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I've just finished performing Salatul Istikhara, a prayer for guidance, in the middle of the night at 3:00 am. I sought Allah's guidance on making a good choice, as my father has been insisting that I consider marrying Ameer. I prayed for the best outcome, hoping that if Ameer is good for me, Allah will bring us together, and if not, Allah will keep us apart.

After completing my prayer, I gently folded my hijab and prayer mat, leaving them in their place, knowing that the dawn prayer subhi would soon be called.

"I lay on the bed with my eyes closed, my phone suddenly indicated an incoming message. To my surprise, it is from him the same person who seemed to disregard my boundaries at all hours, even in the middle of the night! I rolled my eyes as I read the message, which stated: 'I've just finished praying and I pray to Allah, if you're the best for me, may Allah give me a chance to be with you, and if not, may He replace you with someone better.

Waking up in the morning, I have no plans to go anywhere today, even though it's Thursday and I usually have work. Going to work isn't even on my list. Instead, I want to spend the whole day in bed, but I can't. I have to get my hair braided. Ummi called the hair braider yesterday, and she's coming today."and today's maryam wedding atleast I've to attend even if it's just one event which is the henna party.

I looked at the time, I saw that it is just past 11 am. I groggily got out of bed, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and just as I am  finishing up, a loud knock sounded at my door. I know immediately that it is, Mamah. Before I can  even respond, she opened the door and walked in with a salama.

"Kaga Mata a wajen , Ameer insha  Allah!" she exclaimed, settling onto the bed as she removed her hijab. I shook my head at her craziness.

I told you, Mamah, you need a brain upgrade this one's expired!" I, grab my scarf as we left my room.

Mamah laughed. "Brains don't expire, Jalila!" she replied, following me to the living room. we entered the living room, I saw the braider finishing up Ummi's hair. I wondered what time she has arrived. I know Ummi will insist I sit down to start my hair braiding without even having breakfast first.

I reluctantly settled into the chair beside Aunty Yesmeen, who is sipping a steaming cup of tea.

When did you arrive, Aunty yesmeen?" I asked.

Mamah, who's scrolling through her phone, chimed in, "While you were still snuggled up in dreamland, sleeping like a log!"

Ummi's stern voice followed, "Jalila, you really need to work on waking up earlier. what kind of habit is this for a young woman like you? You want to get married and still sleep in like a teenager?"

Ummi, I'm sorry. Insha Allah, I'll do better tomorrow."she stood up, leaving the room, and I settled in for Maman Zainab to start braiding my hair.

"What time are you going to the wedding,?" Mamah questioned me.

"Around 3:30 or 4, I just need to pray Asr before heading there, insha Allah," I replied.

"Maryam is really lucky to have married Jaafar. Do you know his family, the Bulama family? They're a wonderful family, and beauty runs in their veins."

Yes, I know them. but, Mamah, you know beauty isn't everything. A good heart and respect are what truly matter.I wouldn't want you to marry someone who's too handsome. Girls will be throwing themselves at him, and I want someone who will respect you and stay loyal to you, no matter what."

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