Playful, Wishful, Naïve

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Moon woke you up about an hour before the daycare opened, deciding he needed to get you changed and fed in peace. He had you put in another moon themed outfit, again, just the size you liked. Was it a little creepy that he just had all this lying around? Absolutely, but all you could see was someone who cared deeply about your comfort and remembered the little things. He took you to one of the restaurants in the Pizzaplex, one he thought had the most suitable breakfast foods. He sat you up on his lap and ordered something he thought you'd like.

"So, my little love. How are you liking it here so far?" He asked with such love and care.

"Good." You'd reply happily before asking sheepishly, "But, do you know when my parents are coming back?"

He froze for just a moment, but already had a plan. "Well, they said you could for a few more days.. Since you're so happy here." Moon's words were so gentle, the worst was yet to come.

".. Okay!" Maybe you didn't quite believe it, or maybe you did. All you knew was that this did make you happy. That was enough.

He chuckled softly and rubbed your head. "Well, I think it's about time you ate your breakfast, hm?"

You nodded and he started to cut up and feed you the food, despite the lack of need to. You heard him taking pictures of you with his weird robot eyes, and decided to ignore it. Once it was all said and done he wiped off your mouth and picked you up.

"Oh.. My little darling, my baby, nothing could make me happier than you." The animatronic carried you gently around the Pizzaplex, humming softly as he went. He stroked your face gently, glancing down at you with an almost possessive look.

"My little treasure, all mine, forever and ever..."

Moon took you right back up to his room. He wrapped you up in a blanket, a little too tightly.

"... Whatcha doin'?" You'd ask nervously as he placed your bundled self on the bed and sat beside you.

He stroked your face gently. "Oh... We're playing a game.. A game where you're my little burrito." He said in a syrupy tone before gently poking your nose.

"I'm not a burrito!" You giggled before he scooped you into his arms. "Oh, but you are." He pressed his face against your cheek. "Nom nom nom!" He said in your ear before grinning.

".. Hey little one, you wanna bounce?"


Without further warning Moon threw you up into the air and swung you around when he caught you. He pinched your cheeks while you caught your breath.

"You alright, little one? Didn't scare you too badly, did I?" He asked playfully.

Any fear you may have had just dissolved at the implication that you even could've been scared. "Nuh uh, I'm never scared." You'd proclaim, crossing your arms and leaning against him.

Moon let out his creepy, raspy little giggle. He squeezed you tight, grinning smugly.
"Whatever you say, buddy."

He just bounced you up and down while giggling to himself.
After a bit this turned into him just staring down at you. You heard that camera shutter again, a little annoying by now, but Moon seemed happy, so you didn't mind. He held you quietly for a while, and that got boring quick. Suddenly, you had an idea.

"Hey Moony?"


"... Can I draw on you?"

He gasped softly, staring at you like you'd given him gold. Without a word, that blanket was off and there were markers in your hands in mere seconds.

"Please do, my little treasure."

If he could cry, he would've. He just stared at you, silent and seemingly awed. You drew so carefully on his hands and arms. It didn't matter the quality, this was one of the best things to ever happen to him. It'd be a miracle if he was ever willing to wipe it off. He took so many pictures, his storage probably suffered from his obsession.

You drew tiny crescent moons, little stars, those simple, v-shaped birds. And he loved every one, no matter how simplistic, or messy.

You looked up at him once you finished, so hopeful, so full of light.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh.. I love it.. So much..."

He stared at his arms for a while, not speaking, barely moving, just... admiring. After a few minutes of that, Moon grabbed you and held you tight.

"I love you, so much..." He whispered.

Robotic Hearts, and The Terror Soon To ComeWhere stories live. Discover now