Temporary Mending

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"No! ... H-How could I... Why would I... ever, ever hate you?"

You sniffled, failing to hold back the flow of tears. "Be- Because I was staying away from you an- and I heard- Hic And he told you didn't he?!" The words just poured out of your mouth in a jumbled mess of feelings.

Moon wiped your tears, cradling you like you were made of cracking glass. "It's okay.. I know what happened, and I'm not mad at all... I'm so sorry for scaring you.."

".. Really?"

"Of course."

"... Do you hate her?"

It took him a second to realize who "her" was, but god did the guilt just flood in when it hit.

"No... No, I don't hate her... I shouldn't have said what I said, I was frustrated and took it out on her... I'm so sorry.."


You were so tired, so, so tired... You looked up at Moon, he was sorry. Maybe that was enough, for you. You didn't want to lose this warmth, no, you wouldn't find it again. You couldn't lose your best friend. Maybe a sorry was enough, enough for the night, enough for the peace, enough for you. Everything was so tense, so scary, you just wanted to feel at home, at ease.

Soon enough you would cry yourself to sleep, and Moon would squeeze you tighter. His thoughts began to spiral, angry in envy of the peace he longed for. Curse the world for leaving him here, so close and yet so far. Curse his mere creation, forever a prisoner, made to care and sooth, but never allowed to father. And curse himself for losing control, over himself, over the situation.

He felt a pang of sadness in his chest.

Oh, in a perfect world. Maybe he could spend more time with Sun, outside of dusk and dawn. He would be taking the time to teach you every little thing he could, and to learn by your side. Oh, where you'd be then, he dreamed of a garden. The three of you would go on walks together, Moon would pick fruit for you. Maybe you'd all have a picnic, Sun would pick flowers to decorate the little house with, he thought. .... Oh, in a perfect world.

Moon squeezed you even tighter, curling up around you as if to protect. A part of him questioned why a simple apology was enough for you, but he figured it was better not to jinx himself.


Sun came in to get you in the morning, stopping in his tracks once he saw the two of you curled up again. He reluctantly decided to let you rest, hoping you wouldn't get hurt any further.

You woke up to Moon slowly rocking you back and forth, mouth pressed against your head. He gasped seeing your eyes open, being quick to cup your face.

"Goodmorning, my little one... How would you like to spend a fun day with your papa Moony, hm? ... I was thinking I'd take you to the arcade today."

"Okay..." You didn't really understand everything he said, but you were comfortable, and he seemed hopeful.

To your surprise, and maybe even disappointment, Moon stood up immediately. He swayed around with you in his arms, humming happily.

"I'm going to make it up to you, I swear.." He whispered as he gazed down at you. You felt like he hadn't intended for you to hear.

He did in fact take you down to the arcade, letting you lead the way with pockets full of tokens. Moon made sure to cheer you on. It felt like there wasn't a second in which there wasn't a hand on your head and praise in your ear. Which was... A bit overwhelming, but also.. nice, at the same time. You played nearly every game in sight, ending on a Pac-Man knockoff. It was almost identical aside from the fact that you played as a little Freddy head. Moon rubbed your shoulder softly, humming in content. Once you were done, he twirled you around and then tucked you up under his chin.

"... I've got a surprise for you, sweetpea."

"What is it?"

He chuckled and rubbed your nose. "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise."

He darted around, trying to be seen as little as possible. You ended up wedged between fake grass pieces on the Gator Golf display in the Atrium. Moon held you tight, and just high enough to see the stage. He reveled in your amazement at all the lights, singing, and dancing. Your little gasp upon seeing the holograms was worth the world to him.

Good, this was good. You deserved to see the main attraction before being dragged somewhere else, he thought. Moon kept you there until all the shows were over, and a little after. "Heh, how was that for a surprise?"

"Thank you!"

Now, he hadn't expected to be nearly tackled in a hug, but he was certainly not complaining. Moon rubbed the back of your head with one hand and hugged you with the other

."Of course."

He swayed back and forth, keeping hold of you until most of the people cleared out. It was quiet as he started to walk you back to the daycare, that was until someone spotted you.


Moon whipped around in a panic, hastily preparing an excuse for why either of you were there. That was, until the owner of the voice came barreling over. He clutched his chest as if to calm his nonexistent heart.

"Sigh .... Hello, Chica.."

"Hii, Mister grumpy pants, and little angel!!" She clasped her hands together in delight.

"Hi miss Chica!" You called, waving with cheer. Chica knelt down in front of you. "You like the show, my little duckling?"

"Mhm!" You nodded enthusiastically.

"...Duckling? Aren't you a chicken?" Moon questioned, not really caring about getting an answer.

"Oh hush, it's cuter." She huffed as she patted your head. "Aww, look at your cute lil faceee... Moonyyy-

""Don't call me that."

"Whatever, do you think I could keep 'em? Just for a few hours?"

Moon rubbed his forehead and groaned. He did need time to talk to Sun in private, and he did trust Chica the most out of all the glamrocks, not that that said much. After a few more seconds of dread he looked down at you.

"Does.. Does that sound alright, little one?"

"Uh huh!"

 Moon sighed again. "Well.. Alright then.. I'll come back for them in.. about three hours. Make sure they eat dinner and don't get hurt."

Chica gave him a quick salute, "Aye aye, captain!"

Moon squeezed your shoulder before letting you go. "Be good, I'll be back soon." He watched you two run off, and watched Chica slow down when she realized you couldn't go as fast. Then he lowered his head and went to go and reconcile.

Sun had already closed up for the day and was getting started on the cleaning.".. Sunny?"

He turned his head, eyes going from incredibly soft to stone cold in seconds. "Oh.. Hi...""Hi.. Can I help you with anything?""... Yeah.. Somebody dumped out every box of crayons in the corner, for whatever reason..."Moon got on it immediately, feeling awful about the pitiful tone in Sun's voice. He took his time making sure every crayon was in the right box and in the right order. Sun walked past him as he was finishing.

"Oh.. That's nice.."

Moon perked up and started to follow him. "Hey, you know I love you, right?"

"... I-I'm sorry for snapping at you.." Sun whispered, hanging his head low.

Moon attempted to cup his face, settling for cradling two rays.

"Do not say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for. I was wrong, I did bad things and I shouldn't have hid them from you. I'm so sorry, I promise you it will not happen again."

Sun was stunned to say the least, it wasn't often someone would admit to their wrong doings and apologize to him on their own violation. It warmed his heart, as sad as it was. But there was something else he needed for his own peace of mind.

"That.. That means a lot to me.. But, if you could, when- if.. Little Rosie comes back in, I'd like you to apologize to her... And if she doesn't, maybe send her parents an email with an apology video attached... I want her to know she is in no danger..."

"Of course."

"Thank you.."

Sun felt calmer, a little gross though. He would wash it away in time, just like his weariness towards Moon would fade, probably within the next few days.

 "So.. Where is our little one?"

"They are feeling much better and hanging out with Chica."

Sun chuckled. "Aww, wish I could be there, she's a great gossip buddy.""Excuse me?"

Sun poked him in the nose. "You have no right to judge what I do in my free time."

Moon put his hands up in surrender. "Fair enough.. I don't think they'll mind you going in if you'd like to though."

A giggle escaped his voice box. "I know, but me and you will be here cleaning the whole daycare head to toe for a while!" Sun clapped happily, "Nice of her to babysit though!"

"Where are we starting?"

"Ball Pit."

"The whole thing?"


"... Why?"

Sun looked down. "... Because I watched two separate children throw up in it today."

Moon could tell he had his work cut out for him


Chica dragged you down to the kitchen, bringing you towards a few S.T.A.F.F bots. You grabbed onto her hand in fear at the sight of them. She looked down at you in confusion.

"They won't hurt you, lil buddy. But they can make us pizza!"

"Okay..."You kept hold of her hand, but still approached. And sure enough, she got them to make two pizzas, one of your choice, and one with everything available

.Chica was very confused when you only ate two slices, but shrugged it off and asked, "Can I have the rest of that?"

You nodded, both impressed and disturbed by the way she could devour things so quickly.

Once done, she got up and pulled you up with her. "You know what would be fun? We could go get Roxy and hang out in her salon, maybe do our nails, ooohh or maybe makeovers!"

You followed her to Rockstar Row, watching as she banged on Roxane's door.

"Open up!"

A very tired Roxane Wolf answered the door, "What do you want?"

Chica grabbed her arm as if knowing she'd try to leave.

"Me and the little one I'm watching were gonna do makeovers, and I thought you'd wanna join!"

Roxy stared at you sternly for a good few seconds before giving a small nod.



The three of you made your way to the Glamrock Salon, Chica nearly throwing you into a chair. She sat in the one beside and grabbed many different bottles of nail polish.

"So, anything callin' ya?"

You looked over all the options carefully, eventually deciding on a dark metallic blue. Chica put the bottles down and clapped.

"Awesome! You wanna do it yourself or do you want me to do it?"

You thought about it for a moment, ".. I can do it."


You focused on painting your nails as neatly as possible while Chica and Roxy chatted and did their own. "So who's kid is that exactly?"

"That'd be Moon's."

Roxane raised an eyebrow, both in shock and concern."Really?"


".. Where did he get a child?"

Chica paused, looking back at you and feeling slight relief upon seeing you still distracted."... It's better not to ask.. They both seem happy, so.."

"And Sun didn't have anything to say about that?"

".. I dunno, he might not know at all."

Roxy shook her head, "Weirdos."

Chica turned back to you, speaking with a softer tone and tapping the desk. "You about done, duckling?"

You looked up at her, needing a second to process what she said. "Umm..." You held your hands away from your face for a moment. "Yeah."

She nodded and grabbed a different bottle. "Now this, this is a game changer."

You were handed a bottle of clear polish with little stars in it.

"You can put that over top when they're dry."

Patiently you waited, absolutely thrilled at the mere sight of the glittery stars. Chica started doing Roxy's makeup, talking about something or another. Once your nails were dry you hastily opened up the bottle. You painted even slower than before, making sure every nail got enough stars for your liking. You were completely mesmerized by the sight, staring the whole time they dried and a little after. You thought Moon might like them, or at least you were hoping he would...A tap to your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. "Huh?"

"It's about time to leave, lil friend." Chica said sweetly.

"Oh, okay."

You started your trek back to the daycare, Roxy heading back to her room on the way. Moon answered the door immediately and scooped you up.

"Hello, my little one!"

 "They have been fed and entertained, Mr. Moon!"

Moon gave a little nod, "Thank you."

The two animatronics spoke briefly before going their separate ways. He hummed, carrying you on his hip as he made his way up to the castle room. You made a little noise to get his attention, holding your freshly decorated fingers up.


 He looked down and gasped,"Oh, that's just adorable. They look so nice, do you feel nice?"

"Uh huh!"

He pet your head for the rest of the way. Once up in the room, he gave you some fresh pajamas, and then twirled you around.

You giggled as he sat you down. You felt tired, but satisfied with your long day. Your eyes fell on the scrapbook, your smile dimed slightly.

Moon picked you back up and sat in bed with you. He held your head against his chest and whispered in your ear.

"I don't see why you don't like it.. It's just our memories"

You took some time to word your answer.

 "... They're only your memories."

"... Oh."


"... So, how about a bedtime story?"


He read you a story, rocked you to sleep, and then laid down with you in his arms.

Moon thought about what you'd said. They really were only his memories, you were an unknowing subject. He'd have to make a mental note to include you more, and maybe to spring things on you a little less.

Robotic Hearts, and The Terror Soon To ComeWhere stories live. Discover now