Utter Perfection.

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Trembling hands, endless clicking, rattling, tapping. He had too, he needed to. It hurt, this hurt, but it was for the better. He didn't do it right the first time, a fresh start wouldn't hurt anyone unless things went south with this new venture.

Moon huffed, he tried to power Sun back on. For hours he'd sat there fiddling with machinery, rummaging through his brother's memories. It was tedious, and the guilt was overpowering. He felt sick, sick in his nonexistent organs. I'd imagine that's extremely disorienting.

Sun jolted to life abruptly.

"Gooood mo- .. Where..?"

Moon hugged him firmly. "Parts and service, you just a little hiccup. Maintenance said I could wait here until you woke up."

Sun hugged him back, letting out a sweet little laugh, seemingly to cover up his growing anxiety. "Oh! Okay! ... Hope I didn't give you too much of a fright, Moony."

"Not at all." Moon sighed before walking his counterpart back to the daycare. It was silent most of the way, he hadn't had the time to think of a plan yet. Just as rushed as last time, pray for better results. It was as if the world itself didn't want him to do this. But Moon was in far too deep to start having regrets. No, his patchwork family would be separated if he didn't act. Interference was imperative.

"Sunshine... I do need to tell you something. We were... assigned a child, to further improve our caretaking abilities. Our higher ups believe we would be capable of more if given an.. Extended time period to understand a little one." He spoke carefully, carefully as he spun his most beautiful web of lies to date.

"Oh my stars! I can't wait to meet our friend!" Sun buzzed, his step even springier, if that was possible.

"I believe you've met this one before, regardless, I've gotten them situated in our room. Poor thing was exhausted. Must've had a long day."

"Nawww, well, I'm sure they'll be feelin' better in no time."



You awoke a pair of warm hands shaking your body over and over. Moon yanked you up into his arms, and Sun, who was standing beside him, started rubbing your head.

"Mornin' little one!"

"... Mmh, good morning.." You mumbled to the twins, wrapping yourself securely around Moon. Your head felt heavy, and sore. In search of relief you pressed your head against him a bit harder, like being closer would make it all go away. Moon picked up on it quickly, and knew it was his fault. He pressed his mouth against your forehead. Between that and Sun's rubbing, you did feel a little better, or at least comforted. The three of you would stay like that for about a minute.

Moon was the one to break the silence, voice soft as ever.

".. You know... we aren't open until tomorrow.. So I was thinking we'd do something fun today, hm?"

"Ooh, that sounds nice, doesn't it, sunshine?"

You gave a half hearted little nod.

"Naawww, I think someone's still a bit sleepy." Sun chuckled.

"So it seems... Does my baby need some cheering up?"

Sun giggled at that, seeming quite eager to tease. "Oh so they're your baby?"

"You hush your mouth, Sunny." Moon grumbled back, a hint of playfulness in his voice. But just a hint, he had an image to uphold.

Sun laughed a little more. "Well, I'm glad you're bonding with the child."

"As I was saying, do you need a little pick-me-up, sweetness?"


Sun was still giggling to himself, and, much to Moon's annoyance, started making cheeky comments.

"Awww, sweetness too? You'll make the best dad, Moony."

He pretended to be annoyed, but that made him unbelievably happy. All he wanted to be was a good dad.

Moon scoffed and started to head down to the lower level of the daycare, you in arm. Sun trotted behind him, the jingling of bell as persistent as his teasing.

"Wait! Where are you going!?"

He just huffed and kept moving. Sun followed until you were all in front of the ballpit. Moon set you down beside him before shoving his brother into said ballpit.

"AH! What the-"

"Jail, jail for sunny. Jail for a thousand years!"

Moon then snickered and hoisted you up, swinging you back and forth.

"Ooh, what about jail for baby? Hm?"

"No!" You kicked and wiggled helplessly, being tossed into the pit just like your predecessor.

Moon stood at the edge as he taunted.

"Look at my perfect little family, all at my mercy. So trapped, so helpless."

That was your final straw. You swam through the plastic sea rigorously and grabbed your captor's ankle in your mighty grasp, pulling as hard as you could. Unfortunately, you were nowhere near strong enough to move Moon. But he was charmed by your sudden boldness, and happily played along. He fell in between you and Sun, as dramatically as possible.

"Oh my stars! I've been caught, bested by my own little one!"

Sun flopped on top of him and you, after watching him do so, sat on his legs.

"Down, down with you!" Sun cried, and your little voice echoed his.

It was all laughter and smiles from there, Moon's cackling being louder than usual. Then someone threw a ball, you couldn't even remember who did it first, because it was an all out war afterwards. The three of you acted like it was the most serious thing in the world. And it ended with Moon laying on his back, holding you and Sun as tight as possible. That was one of your finer memories, one of the best if I had to judge. The laughter dissolved after a while, and turned to Sun and Moon gently talking whilst you snuggled closer to them. This was it. This was why he did all of this. If he could've lived in that moment forever he would've.

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