That's so sweet of you."

"Y/N? Heyyy, didn't realise he already got you sorry. Also just give him a few seconds to return to earth, I'll see you both soon- Over."

You laugh softly, placing the walkie in Sals lap which thankfully wakes him up again and he places it back where it was. "Sorry about him." The bluenette mumbled, returning to his sitting position and rubbing his palms on his clothed thighs nervously.

"What do you need to apologise for? Your brother calling me hot?" You tilt your head, putting on a fake pout. "You don't think I'm hot, Sally~?"

Sal immediatly panics. "N-No I didn't mean- I mean you're-"
You laugh, leaning forward to place a hand on the cool back of his hand.
"I'm just playing, Sal." You reassure and he visibly relaxes slightly, only to stiffen up again once his gaze falls on your hands.

You give his hand a gentle squeeze before leaning back into the beanbag again. "So how long have you known Larry?" You ask, thinking that just sitting in silence would only make Sal more nervous.

"I met him back when my dad and I first moved into the apartments about six years ago," Sal played with a stray piece of red thread on one of the ripped knees of his jeans. "He was the first friend I made here, I'm glad I met him." Sal spoke very fondly of Larry, making a small smile form on your lips.

"Must be cool having your best friend also be your brother." You laugh and he nods.
"Yeah. Was also sort of a win-win, my dad was finally able to start moving on from my mom and stopped drinking as much. I'm glad he and Lisa were able to find eachother." Sal continued to mess with the thread on his red jeans, you watched as his slim black polished finger wrapped the thread around it.
"So your mom is-"
"Dead, yeah." He exhaled and finally moved his head to meet your gaze.
Your brows furrow, searching his gaze. "I'm so sorry, Sal. That must have been difficult for you." Hoping to say the right words, you continued to allow him to speak- glad he was able to open up a little more.
"Yeah- It still is. I'm on a lot of meds, though." He joked dryly. "It happened when I was a kid so it's mostly the trauma that gets to me." He glanced down at his lap, gently touching the cheek of his prosthetic. "...and the guilt."

You figured whatever happened to his face was probably very traumatic for him, which is why you never asked. But the fact it was linked to his mothers death no doubt made it more so.

You were about to open your mouth to speak once again when you were interrupted once again by Larry.
"Hey dudes! Hope you didn't miss me too much." Larry said, climbing into the treehouse and slumping down on the red beanbag chair next to Sal. He glanced at his brother, a brief look of concern crossing his dark eyes before Sal quickly pulled himself together, giving him a reassuring glance. "So, Y/N. What do you think of the place?" Larry asked, his gaze moving to you with a grin.
"I like it. Cozy. So- weed?"

If You Think I'm Pretty [Sal FisherxFem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now