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Oh, it was wonderful. Possibly the best. Did it get any better? Could it? It was as blissful as your ignorance. The two of you ran around the daycare, brimming with excitement. The world was truly yours that day. You ran from place to place, activity to activity. You'd never had someone run with you, hand in hand, before then.

"Little one, I have something I think you'll like.." He called softly. You came to him as quickly as possible, being met with a chest full of play costume pieces. Very well loved items.

You were filled with such innocent wonder. You looked up at Moon, a silent request of approval. He chuckled and nodded. Joyfully you rummaged through the toy chest, pulling out a plastic knight helmet and a foam sword. The helmet slid on nicely. You stretched your arm as far as it would go to poke your mechanical friend in the nose with the sword. He laughed in response, bending down and returning the favor.

"Ohh, are you going to protect me, little knight...?" He asked soothingly.

"Uh huh!" Oh so proud, so devoted, it'd be a terrible shame for that to go to waste. You swung your sword around, enjoying the swooshing sound it made. But then, a glorious idea crossed your mind. You ran towards an arts and crafts table without warning. Moon was surprised, but happily trailed behind you. There were already supplies in your hands, moving almost as your thoughts. He tried to peek over you, to get at least a glimpse of what you were doing. And maybe a reason for why you were doing it so quickly.

"What's the rush, sweetpea?" Moon would ask, sounding very amused, still trying to look over your head.

"No no no, I'm not done! You can't see it yet!" You'd protest, trying hopelessly to cover his eyes.

Moon giggled and sat beside you, but covered his eyes to put your little heart at ease. "Why? Is it for me?" He asked teasingly.

You huffed a little, and just kept on with your creation.

After a minute or two more of this, you were done, and very happy. You blissfully and gently put it on your companion's head. It was a paper crown, with uneven points, and tape joints. A carefully drawn crescent moon drawn in the middle. He took it off to see, then stopped for a good few seconds. You'd be afraid he had shut down if he hadn't hugged you immediately after. He held you like his life depended on never letting you go.

"I.. Thank you, little one.." He whispered down to you.

"You're welcome! I made it because I'm the knight so you should be the king so I can be your knight." You informed him cheerfully.

He couldn't quite cry, and sure you knew that, but it sounded like he was. Like he was trying and failing to speak over and over until it sounded like broken sobs. He pulled away slightly and cupped your face in both hands, lightly squeezing your cheeks. So obsessed, painfully so, with everything you did, with everything you were. Moon stared at you, unable to healthily express such desperation. He'd keep you there, and god would he keep you safe. He put the little crown back on, picked you up, and held you close.

"Where to, my little knight? My baby..."

You pointed your sword forward. "Ball Pit!"

"Ball pit it is." And surely, that's where you went. How a robot could stare at someone with so much passion, no, how anyone could stare with that much passion, is beyond me. But he did. Oh, and how he loved you, he'd raise you, protect you, keep you. He was sure of it, and nothing could save anyone who got in the way of that.

Robotic Hearts, and The Terror Soon To ComeWhere stories live. Discover now