The Sleepover? I Guess.

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♡TW: SH scars are briefly mentioned.♡

Back at the house, you all sat around in the living room with the tv lowly playing music in the background. You were sitting on the ground in a circle with Sal, Ash, Larry and a few stragglers Neil had picked up from the party while he and Todd sat on the couch.

You sipped your vodka and coke, glad to finally be able to get something alcoholic to drink that wasn't beer. "Alright, Ash. Truth or dare?"

"Hm... truth." She says with a smile.

You smirk, leaning towards her slightly. "Would you really fuck me?"

"Woaaaah, thats enough vodka and cokes for you tonigh-" Ash cuts Larry off.

"Yes." She says confidently, taking a sip of her own drink. "But not while you're this innebriated, bit of a light-weight huh?" It had been about three hours and you'd gotten through four drinks.

Content with her answer, you move back to your normal sitting position. "Uh, I suppose so?" You mumble, finishing your drink and gazing at your empty glass.

You feel the glass get plucked out of your hand and look up to see a now standing Sally Face had taken it. "One moment," he says and disappears into the kitchen.

You feel yourself zone out slightly, briefly clocking Ash giving Larry a gross dare which he does.

"Hey, here." Sals calming voice breaks you out of your trance and you look up at him. You take the glass of water he gives you greatfully.

"Thanks, Blue. You're a sweetheart." You slur out before drinking the water. He sticks around as he watches you drink it, probably predicting how fast you'd down it and took the empty glass from you once again.

This time when he returns, he sits next to you. "You feel okay?" He asks gently, rubbing your back as he watches you drink the water.

"Yeah, thank you." You answer, giving him a genuine smile. You were touched by how caring he was of his drunk friends. Sighing softly, you lean into his touch and lay your head on his shoulder. "Just hold me, Sal." You mutter and he does so, moving his hand to your upper arm as he pulls you close.

"Hey guys, Y/N needs to sober up a little. Maybe we should do something other than truth or dare." Sal speaks up, gently rubbing your upper arm.

"Yeah no problem, dude. Could just play video games for a bit?" Larry suggests with a smile.

"I'm down to beat your asses at Mario Kart again anytime." Ash grinned. You and Sal switch places with Neil and Todd, lounging on the couch as the rest of the group play video games together.

"I'm sorry you can play if you want to," You mutter, cuddling into his chest as he holds you.

"No it's ok. There isn't enough controllers anyway. Hey, keep drinking the water ok?" He says, gently brushing some of your hair from your face with his freehand. He didn't mention the fact the group were taking turns with said limited controllers. "Todd wouldn't want you throwing up in our bathroom." He joked.

You do as he instructs and honestly the water did help, you felt a little more able to grasp what was going on around you. "Could I lay down?" You ask, looking at him after finishing your water again.

"Yeah, uh, My room is-"

"Come with me." You say to him and he glances over your face for a moment, seemingly making sure your intentions were not sexual before agreeing.

Sal says something to his friends about putting you to lay down in his bed before taking your hand and leading you off.

You sit on the edge of his bed, taking off your jacket as you watch him grab some things from his draw. "Here, they maybe a little big but it'll make your more comfortable." He places the clothes beside you before grabbing some clothes presumably for himself. "I'll, uh, be in the bathroom." He says before walking out of the room to the bathroom.

You struggle to remove your dress, tights and bra before pulling on the black Sanitys Falls shirt he gave you. The pyjama pants prove too big to fit around your waist so you tie the drawstring on them tightly around your waist.

You glance up, hearing a quiet knock. "You done?" Sals voice comes from the other side of the door.

"Yeah." You confirm and Sal returns. He puts his clothes in his laundry hamper before placing yours aside with your jacket.

He sits on the bed, gazing at the ground as he seemingly contemplates something.

"What is it, Sal?" You ask.

"Well, uh. I usually need to take off my prosthetics to sleep comfortably..." He moves his gaze to you. "It's not a pretty sight."

You furrow your brows softly. "You're worried about what I'll think of you?"

"I mean you said you liked me so when you see my face you'll probably regret sucki-" You interupt him by placing a hand over his.

"I won't regret anything. You're cool and you're sweet and such a wonderful person to just have the privilege to know you," You gently cup the cheek of his prosthetic. "If you feel comfortable enough to do it, do it." You reassure him, dropping your hand.

He lets out a shaky breath and nods, standing and heading to his dresser that had a bunch of pill bottles, his spare prosthetic eyes and a jar of some sort of water like fluid in it. He slowly unbuckles his mask and sets it aside, his blue hair obscuring his face from your view for the time being. He brings his hand to his face again and takes out his prosthetic eye, dropping it into the jar.

He takes a moment before making his way back to you and sits down beside you again. You gently take a hold of his hand to reassure him as you slowly take in his face. Theres a lot of scarring, the majority and worst of it being on the right side of his face. The right side of his jaw had a divet in it and his right cheek was sunken in with scarring, a light scar running from the area up through his missing eye, now closed from no longer having the prosthetic eye in, through his eyebrow.  There was a small opening on the right side of his mouth where his teeth were visible and the front part of the cartilage of his nose was missing. You slowly reached up and cupped his cheek.

He looks worried for a moment before your thumb gently carresses his cheek. "You're beautiful, Sal Fisher." You say to him and his eye tears up as he moves his hand to your wrist.

Noticing he also had scars on his now bare arms you take both his hands into your lap and glance over the self inflicted scars covering his forearms before looking at his face again. "So beautiful. Don't cry." You say, letting go of his hands and pulling him into a hug which he immediately reciprocates, letting out a few sobs into your shoulder.

After a few moments you pull away from the hug and get into the bed, Sal following your movements. You cuddle close to him, leaning your head on his chest as he holds you. "You know, you're somebody I could fall in love with." You mutter quietly before closing your eyes. Sal doesn't respond, maybe he'd already fell asleep was the last thought you had before falling into slumber.

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