He'll Shield You From His Handmade Storm.

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Telling Sun was a mistake. He was nonverbal by the end of the conversation and Moon just left him to charge. He crawled into bed with you as promised, holding onto you tightly, too tightly. But after your sleepy protests, he loosened his grip.

"I'm sorry, my baby.." He mumbled, so sorry. Sorry for everything, for what he just did, for what he was about to do. You sleep peacefully in the arms of your favorite person, unaware of the terrors soon to come.

Moon didn't wake you up. And Sun got up early, and he worked with a damper on his sunny demeanor. You woke up to being squeezed an uncomfortable amount again.

".. Moony.." You mumbled groggily, and almost sadly. You didn't want to upset him, but being able to breathe was also pretty important to you.

He grunted and sat up, pulling you with him. "You're saying up here today." He whispered, his hold on you loosening only slightly. "Okay?"

"Okay...'' You murmured, slumping against him. What did it matter? Being cooped up all day didn't sound like the worst thing in the world. Plus, you'd have a friend while being cooped up for once. That was nice...

Moon stroked your face, then traced your features. "You like it here.. Don't you, little one?"

"Mhm.." Why wouldn't you? It felt like such a silly question. This was the best thing to ever happen to you, wasn't it? Whatever, you were comfortable, you didn't need to think about that right yet.

"That's good, I like having you here." He gently traced over all your facial features once more before lifting you off the bed. He cradled you in his arms as he paced around his room. Eventually he'd set you on a stack of boxes. Moon pulled out a juice box and handed it to you. He let you drink it all before starting to speak.

"What would you like to do today, my little love?" He asked quietly.

You thought about it, so many options. And there was just a person right there who was willing to do them with you! "Hmm... Can we build a fort?" You asked with such a chipper little tone.

Your robotic caretaker chuckled softly and rubbed your head. "Sure, my little gremlin." He grinned mischievously.

"Hey, I'm not a little gremlin!" You protested with a laugh, only to be swooped into the air and spun around.

"Oh yes you areee!" Moon said in a raspy, sing-song voice. He spun you for a few more seconds before setting you on your feet. "Now then, where should we start?"


You had the time of your life. He'd gotten you chairs, and blankets, and pillows. It was the best you'd felt in forever. The two of you worked together to make any childs, no, any persons, dream fort. It was big enough for both of you to sit in, filled with pillows and stuffies, and maybe a few snacks hidden within too. Moon was laying on his side beside you, who sat cross legged, in your new little wonderland. He reached over and rapidly tickled your belly. You shrieked with laughter and pushed his hand away after a few seconds. You flopped down beside him as you caught your breath.

"What was that for?" You'd ask with a fake pout. Moon snickered and pulled you close to him.

"I just like hearing my baby laugh." He said softly, and smugly.

You crossed your arms and looked away, barely containing your laughter at just how silly you were letting yourself be. He chuckled and pulled you under his arm as if you were but a baby bird.

"Hey, do you want to see something cool?" He asked, sounding like he really thought whatever it was, was awesome.

Now that piqued your interest. "Yes please!"

Moon dug around in the pile of blankets and pillows, pulling out a little box with an even littler switch on it. It looked like it was connected to something that disappeared into your fabric ceiling. He flipped the switch and a plethora of tiny lights came to life above you. It was like a miniature sky, just for the two of you.

"Cool enough?"

You just nodded, oh so awed. He put on a music box for you, and laid there until you fell asleep. Then he'd tuck you in, leave you a note and some food. Afterwards, he'd go down and tend to the daycare children for naptime, not that said children liked it much.

Robotic Hearts, and The Terror Soon To ComeWhere stories live. Discover now