6. Please never leave me

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A month later

Me and Adarsh were sitting at our college canteen with our seniors Elisha and Sparsh,discussing over the upcoming seminar of psychology

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Me and Adarsh were sitting at our college canteen with our seniors Elisha and Sparsh,discussing over the upcoming seminar of psychology. "Have you guys heard that there's an external gonna come to inspect our seminar?"asked Adarsh. Three of us shook our head in denial. "It's Dr. L.K Mehta",he informed.

Well the thing about Adarsh is that even though he's a fresher but keeps an eye on everything that happens in each nook and corner of the college.

From knowing which level of paper are gonna set by the teachers to which teacher is the assumed right hand of the Dean to which institute is a rival of ours and which couple are just putting a facade of love for their personal benefits, the term gossip monger could not have done more justice to him.

"I did a reasearch on some well known psychologists of the recent times but never heard of him",said Sparsh. "Neither did I",I agreed. "He's expertise in paranormal psychology has gained him a lot of fame and recognition from foreign countries",Adarsh fed us with the info "Probably that's why you guys are unaware coz there's not much scope of this field in our country".

"Well the fact that he chose to work in paranormal field of psychology inspite of having so many others itself makes me surprise and what fuels it, is the fact that he's now an acclaimed and renowned figure"Elisha said,a little taken aback. "Why don't you directly admit that you're scared just by the mere mention of otherworldly things"Sparsh pulled her leg.

God this two! Whenever engaged in a discussion,all they just need the slightest chance to bicker and pull each other's leg irrespective of the ocassion and place.

"Had I been scared then why would I've chosen the subject in the first place?" Elisha tried to defend herself.
"So that you are surrounded by plenty of experts to treat you free of cost incase you are diagnosed with any disorder!, isn't it Aadu?" Sparsh countered keeping his hand on mine.

His reply and Elisha's  annoyed face resulted into me and Adarsh giggle out loudly, but suddenly our laughter session came to an end with the sound of a person clearing his throat. Turning our heads back,me and Sparsh saw Devyaan standing with a stoic expression while his gaze directly bore into our hands as if it could burn a hole anytime soon.

With two swift strides he reached our table. As he occupied the space to my other side, immediately he pulled my chair towards him thus detaching Sparsh and my hands in process. Four of us gaped at him silently demanding an answer to his actions. Well it was me who was demanding coz the rest seemed to be puzzled.

"What? It's just that the sunlight was falling directly on her face from that angle. Why are you guys staring at me like that?" He shrugged. His gesture and reply both twitched my stomach in a different way which happens quite often nowadays. Even  his small smile or mere presence is enough for that.

Though his excuse made sense but this unexpected special care with his plain response made me feel a little uneasy in front of the three who were still trying to process if it was for real. But soon Sitaara and others joined us and the awkward tension eased right away.

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