The Birthday Surprise.

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You both jump out of the bed, Sal taking his pyjama pants out of his bag, slipping them on before strapping his prosthetic back to his face.

Pulling on your pyjama pants and a slightly oversized band tee that was most likely one Sal had left at your place at some point, you follow Sal to the front door of your apartment.

"Travis..?" Sal says dryly.

This was Travis? You look over the boy, he was slightly taller than Larry and some how more scrawny looking. He wore a white button up with a magenta sweater over it and some neatly ironed looking slim fit jeans with beaten up green high top sneakers. His dark skin was bruised visibly, having a black eye and brusing on his knuckles. His bleached blonde hair was in need of some serious toning, being almost yellow with dark roots slightly showing. Around his neck hung a thin gold chain with a gold cross pendant hanging from it.

You watch Travis's dark eyes glance over Sals bare torso for a moment before he looked away, his face flushed red. "Uh, hi. These are um, for you." He says, holding out the bouquet of red roses to Sal. "Happy Birthday,"

Sal takes them and hands them to Todd who rolls his eyes, muttering something about it being super cliché before taking them to the kitchen. "Thanks." The bluenette says, no emotion in his tone as he folds his arms over his bare chest. "How did you know I was here?"

Travis nervously played with his hands. "O-Oh um, I saw Larrys mom in the hallway on the way to your old place and she told me you were here."

You hear Sal curse under his breath. "Okay and what do you want, Travis? It's three in the morning."

"I just wanna talk, the way I left things with us- it wasn't right and I'm sorry." Travis glanced down at nothing in particular. "...Also, um ...It's about my dad,"

Sals pissed off demeanour seemed to soften at that, dropping his arms to his sides. He glances back at you and nod, letting him know it was fine to invite the blonde in.

He leads Travis into your bedroom to talk without waking up Larry, Ash or Neil. You close and lock the front door before following Sal, sitting down on your bed.

Sal points to your desk chair and Travis understands, sitting down in it as the bluenette reaches down and slips on his sweater before sitting on the edge of the bed. Todd returns from the kitchen, leaning against the doorway with folded arms.

Travis bites his lip before beginning. "Look, Sal, I'm really sorry. For bullying you and your friends, for asking... That of you and for ignoring you afterwards. I was dealing with some internalised bullshit," Todd snorts at that.

Sal sighs softly and nods. "I know, Travis." He ran his fingers through his bright blue hair. "You remember the bathroom? I, uh, found your note. You missed the trash can and I was a little nosey, I'm sorry."

Travis stared at the other male like a deer in headlights. "Did you- uh, know who it was about?"

Sal shook his head and Travis nodded, looking down. You silently  watch Travis's body language before glancing at Todd knowingly. "It was about you, Blue."

Sal turns his head slightly to look at you before moving his gaze to Travis. "There's no way it was about m-"

"It was." Travis interupts the bluenette. He clears his throat, avoiding Sals gaze. "It was about you, I'm- I was- in love with you."

"Woah," You murmur, shifting yourself forward on the bed to sit next to Sal.

Sal moves to take your hand, gently squeezing it. "You fucking called me a freak and punched me in the face like twenty minutes before, don't fuck with me Travis."

The tinge of anger in Sals voice caused your brows to knit together, gently rubbing your thumb soothingly against his hand.

"I remember that, Ash said she had to stop the bleeding with her bandana." Todd spoke up. "...But I believe him. Internalised homophobia is rough."

Listening to Todd seemed to calm Sal slightly. Travis glared at your conjoined hands before moving his gaze to your face. "So are you his girlfriend or something?"

"Or something. My names Y/N, lovely to meet you Travis." You fake a polite smile.

"What does that even mean?" He grumbled.

"Why the fuck should it matter to you? We fucked one time, Travis. You can't just show up here after ignoring me for years and confess your love to me." Sal snapped, causing Travis's attention to turn back to the masked male.

"...Is there really no chance?" The blonde asks.

"No. Maybe in the past, but not now." Sal answers sternly.

"Alright." A beat. "Well could we maybe... try the friendship thing?"

Sal sighs. "...Fine. Anyway, you said something about your dad?"

Travis swallows, dropping his gaze. "He- He told me he killed my mother and that he was going to kill me next when I told him I was going to leave."

Todd furrows his brows. "What? And he hasn't been prosecuted?"

The blonde shakes his head. "My dad has ever cop in this god forsaken town wrapped around his little finger." Travis fiddles with the cross pendant on the chain around his neck. "...I think that I have to kill him. But I wanted to make things right with you first."

"Travis thats... Drastic." Sal says, furrowing his brows beneath his prosthetic. "Listen, we'll find another way okay?"

Travis stays silent for a moment before meeting Sals gaze and nodding.

"You can stay here for now, if you'd like." You speak up. "I live alone so I have a spare room but I don't have any furniture in there, it's completely empty."

Travis stares at you with a surprised expression. "Wait, really?" You nod in response and he seemingly tries to hide a smile. "Thank you,"

"Good luck with that one, these two have loud sex." Todd guffaws, leaving the room before Sal can say anything to him in response.

Travis's jaw hangs open and you giggle, letting go of Sals hand and walking over to your draws. "Yeah, I'm not gonna be quiet for you buddy. If you're gonna stay here, invest in earphones or deal with it." You tell him, taking some clean underwear from your draw. "Speaking of which, I'm gonna go shower." You plant a kiss on the bluenettes prosthetic cheek before turning to Travis. "Theres a spare sleeping bag in the closet in the living room."

The blonde nods, getting up and following you out of the room as you head to the bathroom.

"I hurt him bad, didn't I?" Travis murmurs behind you.

You pause and turn to him. "You did. But you can make it upto him and you will make it upto him, I know it." You offer a smile.

He nods, heading over to the closet and you go into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.

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