Is There Really A Point If You're Both Playing Pretend?

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You woke up to Moon staring at you sadly, and for a fleeting moment, you felt at peace. Then the memories of the previous night hit you. Both anxiously and tiredly you looked up at Moon, maybe wanting answers, or maybe just reassurance.

He was confused for a few seconds, before he realized, or at least thought he realized, what you wanted.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it now, little one?" He asked hopefully.

It was like the air got caught in your throat, stopping you from putting your thoughts into words, if you even wanted to. So, you pointed, pointed and prayed.

Moon's eyes flickered between you and where you pointed, taking some time to analyze. Eventually he'd move you off him and get down on the floor in front of you.

"Alright.. Do you want me to see if there's anything down there?" His voice so full of concern and love as he spoke.

You nodded, hoping Moon would make it all go away, make it all better.

Well, he crouched down, red eyes illuminating the dark area. And he understood immediately, he knew how everything had been arranged, and exactly how it was different, and why. Now, Moon hadn't quite prepared for that one. So maybe you could blame his reaction on that, or just own his foolishness, doesn't affect me much.

Moon slowly stood up, and then sat back down beside you.

"Baby.. I need you to tell me what's wrong.. Because there's nothing down there.." He spun his lies with the softest, most caring tone, be it sickening or merciful.

If you weren't scared before, you sure were now.

"But.. but..."


Had you really imagined all of that? It felt so real. Moon was talking about it, so something must've happened. But he wouldn't lie to you... No, people may have lied to you before, but Moon.. Moon was different in every way. Wasn't he? Oh forget that, you needed to answer. But would he be angry if you implied he was lying? If you thought he was wrong? You hoped not, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

"I... I don't know..."



"Well that's alright, little one. We all get scared sometimes.. And sometimes it's just our minds being silly, playing tricks on us.. Okay?"


After a moment of hesitation and guilt seeping into his near every thought, Moon cupped your cheek.

"If.. If your brain starts being silly again, and starts playing those mean tricks... You just come get me, and I'll make it better."

You nodded and leaned into his touch, feeling all sorts of mixed and confusing emotions. But for now, you would be okay. Or, more accurately, you would pretend to be okay. Because you felt it would make him happy.

Moon pulled you into a hug, internally panicking, and eternally grateful for your acceptance.

"I love you, starlight... You know that, right?"

"Yeah... I love you too..."

"Good.. That makes me very happy."

You better bet that that entire day was jam packed with activities. To keep you occupied, to keep you smiling, and to keep you from questioning. And then to make you tired, tired and compliant. Because you couldn't be sad while you were sleeping, right?

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