Chapter 24

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Jalila, wake up! Won't you wake up and open this door?" Aisha's voice boomed through the door, shattering the peace and quiet of my slumber.
I groggily opened my eyes   Ya Allah, why is she here so early? What am I going to do if I wake up?

I slowly got out of bed, stretching my arms and yawning. stumbled towards the door, I tripped on my own feet and face planted onto the floor. "Oof! Who put that floor there?"

Aisha and Mamah burst out laughing. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" We brought you some breakfast!" Aisha exclaim  holding up a tray with a steaming cup of tea and some toast.

What kind of monster brings breakfast at this ungodly hour?" I muttered, my voice still husky from sleep.wait,wait you two, what are you doing here so early?"

Mamah pushed her way into the room, "we want to surprise you, because we know you have a big day ahead of you," she wink at me

I raised an eyebrow, "What big day?"

You stupid jalila. mamah exclaim how can you forget? Ameer's family is coming for the introduction today! You know, the one where they'll officially ask for your hand in marriage?

I rolled my eyes, "Oh yeah, because nothing says 'romance' like a bunch of strangers showing up at my doorstep to negotiate my marriage like I'm a used car.

"At least you'll make a beautiful bride.Aisha chuckled, patting my shoulder.

I raised an eyebrow, "Gee, thanks. I can't wait to wear a good dress and smile politely while my fate is being decided I let out a sharp hiss.

Don't be like that! Ameer is a great guy, and his family is lovely. You'll see!"Mamah hit my arm. "

"Ameer is a great guy, and his family is lovely. You'll see!" I mimicked Mamah's cheerful tone, I locked myself in the bathroom, desperate to escape the chaos.

After a refreshing shower, I emerged to find my phone buzzing with a missed call from Ameer. I dialed his number, but he didn't answer. "Bastard!" I muttered under my breath, feeling annoyed. "He's probably ignoring me on purpose."

I slipped on a comfortable atamfa gown and walked out of the room, where the house is buzzing with activity. My cousins are busy preparing food, their chatter and laughter filling the house . I joined them, trying to pretend I am excited about the impending introduction. But my heart isn't in it. I am still hoping for a miracle escape from this marriage madness and hoping to get married when I'm done with my service and start working,and maybe even travel the world before settling down I mean this is too quick .

"Jalila, Ummi is calling you," Mamah said, I nodded and headed towards my mother's room. Shes engrossed in a phone call, and I waited patiently for her to finish. As soon as she hang up, she fixed me with a piercing gaze.

Did you talk to Ahmad? Are they close to Kaduna? Your father said they should wait until after Zuhr prayer."

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Ummi, they're probably on their way and will arrive soon. I haven't speak to him yet." I braced myself for another lecture.maybe I should go to the office today to escape this.

She narrowed her eyes , as if she could read my thoughts. "Jalila, don't even think about going anywhere today . I know you too well." I sighed inwardly, wondering how she always seemed to know what I was thinking. It's like she has a direct line to my brain.

Ummi,it's shyness,shyness,"I said,covering my hands with my palms.

You're not fooling anyone with that excuse, especially not can go.she dismissed me.

I retreated to my room, my heart racing with every honk of the car outside and the wail of the police serene. "They're here," my mind is racing with anxiety. Mamah and Aisha are  at the window, their faces filled with excitement.

"Your in-laws have arrived!" Mamah exclaimed, her voice full of awe. "You're so lucky! Do you know who am  seeing? It's the former Minister of Petroleum! And the Emir of Bauchi State!"

I rolled my eyes,"You two are like grinning hyenas, It's just an introduction, not a combat mission."

Mamah chuckled, shaking her head. "You're mad, Jalila. No need to prove it here."

they walked out of the room and I stood up to perform Zuhr prayers, spreading out my prayer mat and settling in for my daily azkar. The sound of their laughter and chatter faded into the background  I focused on my prayers.

The yodeling sound that filled the house made my heart race like a runaway camel! "Masha Allah, Masha Allah!" Mamah and Aisha exclaimed in unison, bursting into my room like a pair of overexcited tornadoes hugging me tightly.

"Wait, guys! I can't breathe!" I protested, tapping their shoulders. "What's all the commotion about? This yodeling, happiness, and... and... congratulations?!"

Mamah finally released me, beaming with joy. "Congratulations, my love! You're now Mrs. Ameer... or should I say, mata a gidan Ameer. my  dancing shoes are getting ready ooo.Allahuma barik  my sweetheart.may god bless you and your Union.

I stumbled back, gasping for air. "Mrs. Ameer?! What do you mean?! I'm not even... uh... I mean... Ameer who?!"

Ameer, the greatest detective the world has ever seen! He's solved the mystery of your single status!"Aisha wink.

I stared at them, my eyes wide with disbelief. "You can't be serious! I'm not even... I mean... Ameer who?! I try to process the news. "but my brain is stuck on 'denial'. "What's going on?! Can someone please explain to me what's happening here?! I panic, my eyes darting around the room like a trapped animal.

Five  hundred thousand naira dowry, two  hundred thousand naira for the introduction... and then the marriage has been sealed with the blessing of the elders, masha  Allah. Mamah joined her hands together, grinning. "Do you get it now, Jalila?

The room spun around me as I struggled to comprehend the news. Marriage?  Dowry? It's all too much to take in.  I clench my teeth, my hands balled into fists. This is insane! I need a moment... or a year... or a lifetime to process this....

"Omo , this marriage thing came out of nowhere! Jalila is shocked  about it, can you imagine how Ameer will take it?

I'm taking a brief break from updates Gaskiya because ,honestly, I'm frustrated wallahi, despite the high view count, the lack of votes from silent readers bai dace ba . Please, silent readers don't just read and ghost me!

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See you soon.

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