Part 10

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Chester's pov:

Next day when I went to school, I was almost bursting with excitement. I was smiling and giggling to myself as I walked to college, really happy that I landed those concert tickets. I mustn't let Edgar know though, cause it would ruin the surprise! Although with my bubbly behavior it would be pretty hard not to. When I arrived in class and sat down, Edgar was already giving me a weird look.

-Hey Chester. What's up with you? You seem pretty happy.
-It's nothing! Hehe! -I said awkwardly, but with how bad my lying skills were, it was obvious that I was hiding something.
-Come on dude, you can tell me! I can keep a secret. -he assured.
-Well the thing is, I really can't tell you.
-Do you not trust me? We hang out almost every day, we're friends. -his expression changed and I could see a hint of sadness on his face.
-Oh no no no! It's not like that! -I waved my hands in defense -Ugh I'm shit at lying, so I better tell you. It's a present...for you.
-A present? Oh my god is it like a surprise or? -he got excited suddenly.
-Yea it's a surprise! So please don't ask about it because I won't be able to keep my mouth shut! -I begged him.
-But what did I do to deserve a surprise? -he chuckled.
-Well you helped me out! I told you that I owe you one.
-Come on that was nothing! You don't have to give me anything in return.
-But I want to! And trust me, you don't want to miss out on this. Also on a completely unrelated note, please tell me you're free on saturday!
-Completely unrelated huh? But yes I am. -he smirked as I sighed.
-Perfect! It would've been quite awkward if you were busy... Wait I'm talking too much! I'm just gonna shut up. -I rested my head on my desk as Ed chuckled.

A few minutes later Colette arrived and our trade was successful (and disgusting). I quickly put my bell in my bag before I lose it again, I will sew it back on when I get home. A few classes went by, and soon it was lunchtime. I walked along with Edgar and the group to the cafeteria, just to accompany them. I sat down at a table, holding their seats until they returned with their food which looked...interesting.

-What even is that? -I asked with a disgusted face.
-On paper, it's soup. In practice? I have absolutely no idea. -Bibi said, stirring it with a spoon.
-It looks like wet cement. -Edgar commented, scrunching his nose.
-Why are we paying for this again? -Fang questioned with the same disgust as everyone.
-Well I'll just eat my sandwich then! Oh fuck, I didn't pack one in the morning. -I slapped myself on the forehead after rummaging through my bag and realizing my mistake.
-I guess we're all starving then. -Edgar chuckled.
-Let's put back our trays and just get out of here. We might have some time to go to the corner shop and buy something consumable. -Bibi suggested.

They got up and placed their trays onto the collector, as the lunch ladies gave them deadly stares for wasting their "food". We headed outside and began walking towards the college's back gate. Personally, I didn't even know there was a back gate. We walked for a bit, then out the gate and the shop was just over the road. As we entered, we all greeted the person at the till, a fairly young blonde woman.

-Hey Piper! -Bibi said, smiling at the lady. I guess they know her already.
-Hey guys! I got some baked goodies today! Would you like some? -she asked with a sweet smile.
-Oh my god those cinnamon rolls look delicious! -Edgar said and I agreed.
-Well, we'll have 4 cinnamon rolls and give us a second, we'll get some drinks aswell. -Bibi said as we went through the tiny isles and stopped at a fridge.

We all took a second staring at the options, obviously everyone staring at the energy drinks. I went ahead and took out a green monster, my hand bumping into Edgar's as he took out a dark pink one. Bibi and Fang chose redbulls and we headed back to the lady at the till. We paid for our drinks but Bibi paid for all of the cinnamon rolls which we thanked her for. Our little group waddled back into the college territory, finding some benches outside to sit down on. As we took a seat and began munching on our food, we struck up a conversation between bites.

Not so bad after all (Edgar x Chester)Where stories live. Discover now