Isn't It Sweet?

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He was set in his plans, the day speeding past before he practically dumped you on Sun, promising to come back with a surprise. You didn't question it too much, at that point you'd just accepted that Moon was a bit weird. Sun on the other hand, was a bit nervous, praying his brother wouldn't do anything risky or dumb.

But for now, he would hide it. You and Sun were quietly filling out coloring books together, both needing the distraction. There wasn't much talking, just the occasional requesting of a pencil. It was nice, to sit in safety and comfort.

Moon snuck around quickly, weaving through any obstacle with grace. He ended up in the lost and found, dropping to his knees and starting to dig. He sifted through the piles with determination, finding his prize after a good while. A small red camera, scuffed up around the edges, but still working to his surprise. It felt tiny to him, almost too small to press the buttons, but just right for your little hands. Yes, this would be just right, he thought, slipping it into his pocket.

You were already sleepy by the time he got back. Despite Sun's reminders that you were allowed to put yourself to bed whenever you pleased, you were determined to be up when Moon got back.

"How are my favorite people?" He asked softly as he entered, not sure if you'd be awake.

"Moony!" He stumbled back, not expecting to be ambushed by your small self. Moon's smile widened as far as it could go, he picked you up into a big hug before sitting down with you in his lap.

Sun chuckled, still working on his coloring book, "They've been waiting for you, said they couldn't sleep until you got back."

"Aww.." Moon nuzzled your face, nearly forgetting to talk. He slipped the camera into his hand and tapped you to pull your attention to it.

You looked over as Moon uncurled his hand to reveal his surprise, then you looked up at him with wide eyes.

He moved it closer to you. "Go on, it's for you."

Gently you picked up the camera, feeling it over carefully. Moon took a few minutes to explain how it worked, and took great pride in your thanks.

Then he let you pick out a place in his room to put it. You were put to bed soon after on account of barely being able to keep your eyes open.

Moon plopped himself down next to Sun, who struck up conversation immediately.

"So, a camera, huh?"

"Mhm, I just thought they'd like it."

"I'm sure they do."

"... What'd you two do while I was out?"

Sun simply held up the coloring book he was still working on.

Moon looked around for yours, picked it up, and looked through each page lovingly.

He sighed dramatically, "Sun, I need a refrigerator."

Sun whipped his head around. "Excuse me?"

"I wish to hang the child's artwork on a fridge."

"Oh.. That would be nice.. We kinda have one, for the snacks and such."

"But it isn't ours, and I'm not sure we're allowed to hang anything on it."

".... No."

".. You could have your own funky magnets, and a place for schedules that you can physically check off, because I know you're the kind of weirdo who likes that."

Sun threw his coloring book down. "Firstly, that is not weird, secondly, don't remind me of all the funky magnets and planners that aren't in my life."

Moon snickered at his reaction before getting smacked in the face with a pillow.

"Wha- Really now?"

"Go! Go to bed, you meanie!"

"I'm not mean!"

"Yes you are! Now go snuggle your baby!" Sun chucked a pillow at him, smug knowing those words already won him this game.

Moon, already rearing up to throw a pillow of his own, stopped in his tracks. Any desire for revenge was gone in a flash, replaced with pride that you were recognized as his. He started towards the tunnel, trying to maintain his image.

".. Whatever, don't stay up all night."

"I'm not a child, Moon."


Sun shook his head, continuing with his coloring, wanting to enjoy some peace while he could.

Moon, brimming with joy, sat in the bed and pulled you into his arms. He was met with a little whine and an attempt to sit up. To which he simply pushed you back down.

"No, no, you don't have to wake up yet. It's okay.."

He rubbed your back and pulled some more blanket around you, being very pleased once you settled down.

"Mmm, my baby... He's right, you are my baby... All mine," He brushed his fingers along the side of your face, "And I'll raise you so well... And I'm going to watch you grow up, and love you through it all... You just wait, little one..." Moon whispered, plugging himself in with a sigh.


You had just an absolutely wonderful day, playing with Moon nearly the whole time. The two of you spent hours together, leaving you giddy as could be.

He spun you around, high up in the air, eyes brighter than usual. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck once he lowered you. Moon twirled his way around for a bit before getting you something to eat. You sat together in a little nook that not too many people visited. It was cozy, as cozy as a place like that could get at least. He started to feed you, as per usual, savoring every face you made along the way.

"Moony.." You quietly piped up in between forkfuls, "You know you don't have to do this, right..?"

"I know. .. Does it bother you?"

".. Not really... I just... I dunno, sorry."

He put the fork down and cradled the side of your face. "Little one... I know you aren't quite used to this... But I take care of you because I want to and because I love you, promise.."


Moon stared at your face, he knew that look well, that of a child about to cry. So, he pushed the plate away and pulled you onto his lap. He held your head to his chest as tiny tears escaped you despite your efforts.

He went to console you, only to be cut off by muffled mumbles.

"... I love you too."

"Oh.. Oh baby I know you do.."

Moon waited until you were breathing better to start feeding you again. He tried to change the subject in hopes of changing your mood.

"You know, I saw a bit of your coloring last night... You're really good at it."

You brightened at his praise, feeling a sense of pride.

"Thanks, papa."

Moon stared down at you, completely unmoving and silent. He could barely hear anything, feel anything, anything but heat. His cooling fans were going a million miles a minute, and, was that a rattle? If Moon was anything he was advanced, and not known to do things like that.

You saw this and assumed he must be upset, and it was in that moment that it finally clicked what had come out of your mouth. You felt heat rise to your face as you pulled your shirt over it.

"I'm so sorry..."

That seemed to snap him out of it. Moon uncovered your face and hugged you as tight as he could without hurting you.

"You make me so happy."

This.. This was the last thing you expected to happen, but you were grateful for it. You didn't know how long you stayed like that, just that it was long enough for you to get sleepy.

Moon willed himself up, wanting you to sleep when you needed to.

You were almost back up to the room when he asked, "Starlight.. Do you think we could take a picture real quick?"

You pulled the little camera from your pocket and tried to hand it to him, only to have it gently pushed back.

Moon leaned his head down next to yours, and you gave your biggest smile. You looked at the picture on that tiny screen whilst Moon carried you. Everything after that was a blur, all you remembered was a kiss to your forehead as you were laid down.

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