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"I'm going to go crazy with these last-minute wedding preparations for Aunty Yesmeen! Our house is in complete disarray, and I've locked myself in my room until my cousins leave for their kamu outfit fitting. The event is taking place at Silver Sand, and tomorrow marks the wedding fatiha. Aunty Yesmeen is also going to be staying in Kaduna after the wedding.

I'm still lounging in my comfortable pajamas, too lazy to change or even take a bath. I am planning to head to Mamah's house later to get ready, but first, I need a nap. Just as I drifted off, my phone started ringing nonstop. I know without checking the ID that it is him - who else would call me at any hour they pleased? None other than Mr. Detective himself."

"Assalamu alaikum. What do you want, for Allah sake? You always seem to know exactly when I'm trying to sleep, and yet you still choose to call me. I snapped at him, my irritation evident in my tone."

He chuckled, 'Assalamu alaiki, feisty one!' Can you please just talk like a normal person for once?" remember what the Quran says in Suratul Luqman, Ayah 19: '
وَٱقْصِدْ فِى مَشْيِكَ وَٱغْضُضْ مِن صَوْتِكَ ۚ إِنَّ أَنكَرَ ٱلْأَصْوَٰتِ لَصَوْتُ ٱلْحَمِيرِ
And be moderate in your pace, and lower your voice. Verily, the most hateful of voices is the braying of donkeys.'

I let my mouth agape. 'What do you mean by all this, ya Sheikh?' I asked, questioning his intentions."

" I mean that even in our interactions, we must strive for balance and humility," he replied, his voice calm and wise. "Just as the Quran advises us to moderate our pace and tone, so too must we approach our conversations with kindness and respect."

"Okay, okay, I know. So what do you want now? I'm hanging up." I said, exasperated.

He chuckled. "Since you don't want to accept my love, let's take it as a friendship, please. This is the little request I'm asking.

You will never give up, will you?" I rolled my eyes. "

I give up on being in a relationship with you, but for friendship, I don't give up."

"Fine," but that doesn't mean you'll continue to blow up my phone with calls anytime you wish. I know that if I didn't accept his friendship, he would never leave me alone. He would keep calling and messaging me, trying to wear me down.

Well, in that case, I promise to respect your wishes ma'am ... most of the time."I'm willing to take what I can get. Even if it's just friendship... for now."he replied and I rolled my eyes this guy is impossible.

Okay, then. Ma'assalam,' I tried to end the call.

Wait, feisty! Don't hang up on me yet. He reply too much in a hurry.

"'Don't mention that name again!' I warned, my voice stern. 'Keep it out of your mouth!

He just chuckled, his voice low and husky. 'I'll call you later, Jalila. I need to get to know you better than just the fierce sight I've seen. Take care, feisty Lila. Ma'assalam.'

He hang up the call, leaving me speechless and my mouth agape. His words lingered in my mind, a mix of frustration swirling inside me."cocky bastard.

"I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, deciding to start my day with a refreshing bath and a hot shower. I then got dressed in my favorite atamfa skirt and blouse, which featured beautiful pink leaves and white and brown patterns. The blouse has a stunning stone-work design around the neckline and a puffy sleeve. After spraying my perfume, I opted for a natural look and skipped makeup.

I tied my headtie in a stylish turban-ture kaga tsiya style and slipped on my comfortable Hermès flat shoes. As I stood by the window, basking in the warm sunlight, I snapped a photo and shared it on Snapchat with the caption 'Getting ready for the day!'"

"This wedding is truly a blessing! I'm so grateful to my aunt, Rukkaiya, who came all the way from Katsina she handed me her car keys. She insisted that I use it for the wedding. As I grasped the keys, I made a quick escape through the back door, eager to get away from the chaos and noise. The sudden silence is a welcome respite as I made my way to the car.

"Where are you, Jalila?' Mamah voice burst through my phone's speakers as I drove to their house.

'Mamah, just calm down and be patient, I'm on my way already,' I replied,'There's a holdup on Alkali Road, but I'll be there soon.'"

I arrived at the house, I parked the car in the parking space and stepped inside. The house is eerily quiet, with most of the family members already at our house. I made my way upstairs to her room, and as I opened the door, She is already dressed in a beautiful lace gown with intricate stone work, her headtie tied in a simple yet elegant style.

'I've been waiting for you like forever!' she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with a hint of annoyance. 'It takes you so long to get ready and come over, you leave me alone in the house like a ghost!'

I rolled my eyes 'I'm here now, let's get going!' and we headed out towards the car, bound for the makeup studio."

"we settled down in the makeup studio, the makeup began to work her magic. Mamah chatted with the makeup artist , discussing the latest fashion trends, while I sat quietly pressing my phone.the makeup artist finished my makeup and stepped back to admire her work. 'You look stunning, Jalila!' she exclaimed.

Mamah nodded in agreement, 'You're going to knock Ameer's socks off, she winked at me !'.I rolled my eyes feeling a flutter in my chest.

So, you're just going to smile and not spill the beans? I sense some secrets brewing!"she arched her brows, trying to stifle her laughter.

I facepalmed, shaking my head. "This girl is crazy, no doubt about it."We have just finished our makeup session and are getting ready to head out for the kamu event. Our banter is in full swing,

So, what's the scoop with you and Ameer? Spill the tea!"Mamah exclaim , "As we left the studio.

I rolled my eyes Mamah, you know I'm not one to kiss and tell. Besides, Ameer can be a bit...overbearing at times."I accepted his friendship just so he'd leave me in peace

Ya Allah did you just call him Ameer today.?She let out a loud whoop, her excitement palpable. "Yesss, I knew it! You two are meant to be!"

"Brainless soul..." I muttered under my breath, laughing..

"Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in updates. School and assignments have been keeping me busy, and I often come home feeling exhausted.🥱

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! Accepting his friendship is a great step forward, isn't it?And mamah is a whole vibe😂

I have a small request: in addition to voting, can you also leave a comment or two? Your feedback and engagement mean a lot to me, and it will help me determine how to proceed with the next chapter.

Thank you for your support, and don't forget to vote and comment! Have a great night!"and enjoy reading 🥂


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