Chapter 19

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It's Ahmadu, my in-law, that you're treating so badly," my grandma said, her voice stern. I shot her a sideways glare, feeling defensive.

It is Friday night, and my grandma has come all the way from Katsina to visit us. I was sitting next to her, surrounded by my family, who have apparently told her all about Ameer and how I was treating him.

My father sat in the next armchair, my mother beside him, aunty Yesmeen, come to spend the weekend with us while her husband is away, and Yaya Hamad lounged on the plush sectional sofa.

Ahmadu?oh please, did you have to spoil everyone's names? Ahmadu, Marwanu, and then who else? It's Ahmad, please," I rolled my eyes.

Aunty Yesmeen, laughed Ah, you see, she's defending him. That means she loves him!" She exclaimed.

Yaya Hamad added, laughing, "Irin ana so ana kaiwa kasuwa"

"Baba, please make them stop. This isn't funny anymore," I begged, my eyes pleading with him.

But baba just chuckled "Come on, jalila, they're just joking around. What's the big deal if you have feelings for Ahmad?"

I was shocked, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. "You're taking their side too, baba ?" I asked, feeling betrayed.

Ummi, jumped into the conversation, "Oh, I told you to change for the better, and it looks like my inlaw has already started changing you." The room erupted into laughter again, and I felt my face burning with embarrassment.

"Ugh, my family is something else,". "And to make matters worse, Ameer has gone radio silent on me. Just like the rain stops falling, he's stopped calling me altogether.

"I'm used to his persistent behavior, even though I've made it clear I don't want a relationship with him. I've grown accustomed to his apologetic nature, but now he's suddenly stopped calling altogether. It's weird, I miss the dynamic we had, where I'd scold him and he'd seek forgiveness. His silence has me wondering if he's finally given up, even though I never want anything serious with him. I'm torn between feeling relieved that I'm no longer being bothered and unexpectedly disappointed by the loss of our peculiar connection.

I got up and headed back to my room, realizing it is already 9:30 pm. I decided to take a shower before bed, slipping into my comfiest sleeping clothes afterwards. I plugged in my phone to charge and settled into my prayer mat, bringing out my Quran to recite the haddah I'll be giving the next day, God willing."

"After I finished , I lay on my bed and FaceTimed mamah . She answered immediately, as if she is waiting for my call.

"Hey, Mrs. Ameer! What's going on? What's wrong with your face?"

"Ugh, ,Ameer , Ameer,Can't you guys just let me rest?'''  poor guy's heart must be racing every time he's mentioned." my family won't stop mentioning his name every day.

Oh, so you're still pretending like you don't have feelings for him? Lila, we are  already planning the wedding!"

Shut up, Mamah! You're just trying to get a rise out of me. And no, you guys are  not planning any wedding. You guys just...enthusiastic."

Enthusiastic? That's code for 'we're shipping you two hard'! And honestly,he's been chasing you for months, and you're just stringing him along with your sass and attitude poor him.

I'm not stringing him along! I'm just not interested, okay? And even if I am, he's got a lot of nerve coming all the way from Abuja to see me. That's just excessive."

Excessive? You're mad jalila that's dedication, cuz! He's willing to go the extra mile for you, and you're just pushing him away. know this, Ameer's not going to wait around forever. He's got his own life, If you're not interested, then someone else will be. And trust me, cuz, you don't want to lose him to someone else." don't say i didn't tell you.Abuja ma da suke da yan mata.

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