That's Quite the Folly, Mister Moon.

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You awoke to the faint sound of screaming children below the room. You started to panic, had you slept too long? Were you messing up the schedule? The thoughts left quickly as you felt someone grab your shoulders firmly. Moon was still laying with you, looking over at you worriedly.

"Hey, hey. You're alright little one.." He slowly sat up, keeping you close, starting to rub your back again. He pulled the cord from his back and squeezed you.

"There's no need to panic, everything's alright." The animatronic swayed from side to side until he was sure you were calm. "Do you think you're ready to start your day now?" He asked gently.

You nodded and hugged onto him.

Moon picked you up and looked through some boxes in his room. He pulled out various clothing items and laid them all out. He looked over everything, putting away one thing at a time until he had an outfit he approved of. Then he gently lowered you to the floor.

"Can you put this on for me, sweetheart?" He asked quietly. You gave him a little nod and he gave one right back. Moon rubbed your head for just a moment. "You're a good kid, starlight." He mumbled before leaving the room.

The outfit was just the way you liked your clothing once again, you chose not to question it. Who else would have been so considerate? So precise? You changed into the clothing he picked out for you before leaving the room to meet him.

Moon knelt down and gently grabbed your hands. "Oh my, don't you look adorable.." He said softly, taking another picture of you and pinching your cheek. "You little goober." He squeezed your hands twice, let go, and then stood up straight.

"Sun left a plate of food for you, do you want it now?"

"Yes please." You said, he got it for you immediately. It was a few different snacks from the daycare put together. He got out a beanbag chair and sat on it before pulling you onto his lap. Moon grabbed the colorful plastic plate and carefully fed you from it. He told you stories and puns while he fed you. Once finished, the plate was set to the side, and you were admired silently for a while. You heard him sigh softly.

"Hey little one, would you like to go play down there for a while?" He asked kindly, yet, it wasn't hard to tell that he didn't want you to go. But he knew how this worked, keeping you entertained and comfortable would leave less time for questions. It would be better to let you out for a while, even if he wanted to see you at every given moment.

"Uh huh." All the things you could do. Would you stay at the arts and crafts table? Or maybe you'd join the other kids in their games? Climbing the play structures on your own sounded good too! Maybe you could explore the ballpit?! You were just excited for today's adventures.

Moon brought you down and let you loose, not without a very tight goodbye hug though. And you had your fun. You explored, you drew, you climbed. Then you napped with everyone else for a change, a bit nerve racking, but you had your bestest friend there. So what did it matter?

When the day was near done, Moon fed you dinner, and put you in Sun's care, promising he'd be back before either of you were asleep. He walked in a quick, almost aggressive stride. It would be quick he told himself, he just needed to be sure that everything was in order. Before Moon could even get out of the daycare, he was stopped by one of their human staff members. One of the snarkier ones, that's all he bothered to remember about them.

"Are you really keeping a kid up there?" They huffed, glaring at Moon from the security desk.

".. Mind your business." He said quietly, wanting nothing less than for his family to be taken away. Oh, but he hadn't anticipated this. He was betting on his reputation being enough to get people to back off.

Well that wasn't enough, they stepped in front of him with the smirk of a person who heavily enjoyed the feeling of superiority. "You know you could get reported for that, right? Probably even shut down."

"Well it's a good thing you don't have any proof, huh?" Moon asked in a syrupy and passive aggressive manner, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh please, it's so fucking obvious, I bet if I checked the cameras right now-"

Apparently that was his last straw, nothing else could so clearly illustrate his anger issues, his deadly overprotection of loved ones. He grabbed that employee by the head and smashed it into the wall. Moon felt a horrible sense of panic, this could get him scrapped, you taken away, and his brother left alone if not gotten rid of too. But there was no remorse, he did not feel bad in the slightest for taking the life of another. He dragged their body down to the kitchen and dumped it into the trash compactor. Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't care to investigate, and would be too scummy to let anyone do it. He wiped off the wall, the floors, his hands. He came back and read you stories until you fell asleep, as kindly as ever. He tucked you into his bed, swearing to come hold you soon. He went to his brother, who he grabbed by the shoulders and spoke to in a shaky whisper.

"Sunny, I messed up..."

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