Chapter 16

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Mamah urge us to head to the suya spot. I scanned the busy area, filled with people doing their evening chores. The suya vendor is grilling away, enticing us with the savory aroma of meat and awara . I love visiting Katsina with my cousins we always have a blast. It is 5:30 pm, and we decided to take a stroll through Kofar Arewa, where my grandmother and some relatives reside.

"I'm not going anywhere, let's call him over here and ask him to give us 2k worth of suya," I said, recalling Ya Hamad's words that it's not proper for a girl to stand in front of the suya vendor to buy. "It's better we call him personally and give him the money," I added.

"Do you expect him to come over here to us?" Aisha exclaimed looking at me skeptically. I rolled my eyes, "He's coming here, and we're not going over there, please."

Mamah rolled her eyes and called out to the suya vendor as he approach us . "How much is one stick?" she asked him.

"Five hundred naira per stick," he replied.

"Okay, give us two thousand naira worth." Do you have a POS machine?" I questioned rummaging through my bag for my debit card. "ready to pay.

He nodded and pulled out his POS machine. I inserted my card and entered my PIN, and the transaction is processed successfully. After a while he handed us a leather filled with succulent suya.

"This pride and attitude of yours will kill you one day," mamah said talking about my earlier insistence on calling the vendor over.

I rolled my eyes I'm just trying to avoid unnecessary stress. Besides, it's all about efficiency!"we walked back, my phone suddenly rang, startling me. I glanced at the screen and saw "Mr. Detective" flashing on the display. this guy is relentless! Can't he just leave me alone?" I recalled our last encounter at the office, where I managed to slip away unnoticed. Fortunately, he didn't recognize me.

Mamah and Aisha looked at me . "Don't you think it's time to give him a chance?" Aisha asked, her voice filled with persuasion. "Try being friends with him; it might be a good start. Get to know him, and if you don't like him, you can always distance yourself later," she suggested.

"Come on, he's not going to give up until you accept him. Mamah chimed in,You might as well accept the fact and give him a chance. That stubborn head of yours needs to understand that!"she rolled her eyes and continued, "Speaking of which, he called me yesterday and I told him you're in Katsina."

"Wait, what? You told him I'm in Katsina?" I asked, my mouth agape in surprise. "Why would you do that? He has no reason to know where I am. Have you two formed an alliance against me or something?"did he bribe you to team up against me?" I questioned, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Why would he bribe me? He's my in-law, after all," Mamah said, You should set aside your pride and be friends with him first. I told you to pick up his call."

We entered the house, we spotted Ya Hamad, Ya Marwan, and the other men engaged in a lively discussion on the side of the house. while we made our way towards our grandmother, who is sitting with Aunty Yesmeen, Aunty Bilkisu, Aunty Yesmeen is busy making calls, likely finalizing preparations for her upcoming wedding. Aunty Bilkisu, who is visibly pregnant, sat beside our grandmother, her pregnancy prominently showing.

Our grandmother looked up at us with a warm smile What did you bring for me, she questioned ?"

"We got suya, but Inna, you know it's not suitable for your teethMamah replied. We'll get you something else, don't worry!"Mamah and meat are like five and six, she loves meat like nothing else.

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