Grave, Grave, Mistakes.

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You were thrilled, brimming with glee and gratitude. You were sitting next to Moon on his bed, the items he'd gotten sprawled out in front of you. A well loved stuffed animal was cradled in your arms, you'd missed it. He'd also brought you your blanket, a few articles of clothing, and a trinket or two. You hugged onto Moon as tight as possible. He was a little surprised at how sudden it was, but happy nonetheless.

"Thank you thank you thank you! How'd you get this?!" Such innocence, so unsuspecting, so trusting. Just as sweet as it was sad.

Moon delicately caressed this back of your head. "Oh.. Well, I asked your parents if I could go to your house and.. Collect some of your things, to surprise you with.. While you stay here." He spoke so carefully, trying to avoid any suspicion, and also not wanting to give your family too much praise. Or any at all, for that matter.

"Ohhh, thank you again!" You snuggled up in his arms, the stuffed animal on your lap. Moon put most of your things back in the bag, and then the bag onto the ground. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, leaned back against the wall, then placed his hand back on your head. And you'd stay quietly like that for a few minutes before you remembered that Monty told you to show Moon the pictures. ... Or at least you felt like that's who you were supposed to show them to.

"Oh Moony, I have somethin' for you too.." You started digging through your pockets when he chuckled and asked.

"Am I going to love it so much?" He sounded both teasing, and so very soft.

You paused for a moment. "... I dunno." You said quietly before handing him the pictures. Moon took the tiny stack and shuffled through it. You felt a little nervous, but trusted him not to be gentle with you.

He looked at each one carefully, caressing your photographed face in a... slightly unnerving manner. Once Moon got to the sillier one, he just chuckled and kissed your head.

"Why do you look all nervous, baby? I'm not mad, it's funny." Is what he said, and god did he say it lovingly, but what he thought was more along the lines of: "I'm going to kill that fucking alligator." He kissed your head again and pinched your cheek. "Can I keep these, my lil' bunny?"

"Sure." You snuggled up close to Moon and he poked you on the nose. Then he'd cradle your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks a bit.

"Cutie patootie... So small... Just... mine." He whispered, putting his forehead against yours. A small sigh escaped Moon as he pulled you even closer. "Little one... You do like staying with me, don't you?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" You tilted your head a bit, what a strange thing to ask. Hadn't he asked this before?

"I was.. Just asking, sweetheart.. If.. If you could stay here forever.. Would you?" He asked quietly, almost sounding as if he were pained.

You nodded hesitantly. Maybe you felt a bit guilty, maybe not, you just knew it was the one place you felt good, good and comfortable. His grasp on you tightened, fingers digging lightly into your skin. "That makes me.. Very happy, little one." A few more minutes were spent with him just staring down at you. But all good things must come to an end.

"Starlight, could I get you to take a shower for me? ... There is a little one in the break room you could use." Moon asked softly. As much as he wanted to never have to take his eyes off you, he also knew that he needed to get better at keeping you healthy. Maybe a part of him felt like a nice shower would make up for ruining your sleep schedule and forgetting meals here and there. And maybe a part of him felt like taking perfect care of you would make up for taking you away. That and the fact that he'd never forgive himself if he let your health decline.

"Sure." You gave Moon a big smile. Whether or not you actually liked showers was the last thing on your mind. You just wanted to make him happy.

"And you can do it yourself?"

"Moony, I'm not that small, I can do it by myself."

"Heh, oh don't give me that pouty little face.. It's too cute." He pinched your cheek again before putting the blanket and stuffed animal to the side. "Let's us go then, kiddo."

You followed him to the break room, and he gave you a clean outfit, Fazbear Ent. branded soap and towel. That was a new one, not the strangest thing you'd seen, but it was odd. Then Moon left you alone, promising he'd be right outside.


Moon slumped against the wall in front of the room. Sun, who was rarely out of the daycare, walked up to him silently. Moon gasped and grabbed his arms.

"Oh god, you're okay now, right?"

He stood silently for a few seconds, shaking slightly.


"You.. You are going to get us killed, Moon.."

"No I- I'm handling it. We'll be fine."

"YOU KILLED SOMEONE! And you call that handling it!"

"We'd be dead if I didn't!"


"I- You don't understand.. It's better this way. I will handle it, we will be fine and together.."

"That's what you said last time, and then you tore up a S.T.A.F.F in front of the kid! And don't you DARE think I didn't know! I know things! I am not that stupid!"

"I don't think you're stupid!"

"You sure act like you do!!"

Sun grabbed Moon's face with more aggression than anyone had ever seen from him. The whites of his eyes started to turn to glitching and his voice started to distort.

"We- we- we- we're go- go- GOING TO DIE, MOON!" He screamed, his voice sounded pained, agony seeping from the cracks of his very being. Moon, wasting only a second with hesitancy, and then he slipped a finger behind his own brother's head and yanked out the wire that allowed his mind power. Sun's voice box let out one last pitiful crackle before his eyes went dark and his body went limp. Moon caught him and shoved him under a table. For once, he looked and felt extremely guilty, remorseful, ashamed, but in his mind it had to be done.

You left the break room, concerned by all the noise. You held the towel and dirty clothes close as you opened the door.

"Moony..? Are you okay?"

He whipped around, staring at you like a deer in headlights. Then he shook it off and whisked you up into his arms.

"Hey, little one. I'm just fine, I was just watching something. But I do think it's so sweet that you worry about me."

Moon rubbed your head, his hand trembling. "Now, I have something I want you to try, okay?"

In all honesty you were still a little shaken, but you weren't about to say no to him because of it. "Okay!"

He brought you up to the daycare as fast as he could without dropping you. He sat you down at a little table and took what you'd been carrying. "Just stay right there for me." And then he ran off. You felt a bit lonely sitting in the big, silent room all on your own.

Moon sprinted, needing everything done as quickly as possible. He found the nearest vending machine and grabbed some kind of drink from it, his mind racing too fast to tell which one it was. Then he'd crush up a handful of moondrop candies, the powder getting mixed into the drink. It was too much, too much for anyone. But he needed you asleep for a while, this couldn't work if you needed watching. You'd most likely end up with a terrible headache after, but that was future Moon's problem.

"Helloo, my little love.." He'd sing softly, setting the drink down in front of you.

You drank it, you drank it all. You told him how good it was, overjoyed with how it seemed to relieve him. There was no greater thing to you. Moon knelt down beside you, gently asking about your day, and you recounted it fondly. But within half an hour, your eyes started to droop. No matter, you could fight off sleep! You'd done it before. ... but it wasn't that late.. You found it harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You were out cold before even thinking about telling him you were tired.

Moon picked you up and put you to bed, he made sure to lock the door behind him. Then he went back for Sun, who he'd drag down to parts and service. It was about time he learned how to delete footage, and in turn, memories. It was for the best, he didn't want to see his brother suffer.

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