The Mandatory Party Chapter Pt2.

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You linked your fingers with Sals as you entered the crowd in search of your friends. It took a moment due to the lighting making it hard to spot people but you soon come across Ash.

Letting go of Sals hand, you tap her shouder. "ASH!"

She turns and smiles. "Hey Y/N, hey Sal! Having a good time?!" You both have to shout over the music in order to hear eachother. Ashs expression suddenly grew worried as she looks over your face and grabs both you and Sal, pulling you into the kitchen.

Ash released both your hands before placing her hands on your shoulders. "Are you alright? Have you been crying?"

You can feel Sals stare burning into the side of your head. "Uh, yeah. I got lost and overwhelmed but its ok, Sal found me." You explain while forcing a smile, hoping she wouldn't some how see through it and know you were choking on emo dick a few minutes before.

She seems to accept your lie, pulling you into a hug. You hug back, holding back a sigh of relief. Your eyes wander to meet Sals for a second, giving a reassuring smile before turning your attention back to Ash as she pulled away. "Thanks, Ash."

Ash gave a nod, turning and grabbing herself a bottle of beer. "Larrys down in the basement with the other stoners, if you want a quieter place to hang out we could go sit down there for a bit." She says, turning back to you.

You nod slowly, it would be nice to get to know Ash a little more. She seemed nice. "Sure."

The three of you head down to the basement, you and Ash sit on an empty couch while Sal walks over to join Larry and the others in their weed smoking.

"Sooo, how long have you known Sal and Larry?" You ask the brunette girl.

Ash smiled, her emerald eyes glancing over at the direction of the boys before looking back at you. "Well, I've known Larry since forever, we've been friends since we were super young. Sal I've known for about six years, I met him a few weeks after he moved here."

You nod as Ash speaks, admiring how pretty she was. "It sounds like Sal fit into you guys' friend group really easily. Makes sense, Sal's very sweet."

"The sweetest." Ash says with a small giggle and takes a swig of her beer before speaking again. "Helps that Larrys also a sweetheart, I'll bet he didn't even think twice before taking Sal under his wing. He's always been that way, he has problems for sure but when it comes to his friends hes a ride or die." Ash's eyes wandered over to the man in question as she spoke, a smile on her face.

"Sorry if I'm reading this wrong but do you like him?" You ask, tilting your head.

Ash laughs. "No, it's not like that. He's like a brother. Besides I'm pretty sure he's a ace in the hole if you catch my drift."

You raise a brow. "What makes you say that?"

Ash shrugs. "The entire time I've known him I haven't seen him express any sexual interest in anybody."

"I don't know, he calls me hot."

"I said he might be ace, not blind." Ash laughs out. "Anyway, you and Sal seem close. Do you like him, Y/N?"

"I mean yeah, he's hot." You state with a shrug.

"I love how blunt you are, he needs that. He's very shy with relationships you know? He and I had crushes on eachother during high school but it never went anywhere because we were both waiting for eachother to make a move," She laughs, sipping her beer. "Sals an odd guy. He so comfortable with his sexuality, gender identity and way he chooses to present himself but his face is still a huge insecurity for him. He's like super confident but also not." Ash glances at the bottle in her hand. "Sorry if I'm not making any sense but in my defence, I'm drunk." She gestures with the bottle before drinking it again.

You shake your head. "No, no... I get what you mean." You laugh.

Sal walked over to the couch and slumped down on the spot beside you, a freshly rolled joint dangling from his thin fingers and the bottom buckle of his mask undone.
You watch the smoke dance from the holes of his mask after he takes a hit of the joint and smirk, plucking the weed from his fingers.

"It's hot when you do that." You say to him, taking a drag of the joint.

You hear Ash chuckle next to you. "Agreed,"

Sal seems to smile beneath his prosthetic as it moves slightly along with his eyes squinting. "Were you guys talking about me or something? You're awfully quiet now." He laughed, taking the weed back from me.

"And what if we were, Blue~?" You tease, leaning closer to him. "You gonna do something about it?" You watch as the smoke once again leaves his mask.

"Shit, Y/N.." He breathes, clearly flustered before quickly gaining his composure. "Blue, huh? I like it."

"Good." You say, taking the weed from him as you turn your attention back to Ash. "You want a hit?"

"I mean I don't really do the stuff but since its a party," Ash shrugs and you hand it to her after taking a drag.

"Do you do hook ups at partys?" You ask her and she quirks a brow after taking a drag of the joint, smoke trailing from her nose and lips.

"Why, you enquiring?" She teases with a smirk, handing the weed back to you. "I mean sometimes yeah."

You nod, handing the joint back to Sal. The brush of his fingers against yours relights some of the yearning you have for him but you push it down for now. "You got your eye on anyone?"

Ash gently moves her fingers beneath your chin and she leans into you. "I mean I did, but I'm starting to think some blue haired emo beat me to it~" She says with a purr, brushing your hair behind your ear.

Your face flushes red, she fucking realised. Ash giggles, glancing behind me at a probably equally flustered Sal as he chokes on some smoke. "Can I give you my number?" She asks you, letting go of your face to dig in her pockets for her phone.

"Oh- Sure." You smile, taking out your phone. You switch phones, adding eachothers contacts into it before handing it back.

"You guys wanna grab Larry and Neil and head out? It's sort of boring here. We could probably have more fun over at Todd and Sals place." Ash says with a smile.

"I'm down. I'm sure Todd would apprieciate us bringing the party to him." Sal speaks up and stands from his spot, both of you following.

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