Chapter 9

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"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ... the ones who see things differently — they're not fond of rules ... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things ... They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius ..." – Steve Jobs


"Ramadan is already 15 days in, and I must say, Alhamdulillah, I've been skipping work due to laziness. to be honest, even if I went to work, I doubt I could muster the energy to lift a finger, let alone type on a keyboard. After waking up from my deep slumber, I've been crawling back into bed. During Ramadan, my daily routine usually includes spending as much time as possible making dua and reciting azkar.

Today, we're supposed to go to Sahad store to buy Eid outfits, but I'm too lazy to get out of bed. I know Ummi or Aunty Yasmeen will be coming soon, shouting my name to get me to hurry up.

So for my best i better get up from the bed and get ready I finally got out of bed, don't call me lazy! I'm still wearing my comfortable pajamas, and I'm not ready to change into something else just yet. I ambled over to my closet, which is filled with a bunch of clothes, but I couldn't decide what to wear. That's when I spotted my grey jalbab - I'll just slip it on over my pajamas and call it a day."

"I exited my room, leaving the jalbab behind, and made my way to Ummi's room. She is in the midst of preparation, her maroon hijab already in place.

Jalila, you're still in your pajamas!' she remarked, her expression a mix of surprise and disapproval.

I flashed a toothy grin, 'Ummi, I merely came to inquire if you're done readying yourself.' Her response is stern, 'You most certainly are not going out in those pajamas!' which only served to amplify my amusement."

"I quickly exited the room to avoid further discussion about going out in my pajamas. I returned to my room, picked up my jalbab, and put it on. I grabbed my bag and debit card, then headed to my shoe rack, where my trusty Crocs awaited. I settled onto the couch, scrolling through my missed calls - an unknown number, two from Mamah, and one from Aisha. I made a mental note to call them back later, after Taraweeh prayer, as I didn't have the energy to chat much at the moment. Ummi always prays to Allah to grant her a long life, so she can witness my marriage and see how my future husband will handle my laziness - a thought that made me chuckle."

"The sound of a car horn pierced the air, prompting me to rise and venture outside, where Aunty Yasmeen and Ummi awaited by the car. The driver is already seated, and they entered the back seat as I claimed the passenger seat. Though I could hear the gentle hum of their conversation, my energy is sapped, and I can't muster the strength to participate - the fasting has taken its toll, indeed. Upon arriving at Sahad Store, we disembarked and stepped inside, ascending to the third floor via the escalator.

"I carefully chose three exquisite laces and three attamfa with intricate patterns. Next, I moved on to the abaya section, selecting four stunning pieces that caught my eye. As I turned to rejoin Ummi, who is still engrossed in the lace selection, I encountered Fatima, her arms gracefully cradling a basket overflowing with her shopping treasures."

"She smiled at me, but it seemed like a forced, insincere smile - the kind that only a betrayer would wear. I didn't even think she deserved a response from me. I tried to walk away, but she grasped my hand. 'It's not what you think,' she said. 'I can come home and explain.' Despite my short temper, I didn't want to unleash my anger on her right then. I was determined to keep my calm, at least for the moment."

"Fatima refused to let go of my hand, despite the murderous glare I gave her. If she didn't release her grip, I am prepared to slap her right there in front of everyone I didn't care who witnessed it. 'You're a betrayer, and you don't even deserve a word from me,' I hissed. 'You love him, and now you have him. Go deal with it.' With that, I snatched my hand free and walked away, leaving her standing there."

"After hours of shopping, we returned home around 5 pm, and I was eager to go and pray, which is the most important thing. I also want to share my encounter with fatima to mamah.

"As soon as I finished praying, I lay on the bed and dialed Mamah's number, facetiming her. After a few rings, her face popped up on the screen. Mamah is not only my favorite cousin but also my best friend, someone I can confide in without hesitation.

What's up?' She  she exclaimed.

I didn't pick up your call earlier because we were out with Ummi and Aunty Yesmeen. I exclaim we went to sahad and guess who I saw."

tell me, who did you saw today in Sahad?' She raised an eyebrow, and I sense her curiosity. 'Did you find me an in-law? Should I start preparing myself for your marriage?' She winked, and I facepalmed.

No, I saw Fatima,' I exclaimed, and Mamah's expression changed instantly. She stood up, her eyes wide with surprise. 'The stupid girl! Didn't you slap her?'

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I wanted to, but I restrained myself.

She nodded, still looking indignant on my behalf. "I can't believe she has the nerve to approach you after everything she's done."

"I know, right? She's got some nerve,"I agreed, still fuming about the encounter.

She nodded vigorously, her expression mirroring my disgust. "Ugh, don't even get me started on that. She's always been a manipulator, and now she's got him wrapped around her finger."but  don't worry, she may have snatched Nazifi, but she'll never get her hands on my future in-law, who's still on the horizon she wink.

Oh mamah  future in-law? Please, don't even joke about it. After all that's happened, I'm not sure I'm ready to let anyone new into my life."

She chuckled knowingly. "Oh, don't worry, when the right guy comes along, you'll know it. And if you chase him away, I'll have your head on a platter, wallahi dey play! No real man will be able to resist you, and you'll see wonders!" She exclaimed, making me laugh out loud.but I'll have to warn him, if he's brave enough to come into your life, he'll need to be prepared for a stubborn partner like you. You'll keep him on his toes, and he'll need a daily dose of paracetamol and pain relievers to deal with your antics!"

I end up the call, still laughing, and rolled onto my back, Little did I know what the future hold , but I am ready for whatever comes next....

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