The Awakening.♡

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You awaken with a soft groan and open your eyes as you feel your hand trail over a soft, warm surface. You smile as you register the warmth as Sals clothed chest and look up at him, leaning your head lightly on his shoulder.

He'd stuck his prosthetic eye back in and was scrolling through his phone quietly. "Morning, Blue. What time is it?" You ask, he moved his gaze to you with a soft smile on his lips.

"Like eleven," He said, letting out a small laugh. "You looked so comfortable though." He moved the arm that was under you up to gently run his fingers through your hair. "You feel alright?"

"Yeah, thanks to you." You smile and lean up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "You're sweet to take care of me like that," You say, cupping his scarred cheek and gently thumbing the textured scar tissue there.

Sal seemed a little surprised by the kiss, blue brows shooting up. "I see my mangled face hasn't put you off kissing me." He half joked, relaxing his brows and giving you a small smile.

"Blue, kissing is the only the beginning of what I wanna do to you." You tilt your head, a playful smirk on your lips as you move your hand from his cheek to play with the fabric of his shirt. "Though to be perfectly honest, it's more what I want you to do to me."

Sal lets out a breath, placing his phone on the dresser before running his fingers through his blue hair. "Fuck, Y/N, you can't just say shit like that to me. Drives me crazy."

Leaning up again, you plant a kiss on his cheek. "And what if that was my intention, Blue~?" You murmur seductively, planting kisses along his jawline before moving to pepper them down his neck. "Are people awake?"

"Y-Yeah," He manages out, lifting his head slightly as you begin to gently nip and suck at his delicious neck.

"That door got a lock?"

"I-It does," He replies and moves his head to look at you as you pull away from his neck to meet his gaze.

"You want to fuck me, Sal?" You ask pointedly.

"Like, right now?"

"Yeah. I did say we'd take a raincheck." You smirk, your hand wandering beneath his black t-shirt and reveling in the shudder the skin on skin contact draws from Sal.

"Of course I do but- I don't have any condoms," He said, his face heating up slightly as he felt your fingers trace one of his v-lines, getting dangerously close to the waistband of his pyjama pants.

"Well lucky for you, I'm on birth control." You remove your hand and sit up, pointing over to the door. "Now be a good boy and go lock that door, Blue."

Sal does so, rolling off the bed and walking over to lock the door. You smirk as you watch him, deciding to slide the shirt you were wearing up over your head before tossing it on top of the dresser. The lock clicks closed and he turns to look at you, pausing when his eyes land on your naked chest. You watch his eyes scan the curves of your breasts and you tilt you head slightly, beckoning him over seductively with your finger.

You hear him curse under his breath before making his way back over to the bed, sitting down on it before leaning in and pulling you into a deep kiss which you happily reciprocate, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He breaks the kiss slightly to swing his legs onto the bed and you quickly realise what he wants you to do. You crawl towards him and you place a hands on his shoulders as you lift yourself and settle into his lap. He seems slightly flustered by your actions, his hands taking a moment to slide onto your waist.

You smirk and let your hands wander down his chest before pulling his shirt up over his head and discard it on his floor somewhere. Slamming your lips against his, you begin to move your hips slowly against Sals as your fingers wander up into his hair. You feel your face flush at the feeling of your breasts against his bare chest, enjoying the skin on skin contact. You feel his hands wander from your waist down to grab your ass, slowly groping it as his hips lift to meet your movements.

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