Chapter 4

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The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to do, and then do it."– Henry Ford


Ameer stood in the midst of the bustling SARS Headquarters, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. He's wearing a black shirt with "SARS" written in bold letters, paired with black jeans and boots.a facing cap completed his uniform. The uniform helped to identify him as a member of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.

His gaze was fixated on the photograph in front of him, his eyes scanning every intricate detail. The room hummed with the energy of detectives working diligently around him.

Majeed," Ameer called out to his fellow detective in his signature cool, manly voice. Take a look at this picture It's from the crime scene we investigated last night. There's something about it that just doesn't add up. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this than meets the eye."

Majeed leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he examined the photo. "I see what you mean. The way those objects are arranged, it's almost deliberate. Like someone want to send us a message."

Exactly," Ameer started to say, but his phone suddenly rang, breaking the moment. He looked at the phone, realizing he has forgotten to switch it off. It's a cardinal rule at the headquarters - no personal calls during work hours.

He shut off the phone, making a mental note to return the call later. It has been a long and exhausting day of investigation, and he slumped into his office chair, taking a deep breath. After a moment, he switched on his phone and began scrolling through his missed calls. His father's name was the first one he saw. Taking another deep breath, he dialed the number, bracing himself for the conversation he know is coming.

"Assalamu alaikum, daddy. Ina wuni,"he  greeted his father,his voice calm and gentle.

"Wa'alaikumu salam, Ahmad. I called you earlier, but you didn't pick up, so I thought you were working. How's work?" his father asked.

"Work is going well, Alhamdulillah, daddy. Ya naku aiki?"He questioned.

"Alhamdulillah, I'll be coming back within this week, Insha Allah. I have some crucial issues to discuss with you," his father said.

"Crucial, daddy? If it's important, why can't we just talk it over here?" he asked, shutting his eyes tightly, knowing his father is going to bring up the topic of marriage, which he is not willing to discuss yet.

"No, I'll be coming back, and we shall discuss it when I'm back, Insha Allah, his father said firmly.

"Toh daddy Allah ya kaimu Allah ya kara girma!" He exclaimed, hanging up the call before running his hands through his hair in frustration.he glanced at the time, which read 5:30 pm. He stood up, walking towards the bathroom to change into his regular clothes at the end of his shift. He swapped his uniform for a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. Picking up both his phones and wallet, he headed towards the door.

"Ah, Ameer, you're leaving already?" his fellow detective, Al'amin, questioned.

"I'm tired, I want to go rest, wallahi," he replied. "See you tomorrow, if Allah wills it."With that, he walked towards  parking lot, where his sleek Mercedes-Benz GLE AMG GLE 63 was parked.

As he drove to his parents' house, the only sound was the soothing recitation of the Quran by Sudais playing in the background. He slowly made his way to Guzape, and his car horn beeped as he arrived at their estate. The security man quickly opened the gate, and he parked his car before heading straight to his room to freshen up. He couldn't sleep yet, as it is almost time for Magrib prayers. After a refreshing shower, he changed into a pair of joggers and a plain white T-shirt and walked towards his mother's parlour.

"Assalamu alaikum!" he exclaimed, entering the cozy parlour with a bottle of water in hand. The soft glow of the evening lights and the warm scent of dinner wafting from the kitchen created a welcoming atmosphere. His sisters, Afnan and Khadija , are engrossed in watching Zee World on the TV, and they greeted him with soft smiles. "And answered his salama Wa'alaikumu salam."

"Ya Ameer, dina!" Afnan, the cheerful one, ran to hug him. "Mommy's princess, did you just come back from Islamiya?" He questioned and she nod her head .

"Ya Ameer, you came back early," Deejah, his immediate sister, questioned, She's reclining on the plush sofa, her long braids cascading down her back.

"Early, haba na?" he asked, surprised, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of his younger sibling. "Is this early? Where's Fuad?" he asked about his younger brother.

He's in the neighborhood," his mother replied, her warm smile comforting. "Didn't you see them? They went to play football." She's sitting gracefully on the armchair, her elegant peach  hijab framing her gentle face

Ameer squatted beside his mother, greeting her with a gentle touch. "Mommy, Ina wuni."

Lafiya qlau ya aikin?" she questioned, looking at him.

"Thanks be to God, Mom. Please call Fuad and tell him to come back; it's almost time for Magrib prayer. We should head to the mosque," he said, leaning back in the armchair and glancing at his sister Khadija.

"Honestly, Mom, I'm exhausted. And next week is going to be hectic; I have a packed schedule. Dad called me too, and I'm not sure what he wants to discuss. He mentioned something about a crucial conversation when he returns next week."

A busy schedule, or are you trying to avoid the marriage discussion?"his mother questioned, looking at him with a hint of amusement.

Haba, Hajiya ni na isa," he stood up, laughing as his brother entered the room I'm not dodging anything!"

"Good evening, Ya Ameer," his brother greeted him.

"Good evening,"he replied, his brow furrowed "What did I tell you about going out when it's almost time for Magrib?"

His brother started to respond, "Ya Ameer, it's—"

But he cut him off, his tone firm but gentle. "Let's go to the masjid."they made their way to the masjid located within their estate. After performing the ablution, he removed his Hermes shoes and walked alongside his brother into the prayer hall, where the congregation has already began the Magrib prayer...

"Is this the charming Ameer we've all been waiting for?
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