Part 1

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It was a random wednesday morning when i awoke to the sound of my alarm. I sat up and blinked a few times to adjust to being awake, then stared through the window, watching as tiny little water drops ran down the glass.

Oh how I love the rain.

-Eddie! Are you still asleep? - I heard my mom call from downstairs.
-No mom I just woke up!
-Okay darling, go get ready, then come eat some breakfast!

I pushed my legs off my bed and stood up with a big stretch. My closet door was hung wide open, waiting for me to choose my desired outfit for the day. I decided to go with an oversized black nirvana shirt over another shirt with long sleeves with some classic ripped black jeans, and of course I wouldn't forget the scarf. Once I was done, I wandered down the stairs and was met with a sweet smell coming from the kitchen.

-Come on sweetie take a seat, I made u some fluffy pancakes with nutella just the way you like it!
-Thank you mom, but don't you think you made a bit too much? - I questioned looking at the 4 massive pancakes.
-I was thinking you could eat 2 now, and I'll pack you the rest for later if you're hungry. - She explained, smiling.
-Oh that sounds good.

I started eating and MY GOD was it good. I cannot resist anything when it comes to nutella.

-Also Eddie, do you want me to drop you off to school? It's really pouring outside, I don't want you to get sick.
-It's alright mom, college isn't that far anyway and I'll just bring an umbrella.
-Oh okay sweetie, have a great day! - she planted a kiss on my forehead.
-Mom! Stoppp! -I cried out in embarrassment.
-Oh sorry, I forgot my little edge-lord is too big for a goodbye kiss. -she laughed, jokingly rolling her eyes.
-Haha okay mom, see ya later! -I said as i put my boots on and walked out, waving back before stepping out the front gate.

I opened up my umbrella, not wanting to get my clothes wet any further. I have one of those see-through umbrellas, I really like watching the raindrops pool on the top and then come crashing down once the little puddle is big enough. I put my headphones on as I began my walk towards the school building, watching out for the steadily forming puddles in the cracks of the cement.

15 minutes later I was already sitting at my desk, awaiting the first class which happened to be maths. Ugh.
I was resting my head on my desk when i heard the sound of bubble gum popping. I looked up to see one of my friends, Bibi, putting her stuff down at her table which was the second to last one, right in front of mine.

-Hey sucker, wassup? -asked Bibi in her usual sassy tone.
-Nothing much, just still pretty tired. Do you know where Fang is?
-I literally just messaged him, he's pretty sick right now, he even got a fever.
-Oh poor dude. I mean there must be some illness going around, just look at how few of us are here. -I said, looking around.
-True, especially since he works in the cinema. I couldn't deal with any job that has to do anything with customer service! Yuck! -Bibi exclaimed, holding her tongue out in disgust.
-Yea, the second a rude customer appears you'd just bash their head in with your baseball bat lol. -I giggled.
-So real.

The bell hadn't even rang yet when our headteacher came in with a pink haired individual.
-Morning class! I would like to introduce our new student, Chester. He will be part of your class from now on.
-Hey guys nice to meet ya'! - said the pinkie pie looking dude.
-I see there's a few people absent today, but is there anyone that doesn't have someone sitting next to them at all? -asked the teacher.

I hesitantly raised my hand, knowing well that the teacher would be pissed at me if I remained silent. There was 2 others who raised there hand beside me but of course pinkie chose the seat next to me. I mean I get it, who would say no to a backbencher seat, but why meeee? Damn me and my honesty.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now