Part 7

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Edgar's pov:

Just as we finished our ice creams, we arrived at the playground and Chester made a run for it. He went straight to the fitness park part and hopped onto one of the pull up bars. Without any visible effort, he pulled himself up the bar, held himself over it and went into a full hand stand on that singular metal rod.

-Dude, how are you even doing this? You make it look so easy. -I yelled in amazement, as he chuckled.
-Haha well it takes a lot of practice! - he said and swung, doing a flip and landing on his feet perfectly.
-Wow, hardcore. You're such a show-off. -I rolled my eyes and he started laughing again.
-Hahahaha you think this is showing off?? I can do way better!
-Oh really? Show me.
-You don't know how long I've been waiting to flex this to someone.

He walked over to a pair of pull up bars that were a shorter distance from each other, and he got into the same hand stand as before. He swung and grabbed onto the other bar and did a full spin. I was stood there in such amazement, I can't even describe what motions he did. His moves were well calculated yet so elegant and smooth. He kept spinning on one bar and then jumping to the other, making my jaw hit the floor with how good he was.

It felt like I was watching it for hours when in fact it had only been a few minutes. He finished it off with a perfect backflip and then bowed to a non-existent audience. He was sweaty and breathing heavily, I mean I get why.

-So how did you like the show Ed? I see I made your jaw drop. -He said giggled, teasingly putting his hand on my chin to close my mouth.
-Wow you're so...awesome. -were the words I managed to get out.
-Are you really this speechless? I didn't think I was that good! -he chuckled.
-That was the coolest thing I've seen in my entire life! -I blurted out, to which Chester's face flushed pink.
-Yeah dude, this was so impressive! How are you not like a world champion or something?? -I asked, grabbing his shoulders.
-I don't go to competitions, I don't like that type of attention. -he explained, scratching the back of his neck.
-Why not? You could be famous on tv!
-I personally like acrobatics as a hobby. If I start taking part in competitions, the expectations would crush me.
-Ah I get that. -I said, realizing where he was coming from. -It's still pretty fucking cool tho.
-Thanks Ed.

We stood there in awkward silence for a bit, just staring at each other.
-Hey, wanna give it a try? -Chester asked.
-Give what a try? Falling and dying? No thanks. -I said, knowing my limits damn well.
-No, you wont't die! C'mon I'll help youu!
-Let me just show you how weak I actually am.

I walked over to the bar and grabbed it with a jump. I tried to pull myself up, but I wasn't able to (as expected). To my surprise Chester came over and grabbed my waist, trying to help me pull myself up.
-No Chester stop I'm ticklish there!! -I yelled half laughing, which made me let go of the bar, falling into Chester's arms.
-Hahahaha! Hey you good? I didn't know you were ticklish. - he laughed, literally holding me bridal style.
-Yea just put me down.
-Oops yea, sorry, right away. -he carefully placed me down on my feet again.
-Thanks for catching me. Even tho you made me fall in the first place. -I rolled my eyes which made him giggle again.
-I know, I'm such a hero! -he giggled to himself.

After a bit of chitchat, Chester went to the playground as there weren't many kids there. I originally planned on just sitting around but he dragged me along. We were fooling around on the playground for a while, going down slides, jumping on seesaws and kicking our feet on the swings. It was actually quite enjoyable, acting like a little kid again, even if we got a few unpleasant stares from some parents.

-Hey wanna go back to my place this time? It's starting to get really hot. -Chester suggested.
-I mean sure, I'm kinda curious about your apartment anyway. -he smiled wide to my answer.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now