Shenanigans of A Mixed Varity.

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You played until you could barely keep your eyes open. And Moon took the liberty of carrying you to bed. Wasn't that beautiful? Warm? Carried to bed in the loving arms of your adored captor. Another great day, another perfect day. How long would it be until another slip up? Until you started to doubt your own sanity? Regardless, it'd be time for you to wake up soon.


"Mornin', my little." You heard from above you, a hand coming down to caress your cheek. You rubbed your eyes, yawned and- was that the camera again? Oh, it didn't matter, your head was being cradled, wasn't that nice? Moon pulled you upright and tugged a hoodie over you. Then he scooped you up.

"Come on, sweetpea. We've got things to do." He held you over his shoulder like an infant and walked out. He walked you around the Pizzaplex, it was.. Concerningly devoid of people. Swiftly, Moon stalked about the building, clearly looking for something, or someone. It was, a little, boring, to say the least. Luckily, you had an abundance of questions floating around your mind.

"Hey Moony, when do I have to go home?"

"Sometime, honey."

"... Where are we going?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Huh... Why're the generator thingies in the jungle gyms?"

He looked down at you and sighed softly. ".. Because the people who made this place were... very silly." He started to rub your back. "Now it's my turn to ask questions." He nuzzled you gently. "Like, why are you so darn cute?"

You stuck your tongue out at Moon and he just laughed his coarse giggles.

"Alright, sweetness, I need to ... run some errands.. And there's some people who want to have a playdate with you while I'm out.. Is that okay?" He sounded pretty upset even about the fact that he was asking. Both nervous for the future and angry at the world.

You nodded hesitantly, if Moon trusted the people, then they were probably fine. A playdate did sound fun.

"Good, good." Your walk eventually came to a stop by the front of gator golf and Moon's mood seemed to worsen by the second, muttering to himself about upcoming regrets he'd have. Eventually, two other animatronics would approach, and Moon would set you down, though still keeping you close. You recognized the two as Monty and Chica, you'd never actually seen them before, but you liked to make the most of the fact that you could read signs. Chica was much more enthusiastic and gasped loudly the moment she reached you both.

"Moon! You didn't tell us they were this cute! Hey little buddy!" She waved at you energetically, Monty on the other hand, looked Moon up and down and crossed his arms.

"Heh, you really had a damn kid up there." He said smugly, receiving only a grunt in response.

"Are you going to watch them or not?" Moon asked coldly, not appearing very fond of his present company.

" 'Course, you got me a few days off work, I can stand to watch the lil' brat for a bit. How many threats it take for you to manage that by the way?"

The daycare animatronic glared at Monty for a good thirty seconds before abruptly "coughing". "I will be back soon. Do not let them get hurt." His voice was low and stern, the complete opposite of how he spoke when he bent down to you immediately after.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He sounded so concerned, as loving as ever.

"Mhm.." You were nervous, but you didn't want to put Moon in any more of a difficult situation then he already seemed to be in. ... And maybe part of it was you wanting to make him proud.

He sighed and stood up. "Be good." Judging by his tone, that probably wasn't directed towards you.

The gator looked down at you with a snort. "Kid, I'm gonna turn you into a champion golfer today.

Chica interrupted before you could respond. "WAIT! Not before they eat!" She knelt down to you. "Have you had breakfast yet, sweetie?"

You shook your head no as you'd only woken up maybe half an hour beforehand and hadn't had the time for food.

She gasped dramatically, hand to her chest and all. "Oh you poor baby!" She grabbed your hand and strutted through the Pizzaplex with Monty treading behind her. "We should go to that little ice cream place with the pizza flavor!"

"Yeah, I'm sure Moon 'll just love you feedin' the kid ice cream for breakfast." Monty snickered.

"Well then he should've fed his own kid!" Chica huffed, still leading you around.

You quietly followed her around, just listening to them both talk. The three of you made it there in no time, and Chica eagerly pulled you both to the freezer. She let go of your hand and dug around the inventory until she found what she was after. You were given a few spoonfuls of different flavors before she just devoured an entire container. In mere seconds too, you had no choice but to watch silently in both terror and awe. Monty was stood at the door, cackling at the scene.

"Alright, let's get a move on 'fore this thing freezes to death." He gestured towards you and Chica begrudgingly grabbed your hand and followed him out. The three of you made your way back to gator golf, with Monty and Chica bickering nearly the whole time. The second you stepped inside, a golf club was shoved into your arms. They took you to the first hole, Chica standing at the end, and Monty with you at the start.

"Alright kid, just watch and learn." He stood in front of you and got in position. Then swung, albeit aggressively, and got a hole in one. Chica clapped and gave her congratulations as if she hadn't seen this a million times before. You spent the next hour or so being tutored in the art of mini golf. Your companions gossiped about nearly everyone they knew during this. By the end you were getting increasingly frustrated with trying to golf. Chica noticed and gently took the club from you, then set it to the side.

"How about we go take some pictures now?" She offered sweetly.

"... Okay." You responded before being dragged off again. They found a fazcam and took some pictures of the three of you, seemingly having specific poses ready. Chica had her eyes closed for all of them, you didn't know why, but she still looked good doing it. After two or three pictures like this, Monty got an idea, and was very eager to execute it.

"Hold on, I gotta good one." He led you both over to some neon signs of the glamrocks and then propped you up on his shoulders, standing in front of the Freddy one. He flipped off the sign with one hand and held your leg with the other.

"You just do what I'm doin', little buddy." Monty waited for a second, quickly picking up on your hesitance. "You can do it, I'm sayin' you can." You were still nervous, but you did it anyway. It was often that you got permission to do that. Chica took the picture and handed it to you.

"Make sure to show that to your daddy, kid." Monty snickered. You just smiled awkwardly and stuffed it in your pocket with the rest of them.

"Y'know kid, I'm gonna be the star of this place soon." He boasted as Chica giggled. "He tells that to everyone." " 'Cause it's true." "If you say so." They continued on like that as the three of you left gator golf.


Moon dressed himself in the most normal and non conspicuous clothing he could. A facemask, hoodie, gloves, pants, all muted colors. Then he'd sneak his way out of the building and onto the nearest bus. He kept his head down, and got off close to your house. Moon picked the lock on the front door, calmly striding in like he belonged there. Someone angrily grabbed his arm, some adult relative of yours, he didn't care to differentiate, he hated them all the same.

"Why the hell- "

He pulled his arm back and covered their mouth, speaking in a horrifyingly calm tone. "If you do not want that child's insides smeared across your walls, then I suggest being quiet." He slowly pulled one of their eyes shut. "And turning a blind eye for me, hm?" They nodded and Moon shoved them to the side. As much as it pained him to threaten your safety in any way, he knew it'd be effective. He grabbed them again and fished a phone from their pocket, completely crushing in one hand. They were violently pushed away as Moon entered your room. He gathered everything he could identify as a comfort item, things you'd said you missed when sad, or just lovingly spoken of. He shoved it all in a bag and walked out, barely making a sound. Then he went right back to the Pizzaplex, removing and trashing everything he'd been wearing, and then getting right back into his usual attire. Tiredly he went to find you and your reckless party of three.

"I'm yer favorite, right kid?" Monty asked cockily, Chica interrupted before you could answer.
"Ohohoho, don't let Roxy hear you sayin' that!" "If she wanted to indoctrinate the kid, she shoulda come with us, but nooo, she had to spend the day starin' at herself!"

Moon scowled and rubbed his forehead as he approached Monty, holding his arms out expectantly. Monty chuckled and handed you over. " 'Bit impatient there ay, Moon-Man?" Moon ignored him and looked down at you.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked softly, though the tiredness still showed through.

"Yeah.." You did have fun, but were a bit overwhelmed and ready to wind down with someone quieter, and more familiar.

"That's good." He sighed. "And, thanks for watching them, you two." "Anytime!" Chica chirped, Monty nodded in agreement. "The lil' runt ain't half bad." He looked down at you and rubbed your head. "You just wait, next time your uncle Monty 'll teach ya how to get the go karts off the tracks." "You will not." Moon said sternly, Monty just laughed and winked at you.

"We'll see you later." Moon sighed and started to walk off. "Come see us again soon!" Chica called out with a wave.

Moon put his chin on your head as he took you back to the daycare. "I've got something special for you, little one..."

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