Lights Out.

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Moon put you to bed right before naptime rolled around, and then tended to his duties. Everything went smoothly. He let you sleep until it was over. Then he fed you dinner and stayed with you until closing when he'd hand you off to Sun. Who'd put on a happy face for your sake. But while Moon was in the middle of his patrol, the loudest thunder you'd ever heard crackled, sounding dangerously close. This freaked you both out, but Sun did try to calm you down.

Moon came bolting in, knowing immediately that this wasn't the best case scenario.

He grabbed both of your faces. "Are you guys okay?"

Such panic. You'd never heard that from him before. The thought of a possible threat to his family, it was the worst thing in his world.

"Yeah, we- we're okay.." Sun sputtered, "Right, friend?"

You just kinda whimpered in response. Sun had had you wrapped up in a blanket with a stuffed animal, which helped, at least a little. Moon crouched down and rubbed your head.

"You're alright, buddy. Can you be brave for me?"

You sniffled and nodded. He gently pinched your cheek and stood up. Then he grabbed his brother's hand.

"This has happened a million times before, no one died. We'll be fine."

Sun just nodded. Seconds later, the thunder got louder and the power shut off from the whole building. It was pitch black and silent. There were no windows, so the only thing you could really see were Moon's eyes.

"Oh for fucks sake..."

 You were clinging to that stuffed animal for dear life as Moon grumbled about how nothing ever went right and Sun panicked about damn near everything.

"A-And all food is going to go bad and- OH MY STARS WE HAVE A HUMAN NOW! What about heating and air, and how are we gonna charge?!"

 Sun did not have lungs, Sun also sounded like he was hyperventilating. Moon groaned and covered his face.

"It's fine, it's going to be fine. We just have to turn on the damn generators..."

"But what about everyone else?" Sun stammered. Moon just glared at him until he went quiet. Moon finally looked back to you, shaking and hugging the same stuffed animal. He turned back to his brother.

"Should we take the kid?"

Sun thought for a moment, his voice trembled slightly.

"I don't know... I just don't want to endanger them..."

Moon crouched down in front of you. You clung onto him the second you could see him.

"Wha- Oh.. Well I guess that settles it.." 

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