The Roommate.

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It had been a week of living with Travis and honestly he was a pretty good roommate. He actually knew how to cook, unlike you, was pretty tidy, again unlike you, and was happy to do house cleaning. Larry was pissed when he found out about Travis's reappearance but after having the situation explained to him, he agreed to play nice though they both continued to butt heads.

Neil helped Travis find some cheap thrifted furniture for his room, Lisa helping out with the mattress, pillows and sheets for his bed. His room was mostly decorated pink and purple, his favorite colors, and was kept very tidy. You got the impression his parents, or at least his father, was very strict with him growing up.

Smelling food, you emerge from your room with a certain blue haired emo following behind you. "Hey, Trav~ What's for dinner my lovely housewife?" You tease the blonde, sitting down on one of the stools by the kitchen counter and watch Travis's back as he stirs something in a pan.

You were wearing your pyjamas with your hair tied up in a ponytail and Sal was simply wearing his shirt and boxers, his hair down and his prosthetic strapped to his face. You smile as you feel the bluenette wrap his arms around you from behind and plant a kiss on your collarbone with the cold lips of his prosthetic before leaning his chin on your shoulder.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Travis muttered, turning around to look at the two of you. Sal didn't talk much around Travis, clearly still having some tension between them but then Sal was a pretty quiet person in general around people outside of his close friendship group. "It's just some curry dish I whipped up with the left over chicken from last night,"

You smile at Travis. "It smells really good," Travis nods, briefly moving his gaze to Sal before tuning back to the hobs.

Gently jerking your shoulder, you prompt Sal to speak up. "So, uh, how are you finding it here?" The bluenette asks before cuddling closer into you.

"Pretty good, Y/N and I get on well- She doesn't really piss me off cause she doesn't ask me shit." Travis shrugged. "I still think this buildings freaky though. Like people died here."

"Isn't that the case with most places?" You say, moving your hand up to play with Sals hair.

"No I mean like... Recent." Travis says, moving to drain the rice in the sink.

You and Sal share a glance before you speak again. "I get what you mean by it being eerie but you're safe here, Trav."

"I-I know. Thanks." Travis seemed to apprieciate the reassurance anyway.

"Is Larry coming over for dinner?" You ask the bluenette, who nods.

"Yeah should be here in," He glances at the clock on the wall. "Like, ten minutes-ish?"

"You gonna put pants on then, Saaaally Face?" Travis teases him, pouring the drained rice into large bowl.

"Lars seen worse shit than me in my underwear, Traaaavis." Sal retorts, rolling his eyes and unwraps his arms from you before sitting himself down on the stool beside you.

"Can you not flirt in front of me? I'm almost getting jealous." You tease with a laugh.

"Hah, he wouldn't know what flirting was if it was a steal pipe to the back of the head." Sal laughs.

"Yeah like you have any game, Fisher." Travis says, turning to the bluenette and folding his arms over his chest.

"That a challenge, Phelps?" The bluenette tilts his head at the other male.

"Could be." The blonde says with a shrug. You smirked, turning to look at Sal who eyed Travis for a moment with an unreadable look in his electric blue eyes before standing up and stalking over to the other male.

You watch as Travis backs up against the counter, the bluenette trapping him there with his body. "For someone asking me about putting on pants, you really like to stare at my body," Sal murmurs, his hand ghosting over Travis's neck before moving to his jaw. Sal leans up slightly, his face very close to Travis's as he reaches back to his lower mask buckle with his free hand.

The blonde stares wide eyed at the other male, his face flushed red and his body unmoving, focused on Sals movements.

The bluenette lets out a laugh, dropping his hands and stepping back from the blonde. "I think I proved my point." Sal says, taking his stool again.

"Good job, Blue. You broke him." You laugh, waving a hand in front of Travis's face.

Travis blinks a few times and furrows his brows. "What the fuck, Fisher?" He grumbled under his breath, turning to turn off the hob.

You hear a knock at the door and press a kiss to the cheek of Sals prosthetic before standing up, answering the door. "Hey Lar,"

The brunette smiles, following you into the apartment. "Hey Y/N,"

You walk over to Travis, helping him put the food out on plates for the four of them.

"Salio! I missed ya lil bud," Larry says, wrapping his arm around Sals shoulder.

The bluenette laughs, shoving his brother away. "You saw me last night, dude." Sal says as he stands up.

You and Travis place the plates and forks on the small dining table you have in your apartment and the four of you sit down. You eat pretty much in silence, listening to the occasional banter between Larry and Sal.

"It's crazy that you can cook, Phelps." Larry laughs, finishing his food. "You're pretty good."

"A compliment? Are you feeling well, Johnson?" Travis retorts.

"Other than worrying about my Hatsune Miku stunt double of a brother getting jumped by you, yeah I'm fucking fantastic."

You snort at the Miku comment, finishing your food. "Seriously though, Travis has been very well behaved. You don't need to worry about Sal especially since I'm here, you know."

"I gotta admit, your temper seem a lot tamer these days." Sal says to the blonde as he reaches back and rebuckles the bottom buckle of his mask since he'd finished his food.

"Well, I guess accepting you're gay does that." Larry says, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't give a shit that your gay, I hate you because you're an asshole."

"Hate you right back, freak." Travis grumbles, standing up as he gathered up the empty plates.

"So like, what's going on with you two?" Larry asks, sitting back on his chair. "You dating or what? Sals always here,"

You tilted your head. "Um, I don't think so? We still haven't really been on a date. Theres no rush, anyway." You glance away as Sal meets your gaze. You really liked Sal but commitment was... Scary. You hadn't brought the idea of a date back upto Sal since the night Travis arrived for that exact reason.

Larry nod slowly before turning to look at his brother. You briefly wonder if you imagined the worried look he gives Sal. "Just fucking, then."

"Don't I fucking know it," You hear Travis grumble and you laugh.

"Well, Todd did warn you." You shrug, standing up and begin to help Travis with the dishes to allow the brothers to talk. You glance back at them as you feel Sals eyes on you. You give a nod and a small smile, knowing his look meant that he wanted to talk later. You can't help but feel anxiety claw at your stomach.

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