Part 3

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On thursday morning, I woke up to Mandy shaking my shoulders.
-Chester you dumbass! Why are you sleeping?? You should be in college already! -she yelled, continuing shaking me.
-Wait what? Fuck, I didn't set an alarm. But shouldn't that mean that you're late too?
-I don't have first class, unlike you! Get up and get ready quick!
-Oh fuck! Thanks for waking me up but please get out so I can change.
-You don't have to tell me twice.

Mandy shut the door behind her, and I began hurriedly putting some clothes on, trying to mentally check what I need to pack. I showed my phone into my pocket and ran down the stairs, grabbing some pastries from the counter and dropping them into my bag. I quickly put my shoes on and ran out the door, yelling bye to Mandy.

The way to college is around a 20-25 minute walk, but if I sprint I can get there in like 10. Class starts in 15 minutes so I absolutely gotta make it. I'm pretty fit and good at running, but sprinting full speed like 5 minutes after waking up, is gonna tire me out quickly.

I was running out of breath by the time I reached the building. I hurried up the stairs, skipping a few steps, only a few minutes to spare before my class started. I walked into our classroom breathing heavily, all sweaty, huffing and puffing from all that running. I sat down on my seat, slamming my head onto my desk in tiredness.

-Dude what the hell? -Edgar said confused.
-I forgot ... my alarm... I ran... here... -I explained between breaths.
-I guess that's why you weren't here last class.

As I was trying to catch my breath, people around me began to whisper.

-I was hoping he wouldn't come back, he's so annoying.

-I thought he moved schools again out of embarrassment.

-Ugh why is he here again? All sweaty and disgusting, did someone chase him?

-He pranked us yesterday, I thought he was scared to face the consequences and didn't come in.

Everyone in the class had something to say about me, and their words shook me to my core. Did I really piss everyone off this bad? My emotions must've been painted on my face, because Edgar could see the dread in my eyes.
-Yo you good? - he asked, trying to hide his concern.
-Y-yea, why? - I asked as if nothing happened.
-Doesn't matter. - he turned his head away, towards the window.

Right then, the teacher came in and class had begun. He told us to read a chapter in the book, and that actually took most part of the class. Like 10 minutes before class was over, the teacher gave us some homework.

-Okay kids, your homework will be to make a presentation about the things we just read. Everyone will work in a duo, specially with your deskmates. No group should be smaller or bigger than two people. The deadline is next monday. If anyone's deskmate is sick at the moment, please tell them about the presentation, and you can go after the others so your sick partner can recover and help with work.

We're working with our deskmates? I looked to my side, and Edgar was giving me the nastiest side eye I've ever seen. I guess he isn't necessarily happy about it. But this is a great opportunity to apologize to him and get to know him.

After class Edgar finally said something about the teamwork.
-Do you have whatsapp? -he asked.
-Yea I do, why?
-Gimme your number so we can discuss the project, also we'll have to meet up at someone's place to actually make the presentation, so let's just both write each other's address down.
-Wow, you really thought about this.
-Yea I guess. Do you wanna start it today, or should we wait until tomorrow? I'd rather get it done as soon as we can, but of course if you're busy this afternoon that's alright too.
-Yea no, today's fine. - I said, mentally checking my calendar.
-Great. Let's go to my place, I'll wait for you at the school gate after classes.
-Oh okay, I'll be there don't worry.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now