The Sweet Beginning of The Storm

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You'd only been in the daycare a few times before, but in that time you still managed to befriend the Moon. Your first, and maybe only, real friend. So sad to leave. He was sad too, almost pained, even. And now, so excited to come back, you weren't bothered with whoever's party this was. All you knew was that you were back in your favorite place and soon to be with your favorite person. Maybe it was the fact that you were one of the few that didn't fear him. Maybe it was the fact that you seemed so grateful for his attention. But he was always attached to you, in a way that was scary to people on the outside.

You ran off as soon as you could, wandering around the dark daycare. You'd hear a soft gasp, followed by a raspy giggle from behind you.

"Well hello, my baby."

Before you knew it, you were whisked off your feet and into the arms of the tall animatronic. You'd been so scared the first time he'd done that. But he walked you through it, allowed you the space to find comfort in touch. In him.


He chuckled, holding you to his chest like you were his prized possession. He nuzzled your head and swayed steadily.

"Well someone's happy to see me." He said softly, lovingly, proudly. It was the best thing you'd ever felt. You were adored, treasured.

He sighed contently, squeezing you a bit more. "My starlight, my baby, my little love... It's nap time, you know.. Do you still like lullabies?"

Your head jerked up at that, a lullaby, he'd sang you one last time you were there. That was the first one you'd gotten in years, he was also the first one to hold you in any time you could remember. Maybe that should make you sad, but how could you be sad when your best friend was there. You nodded and nestled your head into him. Moon grinned and swiftly carried you to a little pillow fort in the corner. Just big enough for the two of you. Had that been there the last time you were there? What did it matter, everything felt alright again. No, better than alright, you felt the best you'd ever been. He sat down with you in his arms and leaned back.

"How does... 'You are my sunshine' sound, little one?"

"Very good.. Thank you.."

He smiled, there was a look in his eyes. Was that pride? Maybe triumph? Who cared, you were in pure bliss. "No need to thank me, you polite little thing." And with that, the most calming sound you'd ever heard hit your ears. You looked up at Moon sleepily, you wanted to stay in this moment forever. You were out before you could think about anything else, he always had a way with that, getting you to sleep so quickly. And god dammit, you loved it, being able to sleep so easily, so comfortably.

You woke up a few hours later, still in his arms. The lights were on and you could hear Sun talking in the distance. He'd stayed out after naptime? Before you could finish the thought you heard a camera shutter. You looked up at Moon curiously, but he just smiled and rubbed your cheek.

"Good morning, my baby. Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm.." You'd mumbled, rubbing your eyes. You snuggled closer to him, usually you'd be too scared to. But this was the only person who held you, you needed to savor it. You heard the camera shutter again, but Moon just smiled down at you. If he wasn't concerned, then it was probably fine. Without warning, he gently tickled under your chin, chuckling at your giggles.

"Ohh... Your sweet little giggles... I could listen to them forever.. You're so cute."

"I'm not cute.." You mumbled playfully, letting out another little giggle. He raised an eyebrow and smirked mischievously.

"Not cute? Not cute?!", he gasped dramatically, "Well isn't that just such a terrible lie that someone has fed my baby. I don't know how anyone could see this little ball of sweetness as anything but adorable."

You giggled softly and crossed your arms. It was so cheesy, so silly, and yet, it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to you.

"Oh dear! It looks like I'm going to have to chase these nasty thoughts out of my little starlight!" He exclaimed in his soft, raspy voice.

"Wha-" You started before you felt his fingers spider up your ribs.

"Get out of my little star, you bad thoughts!"

"H-hey! You s-hehe- You silly!" You whined, wiggling around on his lap.

"Noo, I think you, in fact, are the silly." He said smugly before nuzzling your tummy. "Om nom nom, oh, my little baby tastes so sweet."

"No-hoho, don't- don't eat me!" You giggled, Moon smiled, stopped, and cuddled you close.

"Okay, I think my little baby is free from the bad thoughts now." You sighed contently (but shakily) and snuggled up to him once more.

"Thanks, Moon-Man."

He chuckled and raised a brow. "Moon-Man?"

You giggled softly. "Mooney-tunes."

He smushed his face against your cheek. "Oh my, it looks like I'm getting the nicknames now, I could get used to this, cutie." He started to rub little circles on your back. You leaned into him, and then heard the shutters again.

"... Moony? Do you know what that sound is?"

"Oh that? Don't worry about that, my little love. I'm just taking pictures of you, that's fine, isn't it?"

You thought for a moment before nodding. He smiled and patted your head. "Good.. That's good."

You two stayed like that for a while, he told you stories, sang you songs, told you the corniest dad jokes. The sound of the other children got quieter over time, but you didn't notice at first. Sometimes Sun would walk past and shoot a nervous glance to Moon, who'd just glare at him until he left. You were unaware of this too. But after long enough, it was near silent in the daycare. This worried you, so you went to the person you trusted most for help.


"Yes, little one?"

"Is it time to leave, I don't hear anybody else.."

Moon sighed, he knew this was coming. But he had a plan, he always did. "I guess it is, how about we go up to the front desk and ask, okay?"

"Okay." You smiled, feeling safer already, he knew what he was doing, it'd all be alright. It just had to be.

You walked with him quietly, hand in hand. How long had it been since someone held your hand? You couldn't quite remember, but it didn't matter, you had a friend now. He stopped at the desk and spoke to the employee who was sat there. Moon glared at them, and they seemed to know exactly what he wanted them to say.

"Have our little friends' guardians arrived yet?" He asked, eyes glowing redder than before.

The worker gulped and spoke shakily. "I- no.. I'm afraid not.." This wasn't true in the slightest, your parents had tried to pick you up hours ago and were told you weren't there. But Moon had prepared this, his friend didn't need to leave him. He could and would be a better caretaker.

"Ohh, what a shame. I guess that means we get a little more time, hm, baby? Maybe we'll get to have a sleepover." Your fear melted away at his words, a sleepover, that was a first, that sounded fun.

"Really?" You asked hopefully.

"Mhm, in fact, I have something fun to show you. It's the best place for a sleepover. Just follow me." Oh how special you felt, how loved. You followed him happily, watched as he attached his wire to his back, held on as he lifted you into the air. He brought you to the room in the tower above the daycare. He kept hold of you even after his feet hit the balcony. Sun was in there too, he looked rather nervous.

"O-oh, hey brother, and little friend.." He gave the two of you an anxious little wave, he didn't sound very upbeat anymore.

Moon waved back and took you into the closed off part of the room. He sat on the bed and cuddled you close. He nuzzled your cheek and rubbed your back. "God, I love you so much, little." He mumbled, holding you closer.

"I love you too!" You chirped back, prompting him to squeeze you even tighter.

"Hmm... My baby. All mine, forever and ever." He gently massaged your sides and hips, eyes half closed. "Sweet Potato... How does pizza and a movie sound, hm?"

"Yes please." You smiled with a nod and he scooped you up once more.

He took you down to the little restaurant in front of the daycare, got you a slice of pizza and a drink, then took you back to the room. He sat on a bean bag with you, a tablet sat up in front of you two, playing some random kids movie. He hand fed you, despite your embarrassment towards it. He put the plate down when he was done and pinched your cheek.

"Was that good, little one?" He asked gently.

"Mhm, thank you."

Moon chuckled and cuddled you closer. He rubbed your tummy and propped his chin up on your head, swaying back and forth slowly. Soon enough the movie was over and he started to speak again.

"What would you say to a onesie, starlight? I think I have one you could wear for our sleepover.." He asked, continuing to rub you.

"Is... Is that okay?" You asked quietly. "Oh of course, anything for my baby. C'mon, let's get you changed." He squeezed you tight one last time before sitting you down. He pulled a onesie out from a box, one size too big, just big enough to be comfy. It was themed around him, probably taken from the gift shop. He handed it over and headed towards the tunnel.

"You just put that on, I'll be out there when you're done." He said before leaving the room and closing the curtain that was above the tunnel. He sat done with his brother as you changed. Sun spoke quietly, staring at the ground.

"You can't really be doing this..."

"Doing what?"

"Y-you're taking an innocent child away from their family.. It isn't right.."

"Oh please," Moon rolled his eyes, "They're happier with me."


"Haven't you seen that sad, pitiful, touched starved little thing?" He interrupted. "Just look at how differently they act around me, plus, I need something to focus on. It's good for both of us."

Sun frowned, looking saddened. "Moony.. What are we gonna tell the kid when they ask to go home?"

"Whatever we need to when the time comes." He replied firmly.

"... Okay." Sun mumbled right before you peeked your head out of the little tunnel. Moon immediately pulled you out and scooped you up, spinning you around. The hood was made to look like his hat, he pulled it over your head.

"Oh goodness! My baby! You look just like your papa Moony."

He sat back down with you in his arms. Sun stared at him sadly, worriedly. Moon ignored him completely and kissed your cheeks over and over.

"You're so stinkin' cute, my little darling.." He said lovingly before starting to rub your back again. He stared at you for a while. "I could just keep you here forever, wouldn't you like that, baby?"

"You're so silly." You replied in a giggly manner, nuzzling against his chest. Sun let out a small whimper, he knew just how serious Moon was, and how little you knew. He felt overwhelmingly guilty for his brother's actions. Moon sighed and leaned against him, still cradling you close. He rubbed your back and head, humming soft lullabies until you fell asleep. He whispered to Sun, not looking away from you.

"I know you're scared... But I swear, this will be good for all of us."

"What if we get caught?" Sun whispered back, staring into the distance.

"We won't." Moon replied confidently.


"You know how you said you wished you had another friend to play with after hours?"


"Sun please, we won't get in trouble, I'll make sure of it."

"If you're sure... They are quite cute.."

"I knew you'd understand."

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