Chapter 8

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You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West


Ameer pulled into Idu Railway Station, his car gliding into the bustling hub of activity. He has rearranged his packed schedule to accommodate his mother's insistence that he pick her up personally. As he settled into the driver's seat, he gazed out at the vibrant scene unfolding before him. Through his tinted windows, he watched as travelers hastened to their platforms, their footsteps echoing through the air.the station is a whirlwind of activity, with ticket counters, waiting areas, and the constant announcements creating a sense of urgency.

As the train pulled into the station, his eyes scanned the crowds, eagerly searching for his mother. The moment he spotted her stepping off the train, her eyes scanning the crowd , he quickly got out of the car, his long strides carrying him towards her.

Just as he's about to reach his mother's side, his attention was caught by jalila emerging from the train. She's  dressed in a simple yet elegant black abaya and veil, her beauty radiating like a beacon. Her  face is bare of makeup, except for a subtle shine of lip gloss that highlighted her pink plump lips. Her dark eyes sparkled with a quiet confidence, and her smooth, porcelain skin seemed to glow in the fluorescent lighting of the station. His  gaze is drawn to her, his eyes lingering for a moment.

Fa TabarakAllah ahsanul khaliqeen(Praise be to Allah, the best of creators," )he  find  himself mumbling under his breath, his eyes still fixed on her. He quickly composed himself, shaking off the distraction, and continued towards his mother.

As he approached her, he forced a smile, "Hajiya, welcome back!" He collected her handbag, and they headed towards his car. His mother broke the silence, "I heard that Mahmoud is getting married." He nodded, his gaze drifting towards the window, where he noticed a white Mercedes parked in front of them. She gracefully entered the car, and his mind began to wander again.

His mother's voice brought him back to reality, "Ahmad, are you alright? Where is your mind going?"

He quickly regained his composure, "mommy, I hear you, Aiki Alhamdulilah ."

"Did I ask you about your work?" his mother questioned, her voice laced with amusement. "I pray this work will not drive you crazy! I'm talking about something, and you're still thinking about work."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Hajiya, you know me and my work,kin sani ai. It's always on my mind, but I'm listening, I promise!" He smiled, trying to reassure her that he is present in the conversation, despite his mind briefly wandering back to the girl from the train.

"I mentioned that I heard Mahmoud is getting married - his mother find him a wife from a good family background, and the girl is very decent and religious.

Masha Allah. He responded curtly, knowing exactly where the conversation is headed."

"I also remarked to her, 'Given your busy schedule, I think it's a good idea for her to find a suitable match for you among our relatives.' His mother's response left him taken aback, and he is momentarily speechless."

"Mom, not me! Please, not now! I'm not ready for marriage. My work is keeping me too busy."

"Your demanding work schedule leaves you little time for a personal life, so I've taken it upon myself to find a suitable partner from our family circle. Fahima, who has recently graduated from Harvey Mudd College in the USA, is an exceptional young woman - kind, intelligent, and well-mannered. I would like you to meet her.

"Mom, please, I implore you to wait. I'm not inclined towards arranged marriages. If you desire a daughter-in-law, I will find one myself and introduce her to you when the time is right."

"When will the right time come?" she questioned, her voice laced with skepticism. "I don't even think you're okay. How can a normal person think they don't have time for a girl, let alone think about marriage?

Astagafurillah, mom!" I'm okay, I told you not to worry about that. Insha Allah, when the right time comes, I'll bring her to you." his lips curled into a thin line, but now, please stop talking about all this arranged marriage stuff. Don't give me a heart attack and strike me dead!"

The car ride continued, with his mother persistently pressing him about marriage, to which he responded curtly, only when necessary. Upon arriving at their estate, he parked the car in the parking space and they made their way to their residence.

Exhausted, he headed straight to his room, collapsing onto the couch, desperate for a nap. but with the Zuhr prayer fast approaching, he couldn't indulge in sleep. Moreover, he has a obligation to meet with his father, who is at home. his mind began to wander, consumed by thoughts of the girl he had seen at the train station. It is undoubtedly love at first sight, but he knows that their paths might never cross again unless fate intervene.

After performing his ablutions in the bathroom, he exited his room only to find his father and brother waiting outside, ready to head to the mosque together. He joined them, and they walked to the mosque.

After prayers, they stayed to listen to the Imam's announcement that he would begin the Tafsir tomorrow, marking the first day of Ramadan. He emphasized the significance of the holy month, and the congregation dispersed soon after. As they exited the mosque, they made their way to the parlor, where his father lingered outside, exchanging greetings with people.

His mother making a list of essential items needed for Ramadan, which his sister diligently wrote down. Ahmad, Hajara told me that she has been calling you, but you're not picking up her calls his mother said looking at him.

I left the phone in my room and settled into a chair, playfully pulling his sister's braids. "Kakan daddy," he chuckled, "where is Afnan.

Ya Ameer? Please don't start." what kind of Kakan, daddy? It sounds like I'm too old." His sister replied, "Afnan is in the neighborhood playing."

He nodded, "We're going to the barbershop now," he stood up, looking at his mom, "Kai tashi muje" (let's go). He glanced at his brother Fuad, and they headed out of the parlor to his car....

"Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! I've been enjoying some great series lately (guilty pleasure, I know!), 😂but I know I've been slow with updates. Sorry about that!

Despite the short chapters, I hope you're still enjoying the story. I'll keep writing as much as I can, and I'm excited to share the next parts with you! It seems like Ameer might have find his love... but we'll have to wait and see how it unfolds!

Thanks for sticking with me, and I appreciate your patience. If I get the chance, I'll update until I met you later , insha Allah.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share - it means a lot to me! Take care, and happy reading!🥂🤍


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