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Hyunjin was pretty sure he had
never heard a louder silent scream
than the one Jisung made when the
couple entered the hospital room,
sleepy baby kitten in his
daddy's arms.

He didn't make a sound for the
sake of the sleeping newborn in
Seungmin's arms but Hyunjin just
knew by the size of Jisung's opened
mouth that he'd love to express his
excitement by a loud noise.


The ravenette smiled softly at
his best friend and Jisung as he motioned them to come closer
while Seungmin carefully settled
beside his husband on the bed.

Their little daughter didn't budge
at all, too far gone in dreamland
from being so exhausted.

Getting born wasn't that
easy after all.

Congratulations, you two.”

Minho smiled widely at the sight
of the tiny bundle that just got
transferred into Hyunjin's arms,
eyes sparkling eyes with thousands
of stars as he caressed his own
son's back gently.

“Thank you, Min.”

“What's the pretty girl's name?”

Jisung asked curiously as they got
closer to get a better look of the
newborn's squishy face.

“Hwang Mirae.”

But as if the news of the little girl
and her pretty name weren't enough,
the brunette couldn't help but tilt
his head softly when Minho
suddenly gasped.

“What's that on your fingers?”

“Ah, this?”

Hyunjin chuckled as he lifted his
left hand to show off his golden ring,
right hand still petting his
daughter's bum gently.

“You got married? When?
You didn't say anything?!”

Minho gasped as quietly as possible,
not wanting to disturb the precious
baby bean's sleep with his
shocking discovery.

“We didn't really plan it,
one thing just led to another
and yeah..

.. We got married.”

“Two weeks ago.”

Seungmin added softly as he
rested his head on his husband's
shoulder and reached his hand
out to caress their daughter's
chubby cheek gently.

“You two are truly crazy.”

And the couple could only
chuckle because yeah, Minho
wasn't even wrong.

“You want to hold her?”

Hyunjin stared directly at Minho
and Jisung immediately took their
son from his husband so the
ravenette had his hands free
to take the tiny, sleepy girl
from his friend and no
excuse to say no.

Although he was pretty sure
Minho would never say no
to such an offer.

“You know how to hold a baby,
I trust you.”

Hyunjin whispered as he carefully
handed his little miracle over to
her godfather, making sure that
he was holding her properly.

“God, she's so cute.”

The ravenette couldn't help but
blurt out when tiny Mirae scrunched
her little nose cutely, tiny hands
grabbing at nothing particular.

And Jisung couldn't help but smile
widely too at how happy and totally
in love his husband looked.

That Seungmin and Hyunjin had
chosen them to be their daughter's
godparents was still so hard for him
to fully comprehend but at the same
time he felt so unbelievably honored.

“How was the birth?”

Jisung asked softly when his eyes
met Hyunjin's but pressed a kiss on
his baby kitten's head when Akemi
muttered something in his sleep.

Labor was pretty long because
little missy just didn't want
to move out.”

“How long?”

“35 hours.”

“Oh my god.”

The ravenette chuckled when
Jisung looked like he was about to
faint at the new information but
immediately turned to Minho when
he heard his daughter's soft whines.

“I think she wants her mom.”

Minho cooed when the tiny girl in
his arms fussed, her little brows
furrowed as she fluttered her eyes
open and gave her godfather an
unhappy whimper as a warning.

“Come here, sweetie.
Was it strange being with
your uncle Min, hm?
But he's so nice, isn't he?
And your uncle Jisungie is
very nice too, right?”

But the tiny girl only sighed
cutely once she was finally back
in her mama's arms and practically
melted on Hyunjin's chest when
her father pressed his lips
against her head.

“Such a mama's girl.”

Seungmin chuckled softly as
he reached his hand out to caress
his daughter's tiny back, not noticing
how Jisung stared at him with
such a proud smile.

Because that's what he felt,
he was so proud of Seungmin
seeing him like this.

After all those talks they've had
together before Mirae even existed,
after all those times the younger
boy had told him he was scared
to become a parent, he was right
here with his husband and baby
and looking the happiest he
has ever been.



Jisung cood when his son lifted
his head from his shoulder to
look at his father with sleepy
kitten eyes, a cute yawn
escaping him.

“The baby looks like uncle Minnie.”

He stated cutely before he buried
his face back in the crook of
his mommy's neck.

“She does, doesn't she?”

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now