Part 9

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Chester's pov:

Sunday flew by pretty quick. We messaged back and forth with Edgar through the day, although we haven't talked about anything significant. So monday rolled around and I was back in my desk, waiting for class to start. We were chatting and laughing with Bibi and Edgar all morning , I was basically part of the group now, although Fang kept side-eyeing me. We were whispering and messing around in math class, and even when she got mad at us, we couldn't help but quietly laugh even more.

-What's the next class? -I asked.
-Chemistry. We're gonna do experiments woo! -Bibi said excitedly.
-You know I actually like it as a subject, I just fucking despise how the chem class is on the complete other end of the school. -Edgar crossed his arms.

We packed our stuff up and began the journey to the chemistry class. There were quite a few stairs to be climbed, making Edgar whine about his legs hurting. As we got to the classroom, we claimed our usual seats, inspecting the vials on our tray. Once the teacher came in and told us what to do, we began mixing stuff.

-Do you want to heat it? -I asked Edgar, offering him the small glass tube.
-Heck yea. It's not like it's gonna blow up. -He rolled his eyes, but literally a second later our mixture made a popping sound and spit on the ceiling.
-PFFTT YOU GOT IT ON THE CEILING HAHAHA! -I laughed, everyone was already looking at us.
-See kids? That's what happens when you don't pay attention and try to heat it too quickly. -the teacher pointed at us, smirking at our misfortune.
-Fucking bitch. -Edgar muttered under his breath, making me giggle.

After the experiments the teacher was rambling about something, and I zoned out. I was fidgeting with one end of my jester hat, but when I reacher for the other end, I noticed that the bell was missing. I looked around on the floor near my chair, but I didn't see it.

-What are you looking for? -Ed asked with an eyebrow raised.
-The bell from my hat! I can't lose it, this hat means so much to me!
-It must've fell off on our way here, you'll probably find it on the corridors's floor.
-You think so?
-Yea. And if it's not there... then you'll have to find Colette. -he sighed.
-Colette? The weird girl? Why?
-Well, let's just say nothing in our school really goes missing. Colette collects everything off the floor, let it be a pen, a scrunchie , or even a used bandaid. If you lost something, she's the one to look for.
-Do you think she'll give it back? -I had hope in my eyes.
-Yea about that...
-She won't give it to you for free.
-What do you mean? Does she sell us our stuff back?
-Not exactly... you know how she collects weird stuff? She's gonna ask you for something really weird for that bell.
-Like what? -I was confused.
-You'll see. -he patted my shoulders.

The bell rang and we headed back to our own classroom. I made sure to go the exact way we came here, frantically scanning the ground for the shiny gold bell, but I couldn't seem to find it. I sat back onto my chair, looking defeated. I need to ask Colette. She took quite long to get back, but once she sat down at her desk in the front, I approached her.

-Hey Colette. -I said awkwardly.
-Chester! I was itching to have a talk with youuu! What brings you here? Do you wanna be friends?! -she smiled like a maniac and it creeped me out pretty bad.
-I uhh, I lost something. I was told you might have it.
-Ooooo give me a second! -she pulled her bag up, turning it upside down, letting a bunch of junk fall onto the desk. -Anything that catches your eye? -she rested her head on her palm.
-Hmm... oh! It's this bell! -I tried to grab it but she snatched it away.
-Uh uh uh! Who said I'll give it back? It's really pretty, I actually like it a lot.
-Please, it's important to me. -I pleaded, which made her smile widen.
-Is it really? Well I have a trade offer for you.
-What is it? -I asked, wary of her weird collection.
-How close are you with Edgar? -she tilted her head to the side.
-We're friends, why?
-I doubt you'd be able to get me his underwear hmm.. -she mumbled under her breath. -Since this bell is so valuable to you, I have 2 smaller things I want.
-Spit it out already. -I crossed my arms, ready for the worst.
-I'd like you to get me some of Edgar's cut off nails.
-What the fuck? -I was totally grossed out.
-And some strands of your hair, new boy. I don't have anything from you yet... -she giggled to herself like a crazy woman.
-You mean.. from my head ...right? -I asked, actually terrified she might've meant something else.
-Ohhh you're dirty minded! Yes, I did mean your actual hair, but I certainly wouldn't mind any other hairs... -she plopped her head into her hands, lustfully staring at me while a droplet of drool ran down her chin.
-... Ew. -I was actually disgusted at this point.
-Here, some ziplock bags. Bring them back tomorrow, and I'll give your little bell back. -She blew me a kiss as I walked away.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now