Don't You Ever Learn?

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"Babyyy..." A quiet voice called out into the room. You'd just finished your snack a few minutes ago, and had just been fiddling with your fingers. You peaked your head out of the fort and were immediately yanked up into the air. There was a brief moment of panic before you realized who it was. Moon wrapped his arms tightly around you.

"I'm afraid I'm going to give you a heart attack one of these days, my little one." He whispered.

"Nuh uh." Fear always had a way of leaving at the thought of being embarrassed by it.

He chuckled, "Brave as always.. We can get you dinner soon, but we have to put the fort away first, alright?"

You frowned, saddened at the thought of getting rid of something so happy, but nodded regardless.

Moon tilted your head. "Don't look so sad, the most fun part was making it together. This just means we get to do it again."

Well wasn't this just the push you needed, all over again, one of your best memories. "Okay!"

The two of you put all the pieces away, laughing, smiling, dancing around each other. It may have been one of the only good times you had while cleaning. He hummed, working swiftly, gracefully, occasionally twirling you around just for the fun of it. Once finished, he pulled you out of the room and peaked over the balcony. The meeker of their human employees was leaving. It'd be a few minutes before they were out of the building and Moon had promised himself there'd be no repeats.

".. Starlight... I know something we can do, but it'll be high up, okay?" He asked softly.

As terrifying as being high up could be, you trusted yourself in Moon's hands. ".. Okay."

He lifted you back up and attached the wire to his back. You were held tighter than ever. He "flew" around the darkened daycare and it felt like pure magic. Moon performed a couple aerial tricks, trying to guide you through too, sometimes. He did this for a few minutes before slowly lowering back down. But right before his feet hit the ground, he tossed you into the ballpit. You yelped and tried to wiggle yourself upright. Moon perched on the side of the ballpit like a cat, giggling so much that he sounded like a broken record.

You were standing after a minute of struggling. "Meanie!"

He giggled some more, "But it was funny."

You huffed a little and threw one of the plastic balls at him.

Moon froze for a few seconds before dramatically falling backwards, clutching his neck ruffles like it was pearls. He threw his hand over his forehead, fake sniffling and everything. "Oh, oh god, you've killed me, little. How cruel?!"

That got you laughing a bit. You started to climb out of the ballpit. "How are you talking if you're dead?"

He gasped loudly. "And now you're disrespecting me, on my deathbed! You naughty little thing, how could you do this to me?!"

You stood over him and stuck your tongue out. He gasped even louder, stood up, and cradled you in his arms.

"My little one is so mean, I must kiss the evilness away!" He kissed your cheeks over and over, twirling around on his heels.

"Ah! Moony!" You cried with a laugh. Moon chuckled and stopped the kisses.

"Alright, alright, let's go get you something to eat now." He plopped you down, then led you by hand through the Pizzaplex. He picked a restaurant, got you something and then sat down with you. Moon hand fed you and took pictures of your embarrassed little face. He wiped your face, then led you around again. Gracefully, gently, tenderly, he spun you around, danced about. It was perfect. No security to be a bother, he thought. But he was oh so wrong.

Moon twirled you around and spent you spinning. You were all giggles and smiles about it too. Until you bumped into a S.T.A.F.F bot. It grabbed onto your arm and its sirens blared. He started prying you away, and then saw other animatronics approaching. Moon pushed you behind him and ripped the alarm out of the security bot. He threw it to the ground and snatched you up, not considering the fact that this would horrify you. Moon got back up into the room as quickly as possible. He looked down at you in his arms, not expecting to see your sniveling face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We got away, we're safe now." He tried to reassure you.

"... Why'd you do that..?" You asked with a tremble in your voice. It was so hard to understand why the person you thought to be the best would do something like that.

He didn't answer right away, squeezing you tighter, his whole plan, his whole world starting to burst at the seams. "To... to protect you.."


"Shhhh" He put his thumb over your lips, and wiped your tears. "I know that scared you, I'm sorry I scared you. But I promise, they didn't feel it at all. Okay? And I won't do that again." Moon was clearly panicking and just trying to throw everything he could think of towards keeping you calm. He took his hand off your lips, and a moondrop candy from his pocket. It was unwrapped and shoved in your mouth as quickly as possible. Moon put you in his bed and wrapped you in a blanket. "Just... Just eat that and try to sleep for me."

He slumped down next to his brother, who just stared at him with a grave expression.

"I really can't believe you anymore..."

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