Chapter 14

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"I thought Mr. Detective is joking when he said he'd visit my house on the third day of Eid. But he proved me wrong. After I ignored his call, he texted me, claiming he is outside. I looked out the window, and sure enough, his sleek GLE AMG GLE63 is parked outside. To my dismay, he threatened to come in if I didn't come out!

As I gazed at his car, I saw him emerge, dressed in a white kaftan with intricate embroidery, paired with a matching cap. A Patek Philippe wristwatch adorned his hand, and he hold both his iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Fold in a confident grasp. His neatly trimmed beard added to his composed appearance. I was taken aback, my mouth hanging open in surprise. This guy audacity knew no bounds!"

He closed the car door and I folded my arms, eyeing his every move. He is heading straight for my father's side of the house, and I know I have to act fast. I quickly dialed his number, watching him through the window as he glanced at the screen. To my outrage, he declined my call and continued on his way! did he really just decline my call? I'm going to kill this guy...'"

"I paced back and forth in my room, phone in hand, waiting for what felt like an eternity. Finally, my father called out to me, his voice firm and commanding. "That's it, I'm done today. Ya Allah!" I quickly wrapped my veil around me and made my way to the living room, where my parents sat in the armchairs. "Assalamu alaikum," I murmured softly, settling onto the rug. "Baba, you called me?"

My father's stern voice replied, "Ahmad is waiting for you outside. Go and meet him now." My mother didn't even glance at me, and I wondered what this guy had told them. My father's voice echoed through the room, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of trepidation. Yes, Baba, I'll meet him now." I looked down at my fingers, fidgeting nervously, unsure of what lay ahead.

"My mother intervened, her voice firm . "Jalila, at least this guy is responsible and calm. You should change your ways and habits for the better. Change your ways, and if you say something improper to him, you'll have to answer to me."

I bowed my head, holding back tears. "Ummi, I'm so sorry, Baba, I'm so sorry for disappointing you. Insha'Allah, nothing like this will ever happen again."

With that, I stood up, determination in my heart, and made my way out of the living room and into the outside world. I didn't care about my appearance; I am resolute in confronting him. He would face the consequences of his actions today.he's sitting inside his car. I marched over to the other side of the car, my anger still simmering. He looked up and saw my fiery expression before nodding his head and putting his phone aside.

"Are you satisfied?" I clenched my teeth, my anger and frustration boiling over. "Are you happy that my parents are against me? Can't you understand that I don't love you? Wai ana soyaya dole ne?" I don't want to see your face, I hate you with every fiber of my being mr detective I spat, my eyes blazing with fury as a single tear slipped from my eyes.

Mr. Detective ?" he exclaimed, his voice gentle and calm. "What name is that? Whose name is that?" He arched his brows, his eyes filled with curiosity.

I glared at him fiercely, and he chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Don't cry,please . It breaks my heart to see you crying. Stop crying, then we can talk." He paused, his voice gentle. "Koh kina jin dadin yi min shagwaba ne" If you feel okay with that, then I'll let you cry.

I hate you, I hate you, I spat, looking him straight in the eye. And again, a soft smile spread across his lips. "Jalila," he said, his voice low and soothing. This is the third time he has called my name, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"I'm deeply sorry that I made you cry; it was never my intention," he said, his voice gentle and apologetic. "Please, don't cry anymore. If you don't want me in your house, I promise to respect your wishes and never step foot in it again. I understand that love can't be forced, but I have a small request: please refrain from saying you hate me. It hurts me to hear those words. I'll simply leave your life as you desire, but don't harbor hatred towards me."

He paused, then chuckled. "You're the first person, man or woman, who has ever spoken to me with such boldness, and I must say, I admire your feisty attitude." He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a bundle of 500 naira notes. "Please accept this gift from me. Happy Eid; barka da sallah don't refuse, for the sake of Allah."

I looked at him, then back at the money, still seething with anger and frustration. "Did I ever say I needed your money? We have enough in our household, so take your gift and never show your face to me again. That's enough!"I slammed the door shut behind me and walked away, back to my room.

As I removed my veil and tossed it onto the bed, I also took off my headtie. I watched as he reversed his car and the gate man opened the gate for him to leave. A single tear slipped from my eyes, and for a moment, I felt a pang of guilt. Maybe I have been too harsh. After all, he has come all the way from Abuja just to see me. He looked somewhat dejected when I rejected the money, and maybe I should have turned him down more gently.

But then I reflected on how my world has been turned upside down since I met him. My family are against me because of him, and now that he's out of my life, a gentle smile spread across my lips. I felt a sense of relief and closure, knowing that I have made the right decision for myself.

And so, Jalila made her decision... or did she? It seems she's still playing with her chances. Will Ameer give up on her or will he continue to pursue her heart? The uncertainty lingers, leaving us wondering what's to come.

Stay tuned for the next chapters to find out! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share your thoughts. And as you drift off to sleep, may your night be peaceful and your dreams be sweet.

Thank you for joining me on this story


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