Part 13

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(Im sorry for the insanely long wait, here is your lovely chapter💕)

Edgar's pov:

We continued walking past shops until we reached the cinema. We were purposely looking for Fang to stand in his line, just to greet him....and maybe to annoy him a bit too. His line was full of teenage girls, whispering and pointing at him, giggling while doing so.

-Do you know these girls? It looks like they know Fang. -Chester asked me.
-Uhm first of all, I don't know everyone that Fang does okay? But I don't think so, they just look like random girls who spotted an above average looking guy. -I explained.
-Ah i see. To be fair, Fang is kinda handsome. -Chester chuckled.
-What?? I'm so much more handsome than him! -I said in disbelief, tho his words made me a little jealous.
-Who said you aren't~? And you're way cuter too. -He smugly whispered into my ear, making me blush in embarrassment, which i tried to cover with my scarf.
-What? What did he say Ed? What did you tell him?? -Bibi was shaking my shoulders, eager to fill in her curiosity.
-Oh nothing special, don't you worry about it. -Chester shrugged, looking to the side with a big grin.
-WHY AM I THIRD WHEELING?!?!? -She whined loudly but we shushed her, not wanting everyone to stare at us.

Slowly the line moved forward, letting us get closer and closer to our beloved friend. Once the last group in front of us left for their movie, we stepped up to the counter.

-Hey welcome to the cinema, what can I get for you? -Fang turned around, a frown forming on his face as he saw it was us. -Wow the wind blew all the trash together. Anyways what do you want?
-Is this how you treat customers? -I chuckled.
-Only if they deserve it. -he smiled, forming a little heart with his fingers. -Spit out what you want, I don't have all day.
-Could we have 3 medium popcorns and 3 tickets? -Bibi said, stepping closer to counter.
-3 tickets to what? -He frowned.
-MAYBE THE MOVIE WE TALKED ABOUT WHILE GETTING HERE? You seriously have the memory of a goldfish dude. -I said, rubbing my temples.
-Shut up, I've served too many people to even remember that we came here together. I'll get your popcorns ready, here are your tickets. -he handed them over and went to scoop some popcorn into the boxes.
-Did those girls make you crazy? Did any of them succeed in landing your number? -I teased
-Oh my god you don't even know. I haven't even been here that long but today everyone just seems to be obsessed with me. Me and Buster even started counting them, there's been 16 girls and 3 guys who asked for my number today. -He said, looking absolutely exhausted.
-What the fuck dude, you definitely don't look that good. -I raised an eyebrow.
-Can I be the 20th customer who asks for your number~? -Chester wiggled his eyebrows with a cheeky grin, teasing Fang.
-What can I say? Suffering from success. Also you already have my number. -Fang chuckled, handing us our popcorns. -Pay up.
-Do we really not get free popcorns? -I asked with a fake sad expression.
-Pretty please? -Chester and Bibi chimed in, all of us making puppy eyes.
-Here have this bag of m&ms but pay for the popcorn and tickets! If Maisie hears of this, I might get a slap from her prosthetic arm, and you can guess why I don't want that. So shut up and scram!

We paid for our stuff and headed to the room where our movie was gonna be played in. As we sat down, we still had some time before the ads started, so we began to chat. Soon the lights turned off, making us turn our gazes towards the big screen. After the ads, the movie began playing, telling us a long backstory.

-Dude is this horror? -Chester whispered to me, seemingly surprised.
-Uh, yea?? I'm pretty sure we told you. -I said with my eyebrows raised.
-Fuckkk... -He sighed, slumping down in his seat.
-What, are you scared Chester? -Bibi teased, grinning.
-Even tho I'm a prankster and my main thing is scaring people, I myself also get scared easily. If there's a jumpscare I will scream so loudly. -he explained, squeezing his face with his hands.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now