The Mandatory Party Chapter.

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"A party?" You question Larry, holding your cellphone to your ear as you listened. "Like a college party? Aren't those, you know, a lot?"
"Nah it's being held by a guy me and Sal know from the apartments, he's called CJ- Chill guy. The party will be pretty tame but still fun."
You listened to Larry speak for a moment a consider for a moment before speaking again. "Alright, but whos gonna be the designated driver?"
"Sally doesn't really drink so he'd be able to drive us."
"Sal can drive? I didn't think he'd be able to with his prosthetic and all,"
You hear Larry laugh. "Well between you and me, not legally- but yeah he can drive."
Admittedly the illegal part worried you but you trusted Sal knew his own abilities better than the government. "Alright, you've convinced me. And besides, I wanna finally meet this Ash you guys keep talking about. She hot?"
You hear Larry exhale a laugh. "Yeah, she is. I think you two will get along awesomely. So- meet you outside the apartments at eight?"
"You got it, see you later Lar-bear." You quickly end the call before he can protest against the nickname and move your gaze to your closet.

Pulling on a leather jacket over your black curve hugging dress, you finally head outside of the apartments. You shiver slightly from the cold, slightly regretting not opting for pants but you figured you wouldn't be outside all that long anyway. You smile as you see Larry poke his head out the passenger seat of a car you'd never seen before, waving you over. "Y/N!"

Hurrying over, you climb into the back of the car just wanting to get out of the cold. After closing the car door behind you, you glance around the car surveying the people in it. Sal and Neil were sat in back with you and Larry and a woman with long brown hair sat in the front.

The woman turned, her emerald green gaze meeting yours with a friendly smile on her pretty face. "Hi, Y/N right? I'm Ash."
You grin and glance at Larry before looking back at her. "Woah you weren't lying when you said she was hot, Larry. An honour to finally meet you." You laugh.
Ash shares your laughter before saying. "Oh, please. You're not too bad yourself." She giggled before turning forward. "Alright! Seat belts, people!"

As you're strapping in your seatbelt, your arm brushes with Sals and you feel him tense ever so slightly. You take it as a moment to glance over his outfit. He was wearing a black cropped Sanity Falls band tee that he appeared to have cut up himself, cutting the neckline of it off too with a mesh shirt beneath and a pair of black skinny jeans with tears in the thighs. You breath out slowly, not realising you were even holding your breath as you meet his gaze. The fact his hair was down and he was showing a lot of skin was kind of a lot. "You look good, Sal." You say after a moment of realising hes still staring at you.

"Oh, uh- Thanks. So do you." He manages, he'd gotten a little more comfortable with you which you were glad about.

Moving your gaze to Neil, you ask, "No Todd?"
Neil turns to you with a soft smile on his lips and shakes his head before he talks. "Nah, not his scene. He sends his love though."
You give a small nod in return and turn to gaze out of the window as Ash drives.

Arriving at the party, held in the small house CJ and his friends rent together, you were immediatly met with loud music and pink fluorescent lighting.

You watch as the group you arrived with split off into the crowd to talk to people they no doubt recognised. You obviously didn't have the luxary of recognising anybody other than the friends you arrived with so you head to try to find the kitchen in order to grab a drink.

Finally finding the kitchen, your eyes search the room. There was only beer available. Who only serves one kind of drink at a party?

"Hey, you want one?" You glance over to the direction of the voice, seeing a friendly looking blonde bearded man wearing a beanie and sitting in a wheelchair. He's holding a bottle opener and a unopened beer bottle.

If You Think I'm Pretty [Sal FisherxFem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now